Over the last week I could swear I’ve seen way more types suddenly throwing around the word troglodyte left right and centre
Maybe people are realizing that “neckbeard” is probably no longer the most socially acceptable term for the stereotype they’re clearly aiming to invoke
When i was a kid i wanted to be like saint francis asis because he lived in a cave and could talk with woodland creatures. So in a way ive always wanted to be a troglodyte.
Pretty sure it’s the same group of people who were saying sch*zo 2 weeks ago.
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Favorite part of federation was the one liberal who couldn’t contain their rabid racism anymore and started unironically doing the “Shling Shong Winnie the Pooh” bit
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I thought it was supposed to be a sound a gorilla makes. Anyway, whether it should be changed or not, “unga” currently sits as the standard term in the fgc for characters with excessively safe moves (who thereby enable button mashing, mindless offense, hence gorillas).
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I’ve seen it going around, but only in reference to video game strategies that amount to “forget strategy, just go hit it until it dies”
I’ve been using it for a while in real life to refer to who we normally call ghouls. Maybe they all got it from me?
A few years ago the mexican president wacked the leader of the oposition on christmas eve. And while amlo has his flaws the otber guy was a genuine fascist. So i said good ridance and people called me a troglodyte
I think this makes the most sense.
I think it’s used as a synonym for “terminally online basement dwellers”. Could be wrong though.
I’ve been using that word for ages. Aaah I’M THE LIB
I suppose it’s just another one of those words that makes ebic bacon redditeurs feel smart when using it
They’ll switch to something else next week lol
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Gaslighting disinformation whataboutism
I love that Liturgy song though.
Maybe it’s the latest way of writing us off
You’re all bots!
You may not be bots, but you’re all paid agents!
You may not be paid agents, but you’re all blindly ideological tankies!
You may not be blindly ideological, but you’re all terminally online basement dwellers!
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They are clearly taking a radical housing modernization position, attaching negative connotation to cave-dwelling due to its vulnerability to earthquakes. In a word, psyop.
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Sounds like a dog whistle for “sub-human” fascist language imo
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We don’t have downvotes
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It’s used in many circles as a “polite” synonym for removed—a slur for people with Down Syndrome.
If you’re going to dehumanize a person, I think it’s best to call them something that’s entirely unhuman (e.g. demon, ghoul, etc.) rather than something human-like (e.g. orc, ape, etc.). Human-adjacent words tend to get reappropriated as a “polite” way of saying (r-word). I recommend avoiding that trap entirely.
Edit: the slur filter is smarter than I am! It removed that one, too! You can guess what word it was, though.
Trogged up and PROUD.
There’s actually a early build of the arcade version floating around that plays pretty differently from the final iteration of the game. Interesting stuff.
I never understood why they have one eye
well their heads are too narrow for two eyes that big
Yeah, they probably have another, much nastier word they want to call people, but need to appear “civil” so they use a 19th century insult.
maybe there are a lot of viagra boys fans on the fediverse