well one guy said he’s so sure trump will win that if he loses then he’s gonna suck my dick. i don’t want this dude to suck my dick but out of principle i might have to make him do it if the time comes.
Shaking your head while getting your dick sucked to show you disagree but you gotta prove a point
“this hurts me more than it hurts you”
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Just get him to kiss it. You don’t have to have any kind of sex with a chud and they’re still likely deeply humiliated
smooch hog
I think they are just gunna cheat successfully this time tbh
they are planning to ahead of time and all the dems would do in response is complain while letting them do it and then obeying them meekly because “civility”
I dont think this is actually likely but it still feels like its just gunna happen idk
4-5 years after the election it will come out that half the key states had major election fraud and the dems will do absolutely nothing with it and the republicans just putting in a ton of fake votes will just become a standard part of American electoralism. The 2032 election will be the most important election of our lives where we must defeat the voter fraud at the ballot box.
4-5 years after the election it will come out that half the key states had major election fraud and the dems will do absolutely nothing with it
That’s battle box to you, private!
Yeah unless it’s a huge blowout for her, which it won’t be because she’s run a completely incompetent campaign of “Don’t vote for me, I suck, also fuck you for asking for the genocide to stop”
And honestly good. She’s currently overseeing this
so to me she has to lose, and I no longer really care who she loses to. It cannot be possible to do this and win an election.I wish I could say what I actually wish would happen to Kamala
Trump is Hitler but he’s currently the lesser Hitler because he’s not currently doing the Holocaust right this moment.
Trump is Hitler but he’s currently the lesser Hitler because he’s not currently doing the Holocaust right this moment.
tbh yeah. the chance of the genocide ending under kamala are 0%, while under trump there’d be like a 1% chance because maybe he would get mad at netanyahu personally for some inscrutable reason and then take it out on him by ending the arms shipments to focus on china or w/e. because of trump’s personal instability and just general inability to commit to a particular course of action he is actually to the left of kkkamala on foreign policy imo
Death to America
Yes! Thank you. Fuck I’ve been feeling like I’m crazy for thinking this.
What I typically say is just “Kamala is currently doing it, Trump will be doing it but isn’t right now, so that makes Kamala worse. But I do also believe there is an ever so slightly better chance of this being stopped under Trump than Kamala, if for no other reason than his personal incompetence and instability.
Trump is Hitler but he’s currently the lesser Hitler because he’s not currently doing the Holocaust right this moment
Thank you for putting this so succinctly that i can repeat it and sound clever instead of fumbling over my words
@Civility@hexbear.net is cool with people cheating? Bad look…
Nothing. There will be some stochastic terrorism and hate crimes probably, from the most unhinged, but the jetski dealers of America are not going to pry themselves out of their McMansions to fight a guerilla war, lol
Correct, and I came in here to say it. MAGA Americans are still Americans, and the overwhelming majority of us are completely housebroken.
They won’t do violence against the government because they’re all cowards.
Instead there will be a wave of violence against women, including femicides, because they’ll blame their wives and families and neighbors and random women for voting for Harris and “lying about it.” There’s a gender violence time bomb ticking in the US and it freaks me the fuck out.
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True, I guess when I think of violence I don’t think about property damage and there will certainly be isolated lone wolf attacks.
On a societal level, though, I think it will just manifest as racialized and patriarchal violence as “revenge” for Harris winning.
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Grumble, whine and post like they usually do. January 6th ain’t happening again.
Yeah, a big motivating part of Jan 6th was that the left had had our own riots so they didn’t wanna get left behind. Not to mention Trump is too out of it to instigate another insurrection.
Keep in mind that they’re completely disconnected from reality. They thing pro-Palestine protestors are trashing universities and that several cities are basically rubble since 2020. The left doesn’t actually have to be rioting for them to think we are.
tase themselves in the balls and ass
Death to America
We can only hope
Probably nothing. Like the rank and file MAGA voters are all eight years older than they were in 2016. Most of their street fighting units were dismantled a long time ago. They were old dorks without any real taste for getting blood on their knuckles in the first place. Trumps original street fighting outfits got a lot of media play but I doubt if there were ever more than 10,000 of them in the whole country that actually had the capacity for direct violence.
The strategic strengths of the MAGA fash (as opposed to BlueMaga) currently lies in their control of the courts, police, and media. They completely crushed police reform, the dems normalized the use of police and military against dissent, and the MAGA fash have control of all the institutions they need to unilaterally end abortion, healthcare, and to continue and possibly complete the genocide of trans people, plus whatever other goals they want. IANAL and I don’t entirely comprehend the limit of the SCOTUS, like what degree of legislating from the bench the Dems will tolerate without resistance, but with control of the SCOTUS the GOP can sorta/kinda rule by decree now. Whether they will and to what extent they will is an open question, but they’ve already overthrown critical legal precedent on things like Roe and some key labor laws.
We see a big bump in hate crimes. Trump won’t concede. Dems do yet another performative investigation into voter fraud and find none because there was none. Trump still won’t concede. Liberal legacy media hems and haws about how uncivil it is but ultimately nothing comes of it.
Honestly, probably nothing. At most they’ll do some pathetic show like Jan 6th again. Bunch of boater kulaks with no sauce.
I think no matter what happens they will be annoying and complain about owning homes
They’re not about that life. As much as Americans love their guns their troops and as much senseless violence occurs the vast majority don’t have the taste or hunger for a legit civil like they keep trying to hype up. They can wear all the camo, skull, goofy warrior quotes they they want mandem who feel their life will fall apart without after a few hours of no wifi can’t fix their mouth to tell me shit.
americans only love violence when its inflicted on brown people far away. when it comes to actually putting their own life on the line they are the most cowardly people on earth
Death to America
Seen people talk about oh america has more guns than people. Whats that gotta do with being ready for a civil war though? All these violent events these dudes brag about like gang violence or mass shootings are relatively sporadic when you consider how big the country is and doesn’t actually impact commerce and daily running life really. A legit civil war changes that drastically. They are not ready for that smoke
All the guns and blue lives gear is them trying to hype themselves up to go to war. But they don’t realize that buying luxury goods and identifying with a brand is not really relevant to winning a civil war.
It probably doesn’t matter because Trump is winning this. But if he loses it would be so funny if he ran again in 2028. He’s gonna have Biden brain by then and it will be awesome.
I think Trump already does have biden brain, it just manifests itself in a way that is harder to distinguish than Bidens because of his (trumps) normal baseline. Like, yeah Biden will gaffe and whatever, but also trump speaks in rambling paragraphs and covers 20 different topics at once
I’m a bit of a doomer when it comes to the potential of the American conservative movement to birth a violent revolution. Nothing Ever Happens Gang, take heed:
January 6th 2021 proved two things to me; first, there is latent revolutionary potential among the conservative bourgeoisie in America. They are willing to fight and die to bring about a utopian future being promised to them by QAnon, they just lack cohesion and a vanguard faction. The blackshirts are ready, they just need their Mussolini.
Second, it showed that the FBI and other agencies had a major blindspot for the MAGA conservatives, and weren’t embedded deep enough with them to pre-empt something like J6. There are a lot of theories that they must have known but just let it happen anyways to entrap people. But frankly when I see a situation that could be explained by the government having either godlike super-prescience 47D Chess skills as part of a trap, or by organisational incompetence like we saw with the Secret Service back in July in Butler-- I stick with ‘incompetence’. It’s a lot more
These two things create a perfect storm for the savvier and more prepared folks among the conservative movement. The General Flynns, the Ivan Raiklins, the Ammon and Ryan Bundys, the Dan Bonginos, and the Steve Bannons of the nation. People who want to see the current order completely overthrown, have connections throughout the right-wing media/‘intellectual’ worlds, and a willingness to either use violence or direct other people in using violence. All it takes is loose coordination between these kinds of people and the militia movements, and you’ve got the spark of something bigger beginning. A few attacks on key highways and parts of the electrical infrastructure, and they can create a huge shock across the continent that could have a ripple effect of inspiring the kinds of people who who weren’t at J6 but wish they were.
If Kamala wins, I fully expect Trump to try and use legal bullshit to try and overturn it, but the conservative bourgeoisie (who fully back him in that, but want to see blood, not lawsuits) might try to kick off a rebellion out west. If they fail, MAGA will say they were feds and forget it ever happened. If they succeed, they can help Trump pressure the Biden admin to relinquish power to Trump in order to avoid a civil war redux.
January 6th 2021 proved two things to me; first, there is latent revolutionary potential among the conservative bourgeoisie in America
how can the conservative bourgeoisie rebel against themselves? they already run everything and have everything they want. they’re mad about culture war issues but that’s never going to be enough to get people to risk their lives in large enough numbers to lead to a “revolution.” i think they’ll accelerate the pace at which they take over the deep state and impose christo-fascism from above, but that doesn’t require anything like a revolution
Death to America
Yes they run everything and have everything they want but do they know that? It is really hard to tell what revanchists actually believe and what they only say they believe. Political factions have made some incredibly weird, irrational choices in the past.
I’ve not heard this word before, what’s it mean?
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half of the conservative bourgeoisie think the other half are baby-eating commie jew paedophiles
I don’t think they have any revolutionary potential. There are a large number of far-right people willing to do violence, but how many of them are willing to risk losing their lives or their businesses or their treats? They’re only willing to drive their trucks through crowds because they know there’s a good chance they’ll get away with it. They’re also incapable of organizing with their peers, they’ll only attend a meeting if they get to threaten the school board or whatever. They view discipline as an unjust imposition on their freedom.
They can do terrorism but can’t engage in sustained conflict, they’re basically like Israel settles but less capable and less unified.
But ultimately the US is declining into some kind of neo-fascism anyway. It doesn’t rely on their revolutionary potential, it’s just the logic of our ruling institutions.
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Idk, they vandalize the White House again, and dems be like
“Another Jan. 6th”, then proceed to give 1-10 year sentences, and parole if they’re “polite” people
Then the reactionary victories by a thousand cuts will continue
There’s gonna be about a half dozen new podcasts coming out of that one DC area prison lmao.
Reading about that was fucking baffling. It’s like laboratory grade conditions for developing Hitler 2. Mein Kampf but it’s in podcast form this time.
i just hope it’s fucking funny honestly. kill a couple senators, beat a cop in the streets, i don’t fucking care. death to amerika.
Gonna be hard to top getting tazed in the balls and dying tbh