Lenin, please come back
Lenin, please come back
Is Putin a CIA asset or something? How would he allow this?
That’s an Onion headline
Is a family sized bag of Tostitos a good meal?
I think the argument should be “Democrats, trying to convince wealthy conservative Jewish voters in the Philly metro to flip, rather than working with their working class Muslim base in key swing states, might have committed one of the largest self owns in history.”
Supporting Bibi and Likud is against the self interest of the democrats getting elected at home. Placing all the blame on Bibi would’ve removed so much tension within the electorate and with foreign allies. Bibi is legit everything Dems say Putin is, the level of support Likud gave the republicans might actually have swung this past election. I understand they are zionists, but there has to be some level of self interest when it comes to winning elections.
It was so fucking easy for Dems to pin everything on Likud and Bibi. I still can’t fathom how they were unable to make the simple separation between their Zionist tendencies and how Bibi has actively worked against the democrats for 2 decades. The Dems literally have to be blackmailed by Mossad or they are truly the most incompetent political party in history. This was an uncontested layup.
Headline edit: Ukraine to lose war
Being a property owner and small business owner who says extremely offensive things and jokes about killing people at 48 years old…. It’s okay, he didn’t go to college, they don’t know any better
Being a debt ridden queer working two minimum wage jobs unrelated to their college degree at age 26, who thinks everyone being more polite and thoughtful would help society… you idiot, you moron, you disgusting bitch.
I think these river boundaries from Kherson to the Oskil are the goal for as long as Ukraine is putting up a fight. With drones and surveillance, offensives are back to the WW1 era. I don’t think they’d plan major offensives until Ukraine is in full collapse mode. It’s not worth the manpower in deaths or in occupation.
Between 1790 and 1920, every monarchy said democracy and republics were failures and paths to dictatorship, until all the monarchies collapsed or were reformed into bourgeois democracies. I think by 2047 something very similar will happen with bourgeois democracies and communism.
Where do I send my kid? Is a northeast, diverse, left leaning town with good schools shielded by any of this, or will this end public schools nationwide?
I had a female boss in a male dominate career field when I was in my early twenties and I drove a sedan to the work site. Even though I was the youngest guy on the job she would always say I was the only man at the worksite because “all the boys show up in a toy.” (Chopper, lifted truck, 2 door muscle cars)
Now I feel dumb for writing in Joe Biden
I think no matter what happens they will be annoying and complain about owning homes
125 AD - 1947 AD never happened
The Chinese built a giant fan
“Our means include one way tunnels with luxury electric taxis, but not homes or kid lunches”
10+ years ago, everyone I worked with in Shanghai that was Shanghainese loved Friends, and imagined every American was living that lifestyle.