One part Great Man Theory with tons of navel gazing and genuflecting to a handful of star figures. One part Sorkin-esque courtroom drama.

Zero parts fun.

Three fucking hours long.

Don’t waste your money on this shit bag, folks.

  • Sinister [none/use name, comrade/them]@hexbear.netB
    2 years ago

    My lib relatives called it anti-communist propaganda because it was anti-union. They also didn’t like that Oppi’s gf was not portrayed as the chemists she was and a general erasure of women in the manhattan project.

  • Big_Bob [any]
    2 years ago

    There was no reason to make it three hours. I was close to pissing myself by the second hour and had to suffer through the last part, hoping something interesting would happen, but instead I got an entire hour of dozens of characters I didn’t give a shit about just babbling at each other while my bladder came closer and closer to blasting the entire audience.

  • Moss [they/them]
    2 years ago

    I liked it but it was such a Nolan movie. Every physicist is introduced like they’re a superhero. JFK gets namedropped at the end like he’s a minor Marvel character being set up for a future movie

    • zifnab25 [he/him, any]@hexbear.netOP
      2 years ago

      They had an hour’s worth of political ahem thriller around whether a guy gets a Senate appointment to the Eisenhower cabinet.

      They completely ignored so much of the crazy shit that went down during the actual project.

      • The Baker & Williams warehouses, where they accidentally started a nuclear fire with stacked uranium
      • The Philadelphia Incident, when three scientists trying to fix a pipe full of uranium hexafluoride accidentally detonated it.
      • The Demon Core experiments
      • Site W, where the first Plutonium was developed, and the army would disect dead coyotes to measure the impacts produced by all their nuclear waste
      • Bikini Atoll & Operation Plumbbob, two major sites of nuclear testing
      • Eisenhower’s Atoms For Peace speech and the development of nuclear energy, both for civilian use and military locomotion

      All this shit was breezed over so they could make a movie about Oppenheimer not being a Communist.

  • AlicePraxis [any]
    2 years ago

    Nolan is very good at directing big action set pieces and that’s about it. He’s really not good at characters or dialogue. I don’t want to see a biopic from him unless it’s about a guy who got into a bunch of car chases or something.

  • StalinForTime [comrade/them]
    2 years ago

    If someone thinks that the movie boiled down to: Great Man shouldn’t be stopped by annoying government to do their awesome research, then I think they need to improve their media literacy.

    Movies can be serious. That’s fine and sometimes necessary, depending on the subject matter. Saying a movie is bad because it is not ‘fun’ (whatever you mean by that) is either unclear or asinine. I agree that Nolan’s films are pretty humorless but that’s not why people go to his films. I’d also have prefered his films if he smoothed out the flow between high-brow seriousness as a tone with other moods and tones.

    Regarding the Great Man Theory: The film is obviously centred around Oppenheimer. Nolan is one of the last Hollywood filmakers making classical dramas and epics. The film is mainly about his tragedy. It is what it is. We can critique it for not expanding its interest (and I certainly would in relation to the actual consequences at Hiroshima and Nagasaki) but honestly I think we should also try to appreciate individual stories for what they are, recognizing the strengths when they’re there. The film does portray both the theoretical and practical achievements of the scientists and engineers that were necessary for Oppenheimer’s work (which was itself extremely historically important). It was obviously not perfect.

    His tragedy is linked to how his understanding of reality, translated into practical and technological reality, and his hypocritical and morally cowardly choices about the practical consequences, give us a man who was brilliant but not wise, intelligent but naive. He wants to play God. He wants divine power. In this way the movie if philosophical. If you don’t like the theme of people who, literally, find their understanding of the deeper levels of reality (they are foundational physicists, they study the fundamental nature of the physical universe) translated into real practical consequences (which isn’t fundamentally different from the turning or use of Marxist knowledge into or for concrete, practical political activity, with its both positive consequences and negative consequences), then that’s on you. It’s a naturally, actually existentially important discussion about the relationship between knowledge and power and how that creates tragic situations (impossibility of ‘moral’ choice). I also would have thought that more people claiming to be Marxists would have appreciated the theme of the problems of the relationships between theory and practice.

    I’m honestly suprised that few people seem to have caught on to what seems to me to be a key possible interpretation: the film is a tragedy about a hypocritical genius who matyrs himself after acquiring ‘he thinks’ divine power. Oppenheimer is trying to play God, and he is suffering the consequences of trying to play God. This is why the film loops back round at the end to Einstein, who reminds Oppenheimer that he cannot control the consequences of his achievement. If he wants to reach for divine achievement, he must pay a price (not a deserved price, of course).

    This is also why the scene with Truman is important (not just because they correctly portray him as a slimy sociopath; albeit, incorrectly, as more charismatic than he actually was). Recall Truman says to him: “Do you think the people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki give two shits about who created the bomb? They care who dropped it. I did…Don’t let they crybaby back in here”. Truman’s voice changes here, becomes less charming and more menacing. He is calling out Oppenheimer’s bullshit, like many of the people around him, notably Einstein. He’s reminding him of his limits as a human individual. He is not in power in this society. The imperialist state is in power, and nuclear weapons are now part of this power. Remember also that Oppenheimer looks away from the images of Hiroshima. I’ll come back to my criticism of this below, but this reflects Oppenheimer’s hypocrisy and moral cowardice again: he is not God. When God drops a church roof on a room full of his followers, he’s looking the whole time. God, or a god, can take responsibility, indeed claim the right, to the divine violence they unleash. Oppenheimer cannot.

    That also underlines the importance of the Bhagavad Gita, which is about how a warrior, Arjuna, is inspired to do what is necessary in war by being shown divine power. The power of Vishnu (Krishna) is compared to divine power, ultimate power to destroy the world that comes from a deeper understanding of reality, which in the case of Oppenheimer and the scientists around him boils down to quantum theory and nuclear physics. The most chilling and critical interpretation of Oppenheimer as a person is that he is perhaps precisely convinced to not oppose the use of the bomb because he sees its ‘divine’ power. Perhaps he also thinks it necessary to end the war, but he himself later admits that the Japanese seem to have been near defeat and basically ready to surrender. His choices become a farcical imitation of a tragic myth.

    I appreciated how they didn’t avoid the fact that Oppenheimer was an obvious communist-sympathiser, and that his broader circle of friends, family and lovers were filled to the brim with communists. The communists are obviously portrayed the most heroically and positively in the film. Some people seem to think it portrayed the unionization and communists negatively, which I really didn’t see at all. Like I really don’t know how people came to this view if they watched the same movie I did. This feels either like media illiteracy or contrarian reaching. Also: the more anti-communist the character became, the more vile they proved to be.

    People might not like communists portrayed as broken, disappointed, and cynical about their past life as communists or bitter over their past political choices, but if you think that doesn’t exist then you clearly haven’t spent much time amongst communists and ex-communists. The joke in the movie that, since Oppenheimer has read all three volumes of Das Capital, he was better read than most communist part members, was honestly funny as it is often true. Also, it portrayed Oppenheimer as engaging in actual militant practice as a syndicalist, and part of its critique of him lies in his moral ambiguity, in his inability to state clearly what he believes politically, and the fact that he lets all of that fall to the wayside in his desire to ‘see God’, or ‘become God’, in any case to access divine power, and then matyr himself over it.

    It also made clear that his relationships to women were deeply problematic. As his communist lover tells him: ‘you can come and go as you please; that’s power’. A woman scientist at Los Alamos argues with a colleague over the effects of the radiation on her reproductive system. Oppenheimer’s wife is confined to the role of housewife and clearly suffers from depression and alcoholism. Of course, I would never call it a feminist piece of film-making. That’s not Nolan’s focus. I would agree that the lack of characterization of women was a noticeable flaw.

    • StalinForTime [comrade/them]
      2 years ago

      A minor criticism is that Nolan has this tendency to write overly serious scripts where he feels the need to say some things instead of telling them when the latter would be more effective. For instance in the ‘Man of Steel’, which he wrote (bad movie imo), we see a young (child) Clark Kent reading Plato’s Republic (which opens with the question: ‘What is justice?’, which is smacks of superficial profundity, as you can just explore that more properly through the narrative and visual language of the film. In Oppenheimer, they make sure you know he was not just a brilliant theoretical physicist, but also read modernist literature (Eliot’s masterpiece, The Waste Land), listened to modern classical music (forget who; Stravinsky), looked at Picassos and read Sanskrit (true and impressive honestly). It was fine but it could have been more naturally incorporated, whereas here is felt a bit forced.

      My main, and I think also the most serious, criticism I would have, is that they did not actually show the consequences of nuclear war. They show that Oppenheimer is a hypocrite, and he suffers both from pride (a desire to play God), but also a moral hypocrite: unlike God, he cannot look at his works. If he wants to take credit for creation, he should also take responsibility for destruction. If Nolan had really wanted to make a film about nuclear horror, instead of Oppenheimer’s tragedy, or if he had wanted to expand the tragedy out from the subjective sphere of one man to the socially objective consequences of his actions, then the films honestly shouldn’t have ended with the surreal vision of the world burning, but with 10 minutes of actual footage from the immediate aftermath of Hiroshima. That’s how you provoke the audience. CW obviously, but if anyone wants to see a film that actually does this, check out: Hiroshima Mon Amour.

      As for not showing more detail explaining that the reason for dropping the bomb was one of anti-Soviet Cold-War logic, which is ofc correct, I don’t think you can force this into a biography without making it seem forced and clunky. There was not really a way for Oppenheimer to have that kind of paper proof of the internal workings of the state on hand. That obviously raises the question of how you manage to incorportate info which is important like that. Like maybe you have a digression from his story but I’m not sure how to do that well.

      By-the-bye, by any technical measure, and in terms of visual craftmanship, the film is a marvel. I honestly can’t remember seeing a film recently at a similar scale. This is one reason why many people, and not only people with casual interest in movies, flock to see Nolan’s films. That might not speak to you, for whatever reason, which is fine, but this is a legitimate thing for someone to talk about when they liked the movie. People liking things because they find them visually beautiful is natural. This doesn’t mean I think it is the most visually beautiful or movie of all time, but it is good to let people know that if they want to go see it just for that then that’s fine. The sound-design was also the most impressive I can remember in a film, although that might be a bias of having seen it in cinema. The narrative structure and cinematography were very, very impressive imo; why would be a more technical and aesthetic discussion. For instance, the visual harmonies between his meditation on internal atomic structure, the deaths of stars as they collapse as based on chain reactions, and the culmination in the construction of the atomic bomb, also based on uncontrollable chain reactions, extending metaphorically into the uncontrolable social and political consequences of nuclear weapons, was beautiful imo. If you watch films for cinematographic, superficial as they may be, then I think the film is worth watching. It’s also worth watching as an exploration of alienation of a scientist in the form of the fact that no matter how deep his scientific knowledge, it does not allow him to control the consequences of his knowledge.

      I should add that I’m biased as I’m a sucker for stories about the wonders and horrors of science as well as history.

      Also, my brothers and sisters in Christ: you presumably knew, or could have known, that the film is 3 hours long. That’s on you. Some people (myself included) love long films. Sometimes you want a longer run-time in order to flesh out the story, especially if it’s an epic or biopic. If you were bored that’s a shame but the people I went to see it with were pretty gripped from start to finish.

      Scores aren’t perfect but I’d honestly give it a 8/10.

  • Vingst [he/him]
    2 years ago

    Movie theaters are too loud man. I forgot my earplugs and now my tinnitus kinda flared up.

    Yeah the movie was boring. The whole third hour courtroom drama was weak and stupid.

    At least communists looked kind of sympathetic.

          • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
            2 years ago

            His Wikipedia entry is the best I can really suggest, mostly because it’s been so long since I formed an opinion on mr Feynman to remember where I learned how odious he was. Here’s the choice part of his life that I’m specifically referring to, about one of his memoirs. I’m just quoting wiki here.

            Feynman has been criticized for a chapter in the book entitled “You Just Ask Them?”, where he describes how he learned to seduce women at a bar he went to in the summer of 1946. A mentor taught him to ask a woman if she would sleep with him before buying her anything. He describes seeing women at the bar as “bitches” in his thoughts, and tells a story of how he told a woman named Ann that she was “worse than a whore” after Ann persuaded him to buy her sandwiches by telling him he could eat them at her place, but then, after he bought them, saying they actually could not eat together because another man was coming over. Later on that same evening, Ann returned to the bar to take Feynman to her place. Feynman states at the end of the chapter that this behaviour was not typical of him: “So it worked even with an ordinary girl! But no matter how effective the lesson was, I never really used it after that. I didn’t enjoy doing it that way. But it was interesting to know that things worked much differently from how I was brought up.”

            This passage does not mention his particular affinity for attempting to seduce coeds at Caltech. Or secretaries. Or basically any woman that moved.

            • JuneFall [none/use name]
              2 years ago

              Thanks. With stuff like that it is often good to ask, since people might have good sources. For me I remembered him being a sexist, which is not quite the same as sex pests, but depending on power situation “flirting” with secretaries is abuse of power.

              • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
                2 years ago

                I was immersed in physics for a while, so I’m familiar with some of the less savory aspects of the people that often get lionized. Feynman in particular draws my ire partly because of how adored he is by reddit-logo users. I can’t remember the provenance of this, but Feynman was known for always walking to lunch with the secretaries rather than has colleagues. I also recall that there was some more odious parts related to the quote I gave, more specifically about his relationships with undergrads while teaching at Caltech.

          • Llituro [he/him, they/them]
            2 years ago

            Man who helps invent death machine becomes a little concerned about the morals of death machines well after he’s done making them. I despise Feynman for being an overall piece of shit, I’m not going to make myself care that he thought a little more deeply about it after the fact.