Do you think we’re having users make accounts on defederated instances?
There would be no way to prove such a thing. Obviously all the hexbear trouble-making is evident only on instances that are still federated with you. Nobody would ever create a disposable free account to make trouble…
My own instance is not de-federated from you, and as an anarchist instance I doubt we ever will be. My only hope is that you eventually learn to govern yourselves so that the cadre can step down. As was evident in the wider failing of your shared political ideology, it will never happen because it is an ideology for children. You will always and forever need the grownups to be in charge.
The modern romanization is Zedong, philistine.
I was quoting the 1937 Pamphlet by the late mass murderer, psychological torturer and groupthink brainwash mastermind Mao Tse-tung that was foolishly sent my way and served only to expose that hexbear wants us all fighting our brothers and eating eachother as if it were indeed 1937. Let’s just call him the Chairman, shall we? Maybe ‘Daddy’ would suit you simpering fools better.
Tell me about how much you aren’t a lib.
If opposing mass murder, and having some shred of care for my fellow man and woman and their right to self determination and political freedom makes me a lib, then I guess I just became a fuckin’ lib. Do you see how this works yet? You think you are challenging the status quo, but all you really stand to achieve is sending those that are less anodized in their ideology to take up hard positions to oppose you that they do not even hold in their hearts.
It’s a very strange person that talks about “the history of China over the last 100 years” while having themselves studied so little of it.
Have you ever spent any time there? I would wager not, or you wouldn’t be holding this ridiculous belief that there is something positive about the ideology that led them where they have landed. It is the most oppressive and disgusting place I have ever had the misfortune to visit.
Go ahead, tell me how it was an ecologically sound wonderland prior to exploitation by the west. The perfect utopia, ruined by the adoption of free market principles in 1978.
You don’t know anything about anything beyond what you’ve read in your ancient, sacred texts. 10 out of 10 for Piss Sommeliers though, I’m keeping that.
uwu the mean old hexbears are just so impolite and mean, they just stink up the place and are antagonistic for no reason.
Jesus Christ, what are you, a child? Have your frontal lobes not fused yet, have you not learned how cause and effect act together? You’re being a condescending dickhead, and that’s why people are hostile to you.
Also good luck with any succesful organising if you’re this much of a cantankerous sectarian. I’m sure the revolution will be right around the corner, we just all need to subscribe to your specific ideology. Jesus fucking Christ get a grip and maybe learn a little bit of humility.
You are by the way quoting a translation of Mao Zedong, not the author himself. That translation is outdated.
The “hexbear ideology” is a laughable thing you seem to believe exists. It’s a left unity site you fucking moron, it might do you some good to learn what that means.
As was evident in the wider failing of your shared political ideology, it will never happen because it is an ideology for children. You will always and forever need the grownups to be in charge.
Infantilizing people in the third world, oh mooooods (as for failure…)
There would be no way to prove such a thing. Obviously all the hexbear trouble-making is evident only on instances that are still federated with you. Nobody would ever create a disposable free account to make trouble…
My own instance is not de-federated from you, and as an anarchist instance I doubt we ever will be. My only hope is that you eventually learn to govern yourselves so that the cadre can step down. As was evident in the wider failing of your shared political ideology, it will never happen because it is an ideology for children. You will always and forever need the grownups to be in charge.
I was quoting the 1937 Pamphlet by the late mass murderer, psychological torturer and groupthink brainwash mastermind Mao Tse-tung that was foolishly sent my way and served only to expose that hexbear wants us all fighting our brothers and eating eachother as if it were indeed 1937. Let’s just call him the Chairman, shall we? Maybe ‘Daddy’ would suit you simpering fools better.
If opposing mass murder, and having some shred of care for my fellow man and woman and their right to self determination and political freedom makes me a lib, then I guess I just became a fuckin’ lib. Do you see how this works yet? You think you are challenging the status quo, but all you really stand to achieve is sending those that are less anodized in their ideology to take up hard positions to oppose you that they do not even hold in their hearts.
Go ahead, tell me how it was an ecologically sound wonderland prior to exploitation by the west. The perfect utopia, ruined by the adoption of free market principles in 1978.
You don’t know anything about anything beyond what you’ve read in your ancient, sacred texts. 10 out of 10 for Piss Sommeliers though, I’m keeping that.
uwu the mean old hexbears are just so impolite and mean, they just stink up the place and are antagonistic for no reason.
Jesus Christ, what are you, a child? Have your frontal lobes not fused yet, have you not learned how cause and effect act together? You’re being a condescending dickhead, and that’s why people are hostile to you.
Also good luck with any succesful organising if you’re this much of a cantankerous sectarian. I’m sure the revolution will be right around the corner, we just all need to subscribe to your specific ideology. Jesus fucking Christ get a grip and maybe learn a little bit of humility.
You are by the way quoting a translation of Mao Zedong, not the author himself. That translation is outdated.
The “hexbear ideology” is a laughable thing you seem to believe exists. It’s a left unity site you fucking moron, it might do you some good to learn what that means.
Honey it’s time for your dose of bigoted Orwell scripture references.
“Free market principles” lmao [1] [2] [3]
Infantilizing people in the third world, oh mooooods (as for failure…)
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