It’s never too late, comrade! (it probably is for online multiplayer, but oh well…)
It’s never too late, comrade! (it probably is for online multiplayer, but oh well…)
Damn, you missed an opportunity; Cole’s next line in the Sixth Sense with “liberals” instead of “dead” is fire:
Walking around like regular people. They don’t see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don’t know they’re liberals.
Liberal people like, in corporations? in governments?
At first, I was really annoyed by your shitposting and thought there was something sectarian about you folks (your way to act as a block when your place or one of yours is attacked, for instance). But over time, I discovered there was something more interesting and nuanced behind that, and although I don’t really enjoy the trolling, and still read some objectionable things here and there (which aren’t met with a monolithic approval) I have come to appreciate you.
I think it’s used as a synonym for “terminally online basement dwellers”. Could be wrong though.
Hey, it’s from the defunct rammy.site!
Not to boast, but I’m responsible for having single-handedly, with some help, driven away the alt-right brigade (well, it’s more because of the efforts of another user who spread the message of what was happening, therefore causing them to lose interest in an instance that’d been defederated by the bigger ones, but still, I trolled hard!)
Don’t worry, if you’re a comrade, you’re ‘one of the good ones’