Theres people in there saying that China botched “its transition to capitalism” worse than Russia lol
Yea China’s economy is fked which is why they’re the biggest economy rn
They literally cannot say a single good thing about china to the extent they would rather deny reality lmao
They believe inframaterialism is real but also that’s bad because it means the hiveminded asians can succeed despite not following the rules.
If we post enough china will collapse in 20 hours videos maybe it manifest itself into reality
You’ll never outpost the Chinese, tho
China is always and forever the image from the 1980s where polluted slums are advertised as the legacy of Communism.
I can’t believe the communists destroyed China like that. I’m sure China before 1949 was a thriving industrial powerhouse where everyone ate caviar and drank champagne!
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And then a detached floating Marx head rode in on a tsunami and ate all the food at the behest of Mao Zedong, who invented famines in 1949.
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I didn’t see that but I did see a comment saying that it is bad that china has a low cost of living because it “distorts the labor market”.
I am not going to subject myself to further brainworm exposure.
the maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry
don’t ever change
“China bad. They built a train station.”
nooooo you don’t understand, they aren’t running it like a private business
Noooooo you can’t make poor rural areas less dependent on cars, it is not profitable!
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“They’re doing the environment good but for all the wrong reasons. The unmitigated greed is dizzying.”
“Oh sure public transit is easy when you’re not exclusively doing it for profits!”
Xi Jinping wants to rely less on coal because it’s profitable. Elon Mungus wants to transition to electric vehicles because he cares deeply about my well being, and he wants to reward my love for him. That’s the difference between the demonic communists and capitalists.
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You build a high speed rail endpoint somewhere, and development will happen there. That’s what I always point out.
That’s why dense populations are always on rivers, because you can transport things along them easily. Trains are the same more or less.
It’s easier to build infrastructure before people are living there en masse.
O fukk, a railway is a lot like a metallic river
A lot of posts on there are from English teachers in china giving advice to each other on how to take advantage of their students to sleep with them
I’m not going to praise Chinese bullet trains, for example. They’re nice but l’ve been to some really empty train stations in Xinjiang and Gansu that probably shouldn’t have been built.
The government hates its minorities so much they built high quality transportation for them to use whenever they feel like it, but they should be more efficient and abolish all of it because I don’t see any pictures of Uyghurs riding it
Took too long to try to find that comment about “empty train stations” because I was going to respond with either “transit oriented development, in which likely it will be built up in a few years’ time” or what I would more likely say “theyre all riding this one guys mum”
empty train stations
Holy shit are people so fucking dumb now that they can’t understand planning ahead?
Building things before they’re needed is good actually. I am so tired of waiting for infrastructure to be built years after it’s needed.
I will never understand people who don’t get efficientcy. We can plan ahead, we have the data to know what an area is going to be like, not planning ahead for that is just stupid and negligent.
So is there ANYTHING that the CCP or China in general can be credited with?
To quote some guy on
I don’t even see any politics on my instance! listen dude, i actually support china because i play genshin impact
That guy was great lmao
/r/China is really just a hate sub
That is the weirdest handwave of chinas train system lol
How does one even explain that to themselves
Because building infrastructure for the poor, the underserved, the historically downtrodden, and predominantly racial minorities to help raise their economic situation? That sounds like communism to me, and we all know communism is bad because it doesn’t lead to ever-increasing profits.
Don’t forget that building infrastructure in anticipation of future need is a ghost city pyramid scheme economic collapse waiting to happen (2021 edition).
It’s just an extension of the ghost city narrative.
Yeah not wrong, makes a lot of sense
Ok but seriously, is there anything that the CPC is bad at?
Their neutrality makes them popular with both developing countries who want to get support from China and the US, but it also means they don’t push for changes in corrupt and tyrannical governments, so you get shit friendliness with countries like Israel and Saudi Arabia. But compare that to the US, where they’ll nominally force you to “improve” your government and human rights, pillage your country, coup it when someone stands up to them, and STILL be friendly with Israel and Saudi Arabia.
now I’m imagining Iran with China’s system of government as opposed to a shitty theocracy
We could’ve had that if it weren’t for the CIA and Shah of Iran
You know that fat cocksucka says I look like the Shah of Iran?
…I never got that at all
Their neutrality makes them popular with both developing countries
ASEAN and India would disagree with that.
Not gonna say you’re wrong about India, obviously there’s a ton of animosity there - the infighting over who should join BRICS+ really exemplifies it - but when you look at things like trade flows over the last decade then they have been constantly increasing. I think part of China’s charm, strategy even, is that even if the government of X country dislikes China for Y political reason, the economic logic of increasing ties in a capitalist system is hard to fight against. Capitalists want profit.
A little more confused about ASEAN, can you expand on that? Sure, not everybody in ASEAN is particularly glad about China’s increasing regional power, but most of them seem to be okay outside of naval disputes. This statement published just a couple weeks ago at the 26th ASEAN-China Summit sounds fairly positive about their relationship and boosting ties.
“Hi, do we ever have an offer on rope for you!”
Gay rights
foreign policy
their foreign policy is better than America’s but they’d have to dig past the bedrock of hell itself to even approach that bar
Yes foreign policy is a very weak area
we can simply wait, give some nudges, and everything will fall into place
I found it really disappointing when they gave weapons to the Philippines government to use against the revolutionary army there.
Don’t look at the factions China supported during the Sino Soviet Split
Not a fan of TikTok tbh.
I like TikTok, but I hate my semi-addiction to TikTok. I could be reading theory instead of mindlessly swiping those dumb videos.
I always found it funny that they crap on China for empty developments not yet populated because westoids are only familiar with the same crumbling congested infrastructure with absolutely nothing new ever built because that means the property prices can’t be inflated exponentially.
Things tend to be empty when they’re first developed or in the process of being completed. Not that a westoid would know because they haven’t seen anything new in their lifetimes.
In general Western infrastructure lags demand because the economic case doesn’t pass until demand ratchets up.
What’s missed is that lots of infrastructure induce demand.
is there ANYTHING that the CCP or China in general can be credited with?
Look at the tag on your shirt or any of your appliances, they sign that shit
Lol their dad and my dad should hang out. My dad loves both Mao and Bill Clinton, in equal measure. He is literally a CPC party member (I assume expired but he still has his membership card) and is China’s biggest defender in the US, but he is also really proud of being an American. Like his dream is to have the two countries mutually agree to combine into one country.
As you can imagine the recent ratcheting up of tensions has really dampened his mood.
Also, one of his funnier crank opinions is that Portugal should have kept Macao becuase they bought it fair and square in the 16th century, but China should have invaded Hong Kong to show the British who’s boss.
This tattoo but it’s Mao and Bill Clinton
Ah, so close:
😍he hates the British that much huh?
The Britain tarnished the honor of China and must be destroyed, meanwhile my parents met at very lovely Portuguese couple on their European vacation and now the Portuguese are honorary Chinese.
our dads should all hang out because my dad is also kinda similar, but since we’re not american, he hates america with a passion
hes like a kinda right wing dengist with very reactionary views on many things but still supports China because he has to
he hero worships Deng and thinks that he was the one that saved China from madness with his market reforms
It’s so interesting the wide array of people that exist who fully accept China’s success but don’t understand the politics or economics at all
My dad loves every secretary general because China has been a constant rocketship for all of them and is neutral on the West because it was genuinely infinitely better when he immigrated but knows they’ve completely stalled since the 90s compared to China
My mom who’s family’s business and property got taken by Map loves Deng because she thinks he was a capitalist and hates Xi and current China for hurting capitalists again
Your dad would love
Yeah, people aren’t supposed to be in trial stations. If there are in thr station tha teams the train hasn’t taken them anywhere
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To a liberal, it is far more important to be “morally virtuous” and “pure” than it is to actually improve the world. So if China is deemed to have “impure” reasons for renewables, then it doesn’t count, and if the US “tries” to implement renewables, but fails, that’s ok, because they tried really hard.
Capitalist ideology in general, Žižek maintains, consists precisely in the overvaluing of belief – in the sense of inner subjective attitude – at the expense of the beliefs we exhibit and externalize in our behavior. So long as we believe (in our hearts) that capitalism is bad, we are free to continue to participate in capitalist exchange.
Capitalist Realism chapter 2
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It’s so stupid
I think they do the flip side of this too, where (AES country) tries to provide (good thing) but failed or was only partially successful then they suck and are bad and killed 100 million.
Then you have good strong (Capitalist country) doesn’t give a fuck about providing (good thing) and so when they fail to provide it that’s okay. It’s your fault for not getting it for yourself!
where (AES country) tries to provide (good thing) but failed or was only partially successful then they suck and are bad and killed 100 million.
For example:
but they’re not even applying this moral standard consistently, considering how these libs are all pro-capital and already think that financial incentive should govern all of industry
Can’t find the relevant article unfortunately, so here’s a somewhat relevant one.
I assume you aren’t looking for Masses, Elites, and Rebels. Maybe “China Has Billionaires”?
Nuance is for losers.
There are so many aspects of China that are awesome. There are also quite a few things that I don’t agree with or like. How hard is it to understand you can agree AND disagree at the same time?
The anti-china propaganda and other similar bullshit doesn’t help either. Hard for someone without that understanding to get over the hurdle of “bad thing” to support any good things.
I’m high AF and had a lot of trouble writing this. To summarize, if you believe China did a good then you can praise that. Even if you also believe they did a bad.
It’s not “their team” doing it. That’s it.