Although I have not watched a lot of Hasan videos , I think he is not actually leftist ! He is liberal at best , posing to be leftist ?
No thoughts on him but I find it interesting how the trueanon and CTH subreddits were more left than the podcasters but hasanabi’s audience is more right than hasanabi
He went on an episode of The Deprogram. He seems well read enough to phrase Marxist concepts in an approachable manner, but admits that streaming is entertainment first and foremost. He spoke pretty frankly about what and why he does what he does.
He’s still not my cup of tea, not big into streamers, but if you’re watching a streamer anyway you could do a lot worse.
I dont watch streams either , his clips started appearing in my yt suggestions !
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Good guy, great for baby leftists, he did a livestream with Adam Conover walking on the WGA picket lines talking about the history of unions, which is better than 99% of the rest of twitch imo
He went into Ethan Klein’s podcats, whose audience is mostly liberals and socdems and said, in no uncertain terms that the uighur genocide is a lie. He is good friends with the Deprogram boys, which are open MLs. He regularly criticizes the dems.
There is a lot of criticism to be done about hasan piker, but dismissing him as a liberal feels like the usual “no true leftist” purity test
He went into Ethan Klein’s podcats, whose audience is mostly liberals and socdems and said, in no uncertain terms that the uighur genocide is a lie.
Damn. I don’t think I’d have the guts to do that. When did he do that? the relevant part starts at 1:18:00
is there criticism though? like if you dont like his streams you probably are a chud.
As an avid Hasanabi viewer, I have criticisms of him for sure, but not really regarding his politics. He’s a classic react lord and it bothers me when, while watching a video on stream, he sometimes just gets up and leaves while leaving the video running. Also he’s kind of a douche sometimes and quite aggressive towards random chatters, although I’ll give him leeway there because oh my god do people online have the worst fkn opinions about Hasan Piker. I think if I got as much shit on a daily basis as him (while being forced to read it because it’s my job to engage with the audience), I would lose my mind.
although I’ll give him leeway there
Yeah same. At first blush it feels like he’s being a douche sometimes, but really it’s that his chat is literally trying to gaslight him for fun approximately 50% of the time lol
yes, there is a lot of legitimate criticism. he might have a couple of good China takes, but he holds a lot of state department propaganda as true— says there is a “cultural genocide” of Uyghurs and propagates the “state capitalist” obfuscation.
CW: sexual assault
he is also unapologetic abt soliciting prostitution and anyone who calls him out on it, he calls sex work exclusionary. im not gonna entertain a struggle session rn. but think abt this: to have solidarity with sex workers, one must understand that sex work is real labor, and labor under capitalism is coercive, therefore, soliciting sex from a sex worker is coerced sex (i.e. r***). johns are r***ists, to deny this is to deny the material reality of sex work, and insulting to sex workers
He’s become the best first step on the leftwing pipeline, replacing Breadtube and the Dirtbag left podcasters, which honestly isn’t saying all that much.
I dunno, we work with what we got. Just saying that I’d rather point baby leftists to
rather than Contrapoints now.
I just realised we need The Deprogram and Blowback emojis now tho lol.
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i dont think hasan is a baby’s first leftism. just because he is usually the first leftist political personality the youngins get introduced too doesnt mean theres people out there more left than him. hasan is basically as far left as you can get and is at the end of the pipeline more than anything.
as far left as you can get
Come on now
He’s pretty good actually. I don’t watch his content because he spends too much time yelling at chatters but 90% of what I’ve seen is good. My main issue with him was some ace-exclusionary comments he made a while back but he’s grown past that now.
Tbh most content i have seen by him is talking about the GOP candidates and he is yelling , it feels like he is a dem , dods not talk much about theory , in a recent video he did talk about few good things but apart from that idk !
A lot of the american-LA based leftist “influencers” are just fishing for a potential future career. Hasan is too “deep in the system”.
I’m not gonna type too many words defending him, he’s a millionaire after all. Great class traitor though.
That link didn’t work for me for some reason, but this one does.
He’s the rare anti-imperialist socdem
He seems to have done a decent job of radicalising people from my own small surveying of the situation.
I don’t hear other streamers getting mentioned anywhere near as often as Hasan when people discuss their path towards radicalisation, for whatever that’s worth.
I have never watched a full stream of his but he seems fine from clips that I’ve seen. I have seen him doing the typical streamerbro response/react videos and there’s the inevitable drama streams etc. along with him keeping up with the hot take cycle so, y’know, he’ll talk about Oppenheimer or the Barbie movie or whatever because it’s relevant to pop culture at the moment.
I think he probably fills a similar niche to something like The Dollop which is leftwing content with emphasis on content (in the worst interpretation of the word). If that’s what people on the left find interesting or entertaining then cool. I’d rather people be exposing themselves to left wing content than Fox News or whatever.
But at the same time there’s a trap in that streamerbros aren’t going to teach you theory and The Dollop is not a viable substitute for praxis but thinking that it is can lead people astray; consuming content isn’t doing a leftism.
I’d say that if he feels like a liberal to you then that’s probably a good indication that your own ideological development surpasses whatever he offers in his streams, which is a good sign and it means that you’re looking for something more theory-heavy and less about the almighty content.
I have grown up with the content , mostly books , and marxist leninist literature that my father has collected , I even tried to get into theory then , but it was too hard for me to understand then , however I took baby steps then.
He’s the anecdote to vaush type fake “left” liberals, he’s extremely useful and a rare genuine pipeline for the left
he’s hot
Pinely is hotter 🥵🥵🥵
Streamers get the wall. Sorry, no exceptions
Did a bunch of shit like having been a John and other stuff (Brofessor), which he seems to regret. Wouldn’t say he “radicalizes” people bc to me that means pushing people into violent/open to violence when tactically sound, instead of making them say controversial things. I still don’t trust him or his audience, but people get really angry when you poke at their idols, so whatever.
Keep watching him and giving him 5 bucks if that is what you want. There are worse people. I am sure you are doing your part while watching him showcase gucci slippers and talking about how good trains are.