No it hasn’t
Yeah if you’re really hardcore you use a trackball in one hand and a Wacom pen & tablet in the other, none of that fake controller or mouse and keyboard shit for casuals
That reads like AI slop
Yeah, if you live in an ocean port city just take a look across the harbour on any day of the week and you’ll probably see at least one Evergreen ship.
The perfectly alienated and isolated liberal approach that changes nothing. Festooning a suburban house with solar panels is like washing your oversized pickup truck with those unbleached brown recycled paper towels.
However, advocating for vasectomies and such gestures towards eugenics and eco-fascism.
You’re right, the Steamdeck can’t even run Fortnite! The Nintendo Switch is a much more capable gaming tablet than the Steamdeck is, and it has a better game library.
Yeah the Steamdeck is a pretty ok gaming tablet
For that kind of money you could just get a Playstation
If you borrow a DVD from the library for free you don’t need to pay for whatever streaming service is holding that particular film hostage, if it’s even available at all. And if it’s a Blu-ray Disc it will have better picture quality than a compressed stream. Making copies is also very easy if you have a computer with a drive, and doesn’t require paying for a VPN to avoid facing the risks of online piracy.
I’m a foreign bad actor.
It’s a perfectly nice game smothered under a terrifyingly exploitative business model. If you have trouble with addiction or gambling it’s best to skip it entirely, but if you can safely avoid those elements and like open world fantasy action RPGs then it’s worth a go.
I think it loses a few points on the “best game ever” scale for making you rent an apartment with a spare empty room to dance around in while wearing an expensive helmet.
Absolutely. The Yakuza/Judgement/Like a Dragon games reuse maps and animations like TV shows reuse sets and locations and there is nothing wrong with this.
She’s using a standard beige PC monitor with the keyboard that came with the powermac G4. They used to arrest you for doing that. Steve Jobs himself would waterboard you until you agreed to buy an overpriced clear plastic Apple display that properly matched.
I don’t even think there’s a room!
It’s not people though, it’s a social structure: a set of systems and rules with no one person in charge that, once broken, is very hard to put back together again.
True, and I just checked Burnout 3, the other game OP mentioned, it’s from 2004. These are both Playstation 2 era games. These games aren’t just older than any teenager, they’re also older than the Xbox 360 the teenagers supposedly found. Who knows whatever it was they actually found, or are actually playing.
Those big multibillion-dollar centralised data centres aren’t as reliable as a little shiny disc