Because the rest of us don’t get your fancy pronoun picker.
You’re correct to be jealous of us. Although, I think we managed to port that feature upstream to the main Lemmy thingy as an optional feature? Check with your instance administrator!
Fun fact: the list very intentionally doesn’t start with lhe/him and she/her because cisnormativity can go fuck itself.
As a cis dude, why do you gotta keep doing that? Why you gotta keep making me jealous of your instance policies that create an inclusive and welcoming environment, especially for those facing current and historical oppression?
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I hope you had a pleasant birthday, had something nice to eat, and generally enjoyed yourself.
Last week I was at the movies by myself to see Barbie and a big group of Hexbear users sat behind me and in the middle of the movie I opened up a can of beans to eat and one of the hexbear users yelled ‘Hey everybody, this nerd is eating beans!’ and the whole theater laughed at me. Thats why i will always hate you.
lies, hexbear users would never besmirch someone for eating beans
Tell that to Bean dad
You silly Hexbear, that’s the fakest story I’ve ever heard in my life.
Why would somebody bother making a movie about a plastic doll for little girls?
It’s because we’re loud, incredibly active, argumentative, and most importantly we are generally speaking unified. Yes there are differences, but compare the pushback when a hexbear posts something pro-china vs when someone else posts something anti-china. We’ll get maybe 2-3 responses, all of which will immediately get dogpiled anyway. They’ll get 10 of us. We also all upvote the takes we all agree on, so much so that it looks like vote manipulation. No other group on the fediverse has that type of unity, even if they broadly agree with each other.
Also the giant emojis probably don’t help lol.
to all our brave posters
Just before federation, when people were claiming that hexbears were a bunch of unrestrained feral super-posters and that we were going to change the fediverse, I thought that a lot of it was just people hyping themselves up. Only now do I realize that we are in fact the strongest posters on the fediverse because of our solidarity with each other.
on this day we are all feral
Democratic centralism is when I upvote every Hexbear post no matter how much I think the post is cringe.
TL;DR first because I got rant-y
Hexbear and Lemmygrad formed to be leftist first and individual interests second. So your take is spot-on. I also think that they get mad that Hexbear doesn’t have the option to downvote. So they don’t get the satisfaction of the power trip and makes them even more pissed off. lol
The funny thing about people thinking we are assholes is that between here,, and I have found this instance to be the most chill. I find myself more concerned about getting attacked on for even trying to say something that is not in-line with the western media narrative. I am a bit worried about getting jumped on for misunderstanding or having a bad take on lemmygrad. However I have begun to be better at thinking about how I say/ask things when replying to posts. Which I think is overall a good thing and have better accepted that even if I may disagree with folks, that it is better to learn more about those things over all.
For all the shit that I am learning and seeing that gets said about here and lemmygrad. Those folks on and the other instances are just beyond quick to just outright refuse to take a moment to consider that they are not questioning shit at all. Just super binary “good or evil.” Even if they agree that their “side” has historically both lied and done super fucked up shit. It is still unwavering “still much better than insert whatever shit they think anti-capitalism has done to so many people.” They completely misunderstand that us “tankies” are just dumb motherfuckers brainwashed into thinking that AES nations never did anything wrong. It also doesn’t help that even “progressive” liberals are so firmly conserned about being super slightly left of dead centre. To go around talking shit about how the hammer and sickle should be treated the same as the Nazi swastika. Still believing that the US is the reason we won the war. Nor do they realize how the Cold War was completely kicked off by the western allies renegging on promises made to the USSR for helping recoup. That the massive build-up of nukes was due to our own war hawks lying about the supposed rapid build-up of anything from the Soviets. Cuba and USSR are always the “war mongers” for putting nukes on Cuba, but the US’s shit in Europe/Turkiey.
The emojis issue won’t be forever though
The giant emotes (which generates a lot of animosity when combined with the dubiously low PPB-trigger-threshold of some of our posters when on other instances) are solvable issue. If the devs were so inclined, they could just run imagemagick over them automatically to make downsized copies.
I’m not necessarily saying they should, I’m just saying they could.
Hating us is
behaviour just saying 💅
You have a games community but zero mentions of either Excite Truck or Excitebots: Trick Racing
Pretty damning TBH
excitebots was the SHIT
that’s at the top of my wishlist for switch remasters
Hexbear gamers, explain yourself!
I post about posting and game when I am gaming and never let the two mix. If I cant game about posting why would I post about gaming? Doesn’t seem fair does it?
You just posted about gaming
Nuh Uh I posted about posting about gaming. Checkmate
Your comment lead me to learn about the many sequels to the smash hit NES game Excitebike. I feel that I should have been informed of those titles prior to now, but the Hexbear games community has let us all down.
I hate you TANKIES because you MAKE ME READ!!!
Edit: oh shit I forgot to switch accounts
we are in desperate need of DoaWK emojis
They hate us for our freedom
I have no horse in this race, but I genuinely would like to know what all the drama is about? I’m new to this app and I’m not sure what the problem is when everybody can filter I think their own instances that they would like to see. I did not find anything racist or at least I haven’t seen anything or anything homophobic or calling for acts of violence, so I’m not sure why you guys are being defederated. Apologies. If this is something that has already been discussed. I’m just trying to keep myself informed.
We’re socialists. That’s it.
Everything they say about us revolves around them not wanting people to come here and potentially learn. In particular the nato dorks don’t want us influencing people into anti-nato positions because it’ll affect their ability to wage unlimited endless wars.
As such they’ll say anything and everything about us, even some of the completely made up things like homophobia/racism, which is funny as we’re probably the strongest instance on the fediverse against that, going far far further than the liberals do on all social justice topics.
It is what it is.
You’re a trekkie. You like space communism. We want the same thing. That’s all we need to know about each other.
I think it’s overblown. We’re annoying commies and that’s enough to make some libs mad.
but also to be fair we do call for acts of violence regularly and with great gusto. it’s one of the main things i use the site for.
But like, against Jeff bezos or imperialist institutions and the like. It’s completely different than doxxing and harassing specific minorities like kiwifarms or 4chan does.
But what about all the hatered against the opressed minority that is Landlords? Checkmate tankie
They are jealous of our raw posting power. They wish they could be as cool and constantly correct as us.
Heavy is the head that wears the crown
Because they just want to meme about China Bad and Russian Bots all day long
hey sometimes they switch it up a bit with russia bad and chinese bots
you have emojis i can’t use >:(
I don’t hate you, this defederation thing is something I don’t like. It creates echo chambers. Reddit was an echo chamber, too. But it was one everyone creates for themselves, subscribe: privacy, linux and selfhost and your chamber of anti-GAFAM is ready to rock (for example).
Seeing Hexbear and other stuff in “All” helps to escape your own bubble and creates more divergent discussion.
It creates echo chambers.
Showed up at my local AA meeting drunk with two bottles of Jack, there to debate these sober nerds about the merits of drinking! But those snowflakes couldn’t handle my debate prowess and kicked me out. Enjoy your echo chamber!
I agree with your last statement 100%
I am generally against defederation and censorship.
In response to the OP of this topic though, people hate hexbears because of the constant hardcore brigading and the huge inline image abuse.
It’s annoying as fuck. As soon as you smell a “lib”, even though you are usually wrong, it just turns into a massive dogpile on anyone who doesn’t share your identical belief structure.
That isn’t debate, it’s bullying. You have the numbers to pull it off but if it carries on you will absolutely end up defederated from everywhere.
Omfg guys we are finally the bullies!!
I’ve waited so long to be the bully I’m not sure how to handle this hold on…
Okay constructive feedback only, I’m still new to this.
Try another example, but this time try and bully someone into revolutionary thought and see how it goes.
I don’t bully anyone into revolutionary thought because building social justice awareness, economic understanding and critical thinking are journey’s everyone takes at different paces based on circumstances I’m not privy to.
What I do bully people for is having bigoted opinions or arrogant takes based on personal bias and subversive media slop that fundamentally impacts other people’s lives, wellbeing and right to exist as themselves within our system.
You can be a raging lib and not a bigot, yes there’s a deeper conversation to be had around how neoliberalism IS built upon bigotry and exploitation and that defense of it enabling bigotry but I can work with anyone if they understand what is needed to better minority rights in 2023 without evangelising their milquetoast political takes.
It just so happens most libs I meet online and irl are more concerned with personal trinkets, wants, personal privilege and their cringe entitlement than actually making material changes to improve the lives of those less fortunate than themselves who chances are we’re exploited to provide the comfy standard of living most of these asshats speak from.
So like naaaah I don’t look for fights, but I’ll dirtbag left anyone who wants to debate someone’s right to exist in conversation or have takes fuelled by subconscious white supremacy about nations and people they’ve never understood outside of media propaganda.
Am I the bully in those situations? Or are the majority with their gross ass bigoted takes just so used to being able to vocalise their bigotry with others that me and any other dork on this site calling them out feels like oppression because their victim complex built upon their privilege always sees calls for betterment and self improvement as infringements upon personal liberty vs a collective social call for better standards of discourse and civility?
Yeah we don’t take shit on this site but it isn’t coming from a place of Liberal/ally/white Knight paternalistic chauvinism but from a place of genuine struggle as most of us ARE victims of the same oppression we have no tolerance for.
That might make us seem immature or combative to the outside and yeah some of us can be dickheads but the core ethos of this site and community is protection of minority groups and promotion of leftist ideals BECAUSE we are both victims of systemic and overt oppression and as leftists who understand our struggle through the lens of society and therefore capitalism we won’t relent for someone wanker redditor coming in to flex his debatelord muscles for clout.
Non of that was aimed at you btw, just happened to have a confident moodlet going and ran with it on the pulpit.
That is the best, most comprehensive and cohesive reply I’ve received online for over a decade. Please don’t take my lack of any further debate as a sign of disrespect, you’ve actually given me some things to think on.
That is the best, most comprehensive and cohesive reply I’ve received online for over a decade.
Pssssh you flirt you 😘
Please don’t take my lack of any further debate as a sign of disrespect, you’ve actually given me some things to think on.
Cool beans we’ll all be here shitposting if you come back down the line
I’m not here to debate libs and you can’t make me.
Are the libs in the room with us right now?
Can I tell you a secret?
I see liberal people.
Liberal people like, in corporations? in governments?
like, above us in the comment chainDamn, you missed an opportunity; Cole’s next line in the Sixth Sense with “liberals” instead of “dead” is fire:
Walking around like regular people. They don’t see each other. They only see what they want to see. They don’t know they’re liberals.
Yes, you are the lib in the room
Brigading is a made-up reddit thing. It used to be normal for forums to “raid” other forums, and if you couldn’t deal with that, it was on you. However we are not “raiding” there is no organised movement to go somewhere and post on it. We see the same posts pop up in “all”, and we have a large and active userbase, that’s all that’s happening.
huge inline image abuse
Yeah, that bug is getting worked on.
As soon as you smell a “lib”, even though you are usually wrong, it just turns into a massive dogpile on anyone who doesn’t share your identical belief structure
Yeah that’s the story, but it’s not really what I’ve been observing. Plenty of people that disagree with the hexbear userbase have had nice discussions. Generally I see users from other instances post condescending “gotchas” which then, rightly, get dogpiled on. They then cry “foul” as if they didn’t themselves initiate the interaction on those terms. Either that or they will be met by a user willing to engage in good-faith discussion, but they instead choose to continue with condescention. I see a lot of “I’m not reading all that” and “lmao you really believe that?” in response to well-thought out responses, not to mention the many accusations of being a bot. These users are then treated as condescending dickheads, because hexbear has had a lot of issues with wreckers, so there’s a pretty low tolerance for that kinda stuff. Hexbear generally has a hostile culture to bad-faith debatebro tactics.
Disagreements are common, so it’s not really that. It’s just a question of wether they’re engaging in good faith or not. I see plenty of users post about stuff that’s well outside the general culture, that then have a nice discussion.Regarding being “wrong about lib” I’m gonna disagree again. I think you have a different definition of what that is. Oftentimes we think of ourselves as being “leftists” or whatever, but by our words and actions we support the current (neo-liberal) system. Then it does not matter what we identify as, if we’re still furthering something else. If you’re interested in that kinda stuff you might want to read Combat Liberalism. It’s pretty short, so it’s a nice and quick primer.
Brigading is a made-up reddit thing. It used to be normal for forums to “raid” other forums, and if you couldn’t deal with that, it was on you. However we are not “raiding” there is no organised movement to go somewhere and post on it. We see the same posts pop up in “all”, and we have a large and active userbase, that’s all that’s happening.
You realise we can access and see the local posts? It’s absolutely coordinated behaviour. Hexbear users post links to a given thread from another instance in chat or chapo or wherever with a suitably inflammatory title along with a call to arms along the lines of “Look at this terrible liberal take, OMG the entire cookie baking community is full of bigots and transphobes. Cookie bakers are bourgeois as hell!”. Cue your entire community piling in to the cookie baking community to completely destroy all discussion of baking cookies until they get bored and move on.
You spend a lot of time talking about good faith discussions but from my perspective it’s the hexbear community that isn’t acting in good faith in most instances.
Regarding being “wrong about lib” I’m gonna disagree again. I think you have a different definition of what that is. Oftentimes we think of ourselves as being “leftists” or whatever, but by our words and actions we support the current (neo-liberal) system. Then it does not matter what we identify as, if we’re still furthering something else. If you’re interested in that kinda stuff you might want to read Combat Liberalism. It’s pretty short, so it’s a nice and quick primer.
I accept this, and I am guilty of this to the extreme. I was extremely politically active in my late teens and early 20’s, and active in the labor movement. I have the criminal record as proof. I’m old as fuck now, and I have several people that depend on me NOT being in jail, and to continue pretending to be a functional member of our neo-liberal society to keep them from starving in the street.
I hate that the entirety of my time and energy is now exhausted on enriching “investors”. I saw the system for what it is from a young age and fell into all of the traps anyway. The traps are effective, but that does not mean that my political ideology is in alignment with the system that sets them. Still, I acknowledge your point that things cannot change without action, and most times that means violent and illegal action. The system is built to protect itself.
As for your link… Mao Tse-tung killed, brutalised and starved to death more human beings than any other person that has ever lived. MILLIONS dead. If the society you seek to build is based on that same, tired old philosophy then I will fight you every step of the way. It’s a very strange person that looks at the history of China over the last 100 years and decides they’d like to repeat it.
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You realise we can access and see the local posts? It’s absolutely coordinated behaviour. Hexbear users post links to a given thread from another instance in chat or chapo or wherever with a suitably inflammatory title along with a call to arms
Do you think we’re having users make accounts on defederated instances? We have a specific rule against “brigading” federated instances because it had like one thread about Ada where it actually happened. This is you jumping at shadows.
Mao Tse-tung
The modern romanization is Zedong, philistine.
killed, brutalised and starved to death more human beings than any other person that has ever lived.
Tell me about how much you aren’t a lib.
If the society you seek to build is based on that same, tired old philosophy then I will fight you every step of the way.
As opposed to what? Anarchism? That’s even older! But no, associating you with anarchists gives you too much credit. Tell us about how we should put more stock in whatever boutique ideology you pseudo-leftist piss sommeliers have cooked up lately instead of the ones that have actually gained ground or even exist outside of the internet.
It’s a very strange person that looks at the history of China over the last 100 years and decides they’d like to repeat it.
It’s a very strange person that talks about “the history of China over the last 100 years” while having themselves studied so little of it.
Do you think we’re having users make accounts on defederated instances?
There would be no way to prove such a thing. Obviously all the hexbear trouble-making is evident only on instances that are still federated with you. Nobody would ever create a disposable free account to make trouble…
My own instance is not de-federated from you, and as an anarchist instance I doubt we ever will be. My only hope is that you eventually learn to govern yourselves so that the cadre can step down. As was evident in the wider failing of your shared political ideology, it will never happen because it is an ideology for children. You will always and forever need the grownups to be in charge.
The modern romanization is Zedong, philistine.
I was quoting the 1937 Pamphlet by the late mass murderer, psychological torturer and groupthink brainwash mastermind Mao Tse-tung that was foolishly sent my way and served only to expose that hexbear wants us all fighting our brothers and eating eachother as if it were indeed 1937. Let’s just call him the Chairman, shall we? Maybe ‘Daddy’ would suit you simpering fools better.
Tell me about how much you aren’t a lib.
If opposing mass murder, and having some shred of care for my fellow man and woman and their right to self determination and political freedom makes me a lib, then I guess I just became a fuckin’ lib. Do you see how this works yet? You think you are challenging the status quo, but all you really stand to achieve is sending those that are less anodized in their ideology to take up hard positions to oppose you that they do not even hold in their hearts.
It’s a very strange person that talks about “the history of China over the last 100 years” while having themselves studied so little of it. Have you ever spent any time there? I would wager not, or you wouldn’t be holding this ridiculous belief that there is something positive about the ideology that led them where they have landed. It is the most oppressive and disgusting place I have ever had the misfortune to visit.
Go ahead, tell me how it was an ecologically sound wonderland prior to exploitation by the west. The perfect utopia, ruined by the adoption of free market principles in 1978.
You don’t know anything about anything beyond what you’ve read in your ancient, sacred texts. 10 out of 10 for Piss Sommeliers though, I’m keeping that.
Honey it’s time for your dose of bigoted Orwell scripture references.
The perfect utopia, ruined by the adoption of free market principles in 1978.
“Free market principles” lmao [1] [2] [3]
As was evident in the wider failing of your shared political ideology, it will never happen because it is an ideology for children. You will always and forever need the grownups to be in charge.
Infantilizing people in the third world, oh mooooods (as for failure…)
uwu the mean old hexbears are just so impolite and mean, they just stink up the place and are antagonistic for no reason.
Jesus Christ, what are you, a child? Have your frontal lobes not fused yet, have you not learned how cause and effect act together? You’re being a condescending dickhead, and that’s why people are hostile to you.
Also good luck with any succesful organising if you’re this much of a cantankerous sectarian. I’m sure the revolution will be right around the corner, we just all need to subscribe to your specific ideology. Jesus fucking Christ get a grip and maybe learn a little bit of humility.You are by the way quoting a translation of Mao Zedong, not the author himself. That translation is outdated.
The “hexbear ideology” is a laughable thing you seem to believe exists. It’s a left unity site you fucking moron, it might do you some good to learn what that means.
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It’s a very strange person that looks at the history of China over the last 100 years and decides they’d like to repeat it.
Yeah, who would ever want to repeat this:
Famines were extremely common in China before the communists came to power and the Chinese people were among the poorest in the world. Mao certainly made mistakes, but these specific, dramatic events have been exaggerated to the point of obscuring the more general trend towards food security and poverty alleviation. Likewise, rural Chinese had no access whatsoever to modern medicine like vaccines, meaning that they were plagued by horrible, preventable diseases. But for some reason my history books neglected to mention things like the wildly successful Barefoot Doctors program, which drastically improved Chinese life expectancy and quality of life. I suppose stuff like that isn’t all that exciting since we take it for granted, but the fact is that no country has ever lifted more people out of poverty and extreme poverty in so short a time as the PRC. And it certainly wasn’t going to happen under the nationalists.
Right, so riding the coattails of industrialization along with every single other country that was involved in WW2 is the direct result of Maoist thought and brutal fake-communist rule? You need to check a map, I think you are lost.
Oh wait you’re just a condescending dickhead, should have guessed when you complained about brigading and the prevalence of dunks.
Yeah being a debatebro does result in you being treated as such, if this is how you choose to interact with users you disagree with I can understand why you believe hexbears are innately hostile.
Several users engaged with you in a clear and concise and polite manner, providing well-thought out arguments, yet this is how you choose to respond?deleted by creator
China’s industrialization and rise in life expectancy did not require Mao Zedong thought, but it did require someone who was interested in doing it, and the nationalists weren’t, nor were the invading Japanese, nor were the various warlord factions following the collapse of the Qing, nor were the Qing, nor were the European colonizers. Every one of those factions only wanted to loot the country for the short term benefit of their ruling elite. Any one of them could have accomplished a similar miracle, but they chose not to. Obviously, it was industrialization that brought about the bulk of the benefits, but there are reasons why China had not previously achieved its potential on that front. It would’ve been better if China had been led by someone who didn’t have big brained ideas like killing all the sparrows, but like I said, despite these mistakes the general trend is clearly positive.
Not every country experienced the same rise in life expectancy or industrialization after WWII, no. Even today, many parts of the world experience food insecurity and over 700 million people live in extreme poverty, so I have no idea what you’re on about. Of course, the idea that China would’ve experienced the same level of growth without the CPC is an unfalsifiable counterfactual, but we can plainly see the trend of a lack of growth prior to communist control in the graph I posted.
Here’s what the infamous communist propaganda rag The World Bank has to say:
Over the past 40 years, the number of people in China with incomes below $1.90 per day – the International Poverty Line as defined by the World Bank to track global extreme poverty– has fallen by close to 800 million. With this, China has contributed close to three-quarters of the global reduction in the number of people living in extreme poverty. At China’s current national poverty line, the number of poor fell by 770 million over the same period.
Let me put it another way: how would the world look different to you if China was successful in alleviating poverty vs if it wasn’t? How much information about the life of an average rural Chinese person actually makes its way to your feed? That’s not an accusation or anything, there’s lots of stuff happening everywhere around the world and no one can be expected to keep track of everything. It’s just an observation that there are a lot of people, not just in China but all around the world, whose perspectives don’t get proportionate representation in Western media or high school textbooks. It might be worthwhile to consider whether there are important details that have been omitted or deemphasized in the narrative you were taught.
riding the coattails of industrialization along with every single other country that was involved in WW2
This does not cover what China experienced. Following its establishment, the PRC (from 1950-1957) had over 50% reductions in infant and child mortality and crude death compared to the old system of semi-feudalism and semi-colonialism which the U.S. attempted to enforce and uphold by financing the Kuomintang and a growth in life expectancy (from 1950-1980) which a study calls “among the most rapid sustained increases in documented global history.”
As for demonstrating: Yeah me too, but that doesn’t matter at all for an online shotposting forum and instilling a culture were we need to “prove” ourselves by sharing information that makes us easier to dox is fed shit.
As for “brigading” I’ll add onto what says and add that the community c_tye"dunk_tank is for sharing terrible takes found online. It’s not an organising effort, but one of “look at this idiot”. I’ll not deny that it probably brings more attention to some users here, than they otherwise would’ve received, but I gotta be honest and say I can’t really feel bad for them. If they’re shitty enough to aggravate a bunch of people to dunk on them, then that’s on them. It’s not well-meaning libs or whatever that gets posted there’s nor is it simple disagreements. It’s pretty clearly awful people saying awful shit.
As for Map Zedong… There’s plenty to critique the man for, but it’s pretty clear to me you’re just quoting red scare era “black book of communism” misinformation. I’d recommend reading more about the man and the period. If you need pointers I know has a great wealth of knowledge about China.
But consider the following: China had famines every decade until the Maoists took over. China had one famine, which has been the source of a great deal of criticism. If we employed the same level of rigour to all other countries, then the “evil” of China would be like that of a school bully compared to that of the UK, the US and France being serial killers.
The Maoists made use of the Mass Line, which relied heavily on the cooperation of the civilian population, without the aid of which they never could have won. If Mao was so evil, how come the populace supported him?
They managed to come back after long march, having been relegated to a tiny rural region. How did they do this, of the populace did not support them?
The KMT saw immense numbers of defectors to the Maoists, why?
The population grew under the Maoists, and life expectancy exploded, despite apparently both civil war, “totalitarian repression” and deliberate starvation. Yet he apparently murdered millions by decree at the same time.
Tibet is often held up as example of political repression, which strikes me as odd. Before the PLA came to Tibet, it was a slave owning theocracy. Why was it bad to abolish slavery in Tibet?China is not an area I am well-versed in, so if you wish to have a more rigorous discussion I’d recommend asking questions to or engaging with who has already responded to you here. It seems as though she is much more well versed than I on the subject.
There’s also this thread with a lot of good information.This is why Lenin emphasised a party with paid, professional cadre. Workers don’t have the time and have responsibilities to others. It’s not quite as bad as it used to be, but a professional core is still essential.
Join a party that’s only moderately terrible, pay your dues.
As for Mao…it was arguably the least terrible century China has ever had, despite his errors. Most notably leaning too far into the KPAM’s anarchist theory during the Great Leap Forward. (I like the KPAM but they had bad takes like anyone else.)
the constant hardcore brigading
Going to a thread on Active isn’t brigading
As soon as you smell a “lib”, even though you are usually wrong,
Uh, there are some anarcho-bidenists, but from what I have seen the record is pretty clear of false positives
Viewing the entire world through the American lens is folly.
I am willing to bet that you are speaking from a country that America drags along in its wake, so you remain a bidenist no matter how many snide remarks you make about ze stupid Americans.
That is unfortunately true. How do you break from such an unwanted position? Biden couldn’t even find us on a map.
Lmao you think it’s a dunk that your imperial overlord doesn’t give enough of a shit about your country to learn of its whereabouts?
I’m British dickhead, don’t rope me in with the hamburger people 😤 I have my own cultural failures to deal with without being a yank.
Me too on both counts. I’m posting something of an apology. I’ve been a right dick in here.
What are you like ey? Causing barneys in the thread task tssk
hamburger people
Rich coming from a jellied eel eater
Ermmm excuse me I’m picky and don’t eat fish, try again sweaty 💅
I will admit our food is hella bland though 😔
Pies are good food
Ignoring that the United States is an imperial hegemon is equally silly.
Viewing the entire world through the American lens is folly.
i’m not american and i’m fine with calling these people anarcho-bidenists, it’s just a way of saying some anarchists (especially western ones) are actually just radlibs, whether in awareness of it or not
As soon as you smell a “lib”, even though you are usually wrong
We’re actually 100% correct, just fyi. A lot of people don’t know that about us
Yes, you are absolutely the smartest ones in the room. All rooms. At all times.
I suspect the userbase of hexbear skews extremely young. I too had everything figured out when I was younger.
Yes, you are absolutely the smartest ones in the room. All rooms. At all times.
Yes, you are absolutely the smartest ones in the room. All rooms. At all times.
As opposed to you, who definitely doesn’t roleplay being the “smartest one in the room” and speak in condescending generalizations about a large group of political others. Never ever.
If you are still seriously reading communist theory beyond the age of 20, I’ve got some truly terrible news for you. You should probably stay out of rooms altogether before anyone puts it together for you.
Seems I have to narc on all my professors, postdocs and PhDs, they all read Marx.
So which one is it: round up all the intellectuals and cast them out to carry out farm labour, or let them sit in their ivory tower and read theory?
So what big boy books do you like to read, then? Give us your top recommendations.
Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Harry Potter, Turner Diaries
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There’s this reactionary trope that Communism is just something teenagers who have never had real jobs are into, that somehow the basement-dwelling children of 1st world small business owners are able to easily blaze through all The Manifesto, Grundrisse, Anti-Duhring, German ideology, All 3 volumes of Das Kapital, All 3 volumes of Theories of Surplus Value, etc. etc. etc. before they’re old enough to drink, and then after getting an associates degree abandon it because they learned to adult… it’s patently absurd. If anything the type of people in question don’t even begin to question Capitalism until they’re well into their 20s and sufficiently addled with student loan debt and long hours and a bleaker future than their parents.
Okay, explain how the following mathematical formula that’s used to examine the rate of profits of a company, which tends to fall, is invalid and shouldn’t be studied
p’ : p’1 = s’ (v/C) : s’ (v1/C1) = (v/C) : v1/C1
P… puts what together?
Yes who would ever want to study the leaders of succesful revolutions? Why should we want to learn from those that managed to fight off the capitalists?
Also that sectarianism is probably working super well for you. Great way to build a mass movement.
You’re just parroting the most basic of chud clichés, but I guess that shouldn’t be surprising when you’re petite bourgeoisie
that’s right, I only read liberal theory. Slava Hogwarti!
We all know you’re using that isle of man flag as a coward’s version of the afrikaner flag. You’re so god damn bad at this.
A) I don’t know the first thing about an Afrikaner flag.
B) I was born there
Try again.
I hope you get the Praxis you are looking for one day.
they hate us for our freedom :no-oil:
Tell me so that I can double down on those specific behaviors.
Being mean to bigots
Being uncivil
Being correct
Being smart, hot and sexy
Damn I struggle to do most of thess things
It’s okay, I realised I do all of these things plus ultra so I’m back to full self delusion levels 💪
this but unironically. I want to be as hostile and unwelcoming to libs as possible
Death to America
At first i was neutral on federation, then I was kind of opposed to it because of all the liberals, now that I’ve seen how angry the liberals get I’m extremely pro-federation.