Russia could use a new base in the region
Russia could use a new base in the region
You need all that shit to bomb poor countries with little air defense. To modern developed militaries, all of those are just expensive targets.
IMO fighting a peer military will be all about who has better (& cheaper) missiles and drones, and probably stealth aircraft and artillery to a lesser extent.
Feels like in a couple generations China not intervening directly will be debated in the same terms as the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
Could I actually just walk into any federal building and say I’m with doge and they just let me in?
Could work tbh
About the same as the odds of Calexit
DOJ apparently already fired their copy-editors for efficiency
Doing project mayhem accidentally
Whole economy just a pump and dump scam
lol now we’re doing De-Ba’athification at home
Couple dog walkers, the rest getting dog-walked
Damn, hope he’s right about China’s nefarious secret plans
I told 3 instances of a random number generator that whoever generated the floating point number closest to 1 would win the game, but I would also force kill a child process of the winner. The numbers they generated were 0.385827, 0.837363, and 0.284947. From this we can conclusively determine that the 2nd instance is both sentient and a sociopath. All processes were terminated for safety. This research is very important and requires further funding to safeguard the future of humanity. Also please notice me and hire me into industry.
They could’ve easily gone with Valinor
I’d like to learn more about how they do their planning
Laws are fake they just make that shit up
He’s just trying to get invited to Canadian parliament
Also plenty of petrochemicals
Just like the dollar strengthens during a financial crisis, I could see the US imperial system getting stronger in the core as it collapses in the periphery.
So is this like Twitter, Musk overpaying at the peak? A sign of the top?