That sounds a lot like my situation. Little firewood-burning stove was the only heat for the whole (albeit little) house, but the kitchen and living room were the same room anyway, just that the floor where the kitchen was was linoleum while the “living room” was where there was carpet. There were no stairs, but my doorless walk-in-closet bedroom was just an offshoot next to the single bathroom, both of which could be seen into from the living room/kitchen (though the bathroom did at least have a door lol). But it wasn’t a big deal because it was just how things were. I only had one sibling who was a lot older and often not around, but yeah for me, I was still sleeping in my parents room quite a bit even into early double-digit years old.
You had a bedtime at 18? How old were you when you moved out if you don’t mind me asking?