Just on this site I’m pretty sure I’ve read and seen upbeared a number of times people suggest that not just Americans but all Westerners in general are so benefited by imperialism that they’re all subconsciously supportive of the current order and lack essentially any capacity to support revolution.
Dang it paper place mat that was probably bulk purchased from a sketchy company in San Fransisco! Why would you lie to me while I’m eating egg rolls
So I am curious, does the Chinese zodiac really work like how it says it does on the back of those paper place mats they had in the strip mall Chinese place that was probably actually owned by Koreans that I went to as a kid or is that a bastardized version?
Yeah but I doubt the radiation helps
If it weren’t for the going to prison for life part I’d be jelly
This dude is gonna get so many nude Polaroids from lefty only fans girls.
From what I’ve read, it’s only dangerous if you ingest it, food that’s just been sitting on it is fine, but if a chip or shard of it get in you it can fuck you up.
So yeah best not to eat off of. It’s apparently fine as a decorative piece tho, being near it won’t give you cancer.
Lack of medical bankruptcies is actually an indication of authoritarianism FYI
Lmao he’s hot!
If he gets caught, we’ll have the first killer in prison who actually DESERVES to get tons of horny mail from fans.
Every white dude with a hoodie in NYC is a suspect now I guess. If I lived in NYC I’d be a suspect.
I am currently playing drums on a set of NYPD helmets.
You gain Karma in New Vegas for killing Van Graffs and Omertàs, idk how this is different.
I’ve been seeing this incident spawn a lot of discourse about political and social violence which seems to be causing some “progressive Libs” suddenly have oddly materialist takes. Even r/neoliberal had some people discussing the brutal reality of the health insurance industry and the failure of the US system to do anything about it (while condemning the violence of course).
We can’t say anything for sure yet but it does seem like this incident has triggered something in some people.
So we’ve entered the propaganda of deed phase of history repeating itself. So we’re in a re-do of the late 1800s early 1900s.
Now we just need a horrible global war to break out, and some plucky group of commies lead by a bald guy with goatee to have advantage of the situation.
Nick and Stav are halfway through a pizza, when they look over to a sweaty Adam slouching in the doorway.
Stav: “What the fuck dude?”
Counterpoint: he was a Chud loser tho
Damn, maybe I should [redacted]
Just realized do we know the gender?
Fair point, edited
But hey I’m sure there’s hot e guys and NBs horny for them too.
The police are gonna end up arresting some random guy who was born with weird hands aren’t they?