He knows all the strats for skipping dialogue and oneshotting bosses.
There’s too much capital tied up in the federal government for this to actually happen. The haute bourgeois finger breakers will wrangle Trump in once he’s actually in office.
I guess man. Im not convinced anyone with any power knows how to do anything like that anymore, we’re like two generations out from the actual capitalists that ran this place.
I feel like once you start fucking with serious amounts of money some competent rich people who’s names you’ve never heard of cuz they’re smart enough to stay off Twitter start coming out of the woodwork.
Yeah, the real money that runs the capitalist world is people who we likely have to search out their names and learn very little about.
It’s not people though, it’s a social structure: a set of systems and rules with no one person in charge that, once broken, is very hard to put back together again.
That is the core, yes. But there are some really shitty ones out their that like their privacy and have a very high degree of influence.
Ill believe it when I see it. All the ones that appear to have any power are hard to describe without using an ableist slur
maybe. i don’t know how they can be competent if they were effectively handed the money as a birthright though.
like i understand the fear, but i think we’re overestimating what’s really going on there
Idk maybe their weird rich fathers put them through some kinda rigorous training before they gave them the money.
If that’s what you want to call minoring in binge drinking at Yale go off ig
It’s more like joining a weird cult in Yale that ritually humiliates you, but also binge drinking
That’s what’s so “exciting” about the present moment. With Trump valuing blind loyalty above all else with his cabinet appointments, will he actually be able to make the bourgeois state dominant over individual bourgois interests? That is the ultimate goal of fascism, after all. They will elevate the dominance of the ruling class systemically, by overriding capital’s preferred methods of state control.
I think the collapse of the USA will look more like the fall of the USSR than Nazi Germany. Americans are lazy and stupid. I think things will eventually just start to break down (more) due to neglect and incompetence while an increasingly small number of oligarchs consolidate their power and wealth
I think the collapse of the USA will look more like the fall of the USSR than Nazi Germany.
I hope you’re right about that!
Me too, hogslayer
also bold move to go to war with China, Iran, and 50% of your own population. Let’s see how it plays out.
Vote for me now and you won’t have to do it again.
Because you’ll be a dictator?
And not because the US will have collapsed by 2028?
I’m ready to be accused of narco-terrorism because I happen to be Chicano while the US invades Mexico to “fight narcos.”
Comrade Trump helping the environment by getting the Pacific Fleet turned into artificial reefs in the South China Sea.
It is hard to tell if Trump cronies will just sit in their government positions and try to scam money for themselves, or if they will actually go full hog on the (crazy) stuff they are proposing.
Will the “adults in the room” actually do something? Or are they just gonna quietly stockpile resources and hope Elon has a mars colony ready to go in 2028?
They haven’t done fuck all in nearly 10 years since Trump won the Republican primary. They won’t even stockpile resources. They’ll continue to stand in the corner acting smug as Trump sends the FBI to kick down their doors and drags them off to ADX Florence.
I don’t even know who the “adults in the room” are supposed to be!
I don’t even think there’s a room!
No fucking idea, but it’s something libs liked to say about the democrats.
I’m just hoping that as co-head of D.O.G.E. (Bleh), Elon does something so ineptly corrupt that the SEC absolutely buries him and Trump is so annoyed by him that he doesn’t step in to intervene.
other parts of the federal government are just going to legalize corruption if that happens
It isn’t already legalized? Could’ve fooled me
you gotta keep up the figleaf and elon basically already broke that by only accepting applications from twitter blue users
I think there’s no way a new Dept get’s made or Elon actually get’s a cabinet position.
they’ve said it’s gonna be non government so just the highest paid consultant in the country presumably
Trump seizes elons 400b doll hairs and distributes it to the people in a stimulus check
Can’t wait to be jailed for being on medicaid and taking antidepressants because RFK Jr. thinks Adam Lanza (who’s also an alien) was programmed by prozac to kill.
it’s christmas for accelerationists everywhere
If Trump did something clearly threatening to the USA, like try to leave NATO, then the deep state would obviously get involved. Way too much money invested to just let that disappear
But appointing the sweatiest swine to positions of leadership? That’s actually genius. Comrade Trump has found the perfect loophole to destroy the government.
who’s the deep state?
In this case: Institutions of power in the intelligence, military, foreign relations, etc. People and groups, institutions and interests ensconced in elephantine bureaucracies that actually make things happen and are kind of a backstop to power. They’re the violence that doesn’t answer to the state as liberals presume they should, they do obey orders of the state in so far as the state’s interests are theirs but also slow-walk, sabotage them, avoid them, go around them, and if really necessary disobey them directly if they deem it necessary. They’re the people who will kill a sitting president, the people who smuggle drugs in for off the books revenues to use on operations without pesky congressional or executive branch oversight. They are the inertia, the institutional guarantee against changing of whims among the elected congress-critters and changing seats in the white house and even in appointed offices like heads of say the CIA, FBI, joint chiefs, etc.
The deep state is everyone from career CIA, NSA, military, foreign policy managers and mid-level agents and personnel who work on the clock completely above board and who can resist any dramatic changes simply by continuing to pursue what has been deemed better, to pursue what they believe and have been led to believe is the right course to shadowy groups of intelligence adjacent types who in addition to funding in theory subject to audit in the intelligence black hole funding bag also have access to off the books funds, the types who kill people and break laws and rules, who answer to no elected persons and are in every way that matters immune to consequences save from among their own. They do things like MKUltra, run Epstein child trafficking rings to traffic victims for compromising material to leverage against government and business leaders and to gain their favor so they don’t even have to use pressure.
This sprawling apparatus both the submerged “deep” parts and visible parts is why those boat dealers were able to waltz into congress on Jan 6th without resistance but a confused two people in an SUV who took the wrong highway exit to the NSA and panicked, running the checkpoints instead of stopping were shot dead with automatic weapons fire before they got anywhere close to it without asking further questions.
I don’t know that those people are going to save us; to the extent that killing him would do that. they might be too explicitly fascist these days.
Save us? They serve empire and capital. They murder communists and sabotage leftist movements and became a more explicit thing likely because JFK they felt betrayed them by not fully backing with the might of the US military the bay of pigs operation whose failure resulted in humiliation for that community and many believe spurred them to kill him.
They do. And they do. And I fully expect best case frpm them would be like being a gay prisoner liberated from a death camp, where it’s very ‘congratulations you’re free!..to rot in this normal prison’
But I really dont expect even that.
The deep state is actually just the state. There are close to 23 million us government employees, and who knows how many more private consultants and government contractors working for the government. Anyone who has ever managed a group of people knows that making people what you want to do is a herculean task, even if you are just managing 5 people.
Class societies obsessed with great man theory attribute super natural creative abilities to leaders and “geniuses”.
Please tell me he’s actually doing the “doge department” nonsense
They’re going to cut a trillion dollars that would go to the rare good things in the US budget and then give a trillion and a half to the military and corporate cash. As is tradition.
they’ve said so far it’s going to be non govt so a glorified consultant basically
Lmao, so Elon will just get paid even more money to sit on his ass and tweet.
it’s basically an advisory board (so far).
Trump IS the strongest vanguard of the modern revolution.
Careful, the MAGA communist fash heads believe this unironically
He’s using a hacked ROM to give himself godmode.
new world record TAS on stream
Is he gonna level wrap past Indiana and glitch out straight to revolution?