Just another queer person on internet
I have seen the same argument against planting trees too , that tree planting is not profitable and hence it is not a good way to combat global warming ! I mean …
Did u call customer support ?
Excuse me but i love outdoor cats 😰
Whats with hexbear today , this is third elmo post in my feed 😰
Those stopped to exist ! All my first phones were 5in screen ones 🥵
I so wish they release them in india as well , but unfortunately they arent doing that 😰
Not using reddit since months now tbh
Here in India that would be pretty much illegal ! Even if the lock was yours , a locksmith would be skeptical !
he can speak on how the us is getting gloomier without regulations and the dems are part of it 😶
I dont watch streams either , his clips started appearing in my yt suggestions !
I have grown up with the content , mostly books , and marxist leninist literature that my father has collected , I even tried to get into theory then , but it was too hard for me to understand then , however I took baby steps then.
Pinely is hotter 🥵🥵🥵
Yup 😂 although i did not get the jurrasic part ref at first but got the second one 😶
Most of his content in recent past , is exclusively anti GOP ( republican ) , may be i need to watch his streams , but whatever gets filtered to youtube feels like that ! And while there are similar things all libs do ,I dont see on his YT.
Tbh most content i have seen by him is talking about the GOP candidates and he is yelling , it feels like he is a dem , dods not talk much about theory , in a recent video he did talk about few good things but apart from that idk !
Tbh I like a phone with basic functionality , but moto adds some simple features to their phones those come in handy ! I have tried number of apps to emulate the moto flashlights but of no use ! Plus a cleaner rom, that i can clean more with adb and root , one plus does not even root i guess !
I doubt , I have been stuck in similar situation , cant wait to go back to moto again !
Lmao too accurate
And how exactly are these glasses preventing that ? Simple ray optics would suggest otherwise !
In my country I will probably be arrested if i spoke anything , coming from working class I cant afford that 😶