I’m submitting this as an emoji.
We posted at the same time lolol hive mind is real.
We are all linked to the Hexbear Collective.
That’s the look of somebody who until very recently was the only person on the planet bad enough at politics to lose an election to trump.
If I had a nickel for every woman from the Democratic Party who lost a general election to Trump, I’d have two nickels – which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.
I don’t understand, Hillary, I did everything you recommended, and I still lost.
It’s not your fault, Kamala.
And Hillary was so happy inside that her plan had worked perfectly.
He has a wife you know…
What are the odds of Kamala bitching about this election for the rest of her life?
100% lol. Pretty sure Jimmy Carter and his wife, who died last year, complained about losing the election for the rest of their lives. Rosalynn was very upset. I think Gerald Ford also wanted to run again in 1980 to prove that he could win an election and be elected democratically, but the Republicans refused. I have no idea if Ford was angry with the Republicans, as Carter is at the Democrats. I think after Carter wrote that book about Israel, they basically kicked him out of the party for daring to say that Israel is practicing apartheid.
To be fair, the CIA did do some actual fuckery to make Carter lose
The whole Iran hostage thing was such obvious bullshit, Reagan runs on being the big strong conservative who can get the hostages back and it actually happens like a week into his presidency just like that? I don’t buy that, I’d bet anything the CIA had an under the table deal with Iran especially since it meant having their man HW as the VP
Not that Carter isn’t a war criminal piece of shit too but he’s kinda like JFK in that he was slightly less shitty than average and even that was too much for the people calling the shots
I’m pretty sure the Reagan hostage deal stuff is actually confirmed, I don’t remember though whether it was tied into his illegal arms sales to Iran or if it was entirely separate from that
The Reagan stuff is confirmed, has been for years. It’s not a conspiracy theory anymore, now it’s just regular conspiracy
Jimmy Carter still being alive is my personal Mandela effect I could have sworn he’s died like 4 times now
I mean he’s old enough that statistically he really should have, he’s over 100 now so it’s a bit shocking when you remember that he hasn’t. I always remember he’s alive just because of those factoids though. He’s been alive for 40% of the entire history of this despicable settler colonial fash country.
Tbf he’s been barely alive for years now
Still more alive than I prefer my U.S. presidents to be tbh
Nah I want them all to be preserved artificially past their expiration date, while being forced to watch socialism with Chinese characteristics lift the global south out from underneath the boot of western imperialism…until the day after the last capitalist society falls to the glory of socialism.
I mean……
thats a corpse
I volunteer to pin this on him
i just had this same thought. i heard he was gonna be on the talk tuah podcast and i couldve sworn he already died
i heard he was gonna be on the talk tuah podcast
no fucking way
I think he survived literally multiple types of cancer using experimental drugs, even a deadly brain tumor.
I was wondering when we’re gonna get pictures of her hiking through the woods wondering where it all went wrong.
We’re going to get so many Kamala memes saying “I told you so” in the next 4 years
It is 2032 I’m sitting in a disused parking garage for shelter choking on polluted air from the refineries that exploded after the last cat 5 hurricane hit.
Someone next to me says “if it weren’t for those fucking Bernie bros in 2016….”
I throw my self off the building
I would have thrown them off the building
this is beautiful
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Surely this will be the last time she runs… right? I mean she didn’t even win her own state in the primaries the first time around.
Do you think Clinton was petty enough to purposefully give Harris bad advice or you do think Clinton lacks the self-awareness to realize she doesn’t know what the fuck she’s doing?
The Wimp Lo school of political campaigning
We purposely told her she could turn Texas blue, as a joke
Hillary is the only one who can summon the ghost of Kissinger.
this name fits better
I love when we give emojis funny names that then stop making sense with time, unironically. Then only those that speak the deep lore can summon them
Honorary mention to
for requiring to know what “the conspiracy guy” is from
Like a mad scientist watching her creation destroy everything.
Trump is their Frankenstein’s Monster with the whole Pied Piper Strategy thingy.
That’s exactly what I meant
Holy shit, is the democratic party accelerationist?
Looks more like the lobby of hospice care to me.
“Welcome to the shit-eaters club Sister Kamala, grab a seat”
at the vet waiting for their turn to cross the rainbow bridge
She’s smiling because the Democratic Party got what it wanted out of this election: more money for Israel and no universal healthcare. She’s smiling because the democrats won.
The problem with ‘The funniest outcome is always what happens’ is that you don’t know what the funniest outcome is until it happens. This is very funny