False dilemma. They might spark a pandemic AND have a mass shouting.
False dilemma. They might spark a pandemic AND have a mass shouting.
Just wait. If they win the Super Bowl there’ll be a parade with 800k+ in attendance.
Also a great metaphor for how US foreign policy works.
Walter White sneaking around inside Jesse’s apartment while he sleeps. “I’m watching Jane choke on her vomit.”
They’re dressed to find out if there’s a cherry pie in Dougie Jones’s box.
I suspect I’m autistic and have adhd and have usually felt a sort of “but why” instinct to all gendered expectations put upon me. This is how I feel with all sorts of social pressures so I’m not sure if it’s a function of dysphoria specifically. I identify with my body and pronouns but that’s about where it stops.
Middle school was probably the only time I didn’t feel confident enough to just handwave the malign pressure boys can put on other boys. That middle school thing of being left alone, having friends and not being bullied being (or seeming) incumbent on walking a fine line and not looking uncool.
High school was great, I was as weird as I wanted to be. My sibling and dad also exhibit traits of autism and weren’t at all interested in putting gendered expectations on me; again I don’t know if the possible autism is the reason it just feels like analytical thinking is paramount in my family. Way later in adulthood I have a boss who does schrodingers jokes saying shit like “men don’t read manuals”, but I’m completely comfortable calling him a boomer and rallying my colleagues against his bad boomer opinions. I have no aspirations to his cliched vision of masculinity.
I saw demigender or Demi-boy as a possible name for someone who feels kind of male. Maybe that’s me? Or is society just building a huge house of cards on top of the concept of masculinity that doesn’t serve but a very small subset of men at best? Apologies for the ramble.
Certified reddit moment.
Do these people actually believe that the risks are made up or do they have a death drive that makes the danger a selling point to them?
I’d post up my favorite diy punk venue but it would be bad opsec. There’s got to be a place just like it in every mid to large city and they’re putting the best sounding most talented people you’ve never heard of on stage.
I’ve felt he same way as you. If you have an activist tenant or worker organization or a socialist party that’s actually work joining know that they want and need your time even if you think you have nothing to offer them. If you show up consistently when they need you it won’t matter if you have nothing interesting to say.
Go to a DIY space (micro cinema, punk concert venue, comedy club) and you’ll find other poorly socialized people which really doesn’t make it any easier on you; two awkward people not knowing how to carry on a conversation is worse than one. But the point here is to realize you survive these scenarios (and aren’t alone) and build comfort and confidence in being uncomfortable.
Cooking, wood working, gardening. These are hobbies so neglected by most people these days that at an advanced beginner level you’re already beyond the average person. Try various hobbies, give each one 2 or 3 genuine attempts, stick with the one that made you feel the most alive. I didn’t like cooking at first but grew to really appreciate the process and how much direct control you have over an act of transformation.
Just some thoughts.
Inside out 3 looks dope
2008 libertarian to 2012 socialist curious, started frequenting the Chapo sub in 2017 and came over here when it was banned.
I’ve stayed because y’all are way funnier than anyone on Reddit and your hearts are always in the right place… seriously, there’s like a utopian level of kindness here. Oh and no ads!!!
Plus someone here introduced me to Black Dresses so I consider you taste makers as well.
2019 libs yelling at Bernie for saying post revolution gains in Cuban literacy were a good thing.
“What the return of Trump means for sales of my next airport book.”
Wouldn’t want to waste the rest of his political capital…
Both of them are on a shelf reserved for pickup by this guy who reserves tons of shit and never picks any of it up. No I can’t remove it and sell it to you, my boss has been very clear about that.
NGL, money pythons sound pretty scary.
Welcome back. Big fan of your early work.
Haven’t heard that name in many years.
Is it time to cash out bonds?