Thread full of Nazis talk
There was a racist who suggested “an Austrian man’s dark arts” as a solution. Just the casual hitlering going on is so bad.
They think they’re so clever when they say stuff like this too. They actually think they’re fooling people with this stuff, even though it isn’t a dogwhistle, it’s screaming through a megaphone.
Average r/Europe Poster
concentration camps
forced deportation
Naval gunnery
Yep, average discourse from the Hitler continent
2003 : support the invasion and occupation of Iraq, destabilizing the middle east and creating millions of refugees.
2011 : support the annihilation of Libya, destabilizing North Africa and creating millions of refugees.
2013: support the intervention in Syria , funding and training extremists and creating millions more refugees.
2014 - 2022: support coups, bombing campaigns and military actions throughout North Africa, creating millions more refugees.
2023: “Wow, where are all these refugees coming from? We need to put them in camps!”
Also: decades of deliberately covering up greenhouse gas effects on climate, thereby increasing the rate and damage of natural disasters, causing millions of refugees (soon to be billions)
But m-muh democratic values, le evbul dictator can not remain in power.
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Vesuvius didn’t erupt hard enough.
And i can bet my left nut that 99% of these refugees support Russia.
brainworm singularity
Could it be that there are legitimate reasons people in the global south might support Russia?
No, it’s the shape of the North African brain pan that’s wrong.
Fuckers have so many brainworms they should be a mind flayer by now.
*As the worms in your brain tingle, power courses through you. Authority.*
redditor bootlickers are deepthroating those True Soles
They most likely dont. Not that this would change their opinion. Western Media/propaganda has most reach and it is the strongest
i mean… a shining example of european democracy = fascism, but they are deporting hungarians… i cant decide.
which country is this anyway? :D
which country is this anyway? :D
Without even playing HoI, that can be only one - Romania.
im angry crying reading that filth comment section. go fuck white people i hate them so much, they deserve the worst. every white person who isnt a comrade is my fucking enemy fuck these liberal fascist shits.
It’s just sickening seeing open racism with no pushback. Exact same shit as the amerikkkans whining about immigrants and Mexicans, but these scum probably don’t even think of themselves as racist.
every white person who isnt a comrade
Nah listen I appreciate the charity but I’m willing to take one for the team. Just unleash the FOXDIE virus on white people, it’ll be worth it.
It’s exhausting, these people “want to protect” Christian values but turn away those who are in need. God literally destroyed sodom and Gomorrah for turning away those in need and violating their guests.
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It’s not so much that anyone wants to be there but that it’s a theater of operations that you can not ignore when waging a political battle.
I think it’s fun to make very socialist comments in subs that are very much not socialist, but like not use any socialist words, and then get a lot of upvotes from people who would call me a tankie in a heartbeat if they realized. I don’t think I’m changing anyone’s mind btw, I don’t think I’m doing anything important, I just think it’s funny to write one of those a couple times a month lmao.
I also just need some outlet to disagree with libs on the internet, as lots of sorta-libs-who-don’t-follow-politics surround me irl, and I don’t want to be that guy to them, as they are my friends. It’s also just fun to practice arguments at random people, so you can see what works, and what doesn’t without any real consequence. There are people I actually want to convince in real life, might as well prototype my arguments when I can.
Also it’s entertaining to yell at fascists. Like yeah, I should touch grass, but Redditors being mean to me doesn’t really bother me, so it’s not like I’m losing anything doing it. It is nice however to have this place, where I can go to relax a bit, if I don’t feel like having /r/europe people in my replies.
I gave up on reddit like 4 years ago when chapo got banned. I just lurk around there nowadays and participate in some niche communities that are not political.
These same people will claim unironically that Europe must be preserved because it’s a bastion of human rights and that “those people don’t place value on human life, unlike us”
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White supremacy is the black hole at the center of liberal thought: not directly observable (they won’t explicitly say it), but its presence is betrayed by how all their other ideas orbit around it.
God damn that’s a great metaphor haha
Reminds me a bit of this thread from /r/HistoryMemes
Europeans talking about American Racial Tensions (MLK) vs Europeans talking about Romani people (Hitler)
comments proceed to prove the post 100% correct
It’s amazing how their racist arguments about Romani people are basically exactly the same as American racist arguments about black people, but they can’t see the connection.
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Reminds me of something I read that went on during world war 1; apparently the German government at the time wanted to prove that the Jewish people were letting Germans die in war but not contributing themselves and conducted a study that SURELY was going to prove that, right?
Well actually the study proved that Jewish people were participating in the military in higher numbers than non-Jewish people and so they kept the results of the study under wraps.
One of my favorite things to do on reddit when Europeans complained about American racism was bring up Romani people and watch how fast everyone became overtly racist
My deeply racist grandfather once went on a huge great replacement before it was cool rant about how the Roma would soon become the majority in his town because they keep having children so they can receive more social aid.
I want every fascist in the world to die
As my friend Aimé Césaire once said: Europe is indefensible. Racism, orientalism and imperialism are the default position of many europeans, when “they” are “threatened” by people who flee their countries thanks to the absolute economic starvation THEY (The europeans) have produced, they turn around and sieg heil at the nearest swastika. Instead of turning into straight up nazis (And it is poles who are unironically doing it, lmfao), question your own authorities and be critical of your own history. If you don’t want africans arriving by boat, demand Capitalism to stop starving Africa and to eliminate their dependency on western financial “aid” and capital.
Europe is nothing but a glorified peninsula that has contributed next to nothing to the world, since it’s a peninsula starved of natural resources, they took them from other places. Look at it this way: The America’s first experience with Europe was fucking Columbus man, a complete brute who found them by accident and then proceeded to do genocide because european moment. Then the europeans pillaged the entire continent, made themselves rich from America’s riches and now they try to lecture us on “how to human rights”. This is Europe, a thorn in everyone else’s asses. Europe delenda est.
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how do these people get so personally pressed about such a proportionally tiny amount of people? literally less than 5 in 100 persons is a migrant in the EU, and that counts non-EU white people. i’m convinced most of these nazis probably haven’t actually spoken to an immigrant. this current italian “crisis” drama is over 100,000 people. in a fucking country of 60 million, with a gdp of 3 trillion you’re going to tell me y’all can’t afford feeding & housing 100k?
That whole thread is ridiculous. Almost every comment is the most racist mask-off shit advocating for the death for foreigners in one way or another. Some are even explicitly saying they don’t care that they’re taking neonazi positions.