Love when your supporter can’t find your country on a map
-Russia shares a border with Egypt.
-Thinks Erdogan is the president of Israel.
-Mom owned a Cuban sugar plantation before revolution
-Russia shares a border with Egypt.
Neo Abbasid dynasty moment. may the light of Allah spread from Tunis to Kabul
-Thinks Erdogan is the president of Israel.
And that it’s pronounced “Aragorn”
With takes this dumb, I sometimes suspect these talking heads are doing a “Nigerian Princess phone scam” thing. They’re intentionally saying dumb shit to filter their fan bases of people who may be smart enough to eventually catch onto the grift, to make sure they surrounded by total sycophants.
This is hilarious. I love that Destiny, a dude pretty much only known for stirring shit, contrarianism and bullshit takes, is their biggest online defender. This is how desperate they are for any good press. Who’s next on their list of supporters? Logan Paul?
is he the dipshit that did a mock lawyer exam thing on stream to “prove” he was smart after getting owned in a silly internet debate?
yes he also debated someone from Vietnam about the Vietnam war and his final ‘‘thought’’ was that the strongs deserve to pound the weaks
Good thing the strong won that one
His point was that the Vietnamese casualties are justified because they are weak
So Destiny thinks the 58K American soldiers that died in the Vietnam War were weak?
Nonsense. They would have won if they hadn’t been stabbed in the back by the fifth columnist lefties.
All debate streamers should be sent to
Can’t find Israel on a map? Destiny can’t even find his own ass in his pants and if he could, he’d spent the rest of the day debating every single fart that comes out of it.
Destiny can’t even find his own ass in his pants
Tbh I get that too since I can’t find a ounce of humanity in Destiny
He seems to be a social outcast in the streamer community and his audience must be incels and boomers. Just thinking what makes a person such a total piece of shit.
Wait can he seriously not find Israel on a map? Like even if you don’t know where it is maps usually portray disputed borders lmao. Like look for a country with multiple internal regions demarked by dotted lines??
I’m never sure how precise the “Can you find this country on the map?” game is expecting you to be. Like, if you point at Lebanon by mistake, is that disqualifying? Or are people just giving up and saying “Idk”? Are they pointing to Latvia and getting confused?
But if you handed me a world map, I doubt I’d be able to pick out Israel as “a country with multiple internal regions” because the resolution probably isn’t going to give me that info.
Honestly I’ve always wanted somebody to spring one of those “find a country” tests on me. I’m quite good a geography, I may not be a 100% correct but if you asked me where Botswana was I’d know it’s just north of South Africa.
I think it would be funny if the guy who did the best on the geography test was also a massive commie.
Edit: also fyi there are online geography tests where you can to guess the location of a place and it measures how close you go in kilometers so the farther off you got the worse your score is. So if you picked Lebanon when asked where Israel is you’d still score okay.
I don’t know, some of these countries are pretty hard to find:
I selected them all and am rotating them in my head rn
They love complex views on topics where they’re clearly wrong, but god forbid they take a complex look at pacifism, capitalism or socialist states, ‘tankies’ are just obviously wrong in every way (trust me bro).
Honestly I wish Tankies turned out to be wrong more often. The world would be a better place if we couldn’t consistently predict the actions of the Empire by forecasting the worst possible action and outcome as fact.
The situation is very complex ok, if you commies could actually read and do some research you’d realise that our crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing campaigns are very justified actually.