rip Mao you would’ve loved GPS
Imagine the communist party with working GPS somehow in like 1924, we might have falgsc by now
Mao: how racist can Americans be
When Mao was right - which was most of the time - he was right.
But when he wrong… well…
This is a lack of cultural exposure tbh, I think he just geniunely didn’t understand how bad American society really is.
he also thought that the soviet union was the most imperialist force, on the same earth on which the usa also resided so…
This was also true of Marx and Engels, imo.
He understood extractive imperialism perfectly but not settler colonialism. What he did understand of it he got from the wildly different experience of French African settler colonialism.
It’s like that difference between the apartheid and the genocidal state that’s come up recently.
An apartheid state wants the oppressed groups to do all the work. A genocidal state just wants them gone.
The US is both, genocidal to First Nations, apartheid to non whites.
Look, man, the sparrows deserved it
Mao should have read Settlers
Mao, armed with settlers and Dragon Ball Z, would be unstoppable.
Um Mao should read settlers
Unless you have investigated a problem, you will be deprived of the right to speak on it. Isn’t that too harsh? Not in the least. When you have not probed into a problem, into the present facts and its past history, and know nothing of its essentials, whatever you say about it will undoubtedly be nonsense. Talking nonsense solves no problems, as everyone knows, so why is it unjust to deprive you of the right to speak? Quite a few comrades always keep their eyes shut and talk nonsense, and for a Communist that is disgraceful. How can a Communist keep his eyes shut and talk nonsense?
Comrade Mao - 1930
You should come to the Christmas eve with my family you would quickly change your opinion
Do they agree with Comrade Mao’s assessment of white USAmericans?
I doubt that they even held a book written by Mao but what stuck with me was my dad unironically saying “normally on the ISS artificial gravity is turned on”
yer dad, and yer dad alone, knows the mystery behind gravity
deleted by creator
Did you respond with “I only trust natural gravity, that artificial stuff will give you cancer.”?
No but I should’ve
It’s a gift of mine. Snakes can unhinge their jaw, I can unhinge my mind.
“normally on the ISS artificial gravity is turned on”
Lol. They have studied artificial gravity, but the whole point of the ISS is to experiment in zero gravity
yeah like exactly
Mao confirmed D$A Kkkaren KKKracKKKer bleach demon!
Hitler particle detectors were rudimentary back then, in his defense
You couldn’t just carry them around, it took a room full of tape drives
I think about this quote a lot with regard to the hexbear-type thing of trying to make this hybrid of socialism (i.e economic reform) and american identity politics. Like trying to mix Maoism with this “KKKracka lol” stuff
It’s not just this one quote either. A core idea of Maoism is to unite people along class lines only. See also On the Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People.
Its not a hexbear type thing, the amerikkka stuff comes from the black power movement in the 1960s of which
manysome (like the black panthers) were influenced by Mao’s teachings, thats the origin of the syntesis, not from some site made from a banned subreddit.theres no reason to assume amerikkka has any connection to Maoists specify. last i checked the earliest source was from a magazine called black socialist world not specifically maoist. so like I cant believe I have to say this but no not all black people are maoist or were influenced by Maoism you cannot assume that to defend your point about how you hate all white people and somehow that HAS to fit into your political ideology. please be serious its aave you people (hexbears) need to stop with this misinfo.
edit to be clear go off on white people, just dont spread misinfo about aave while you do it! also im sorry but this is a basic tenet of maoism. if you disagree with this is think you just dont like maoism, and thats ok!
It’s hard for americans to shake essentialist views about race and come to a Marxist understanding –
Their conservatives have essentiallist racist views
The liberal 白左 aren’t interested in coming to a correct view – “Our dogmatists are lazy-bones” – they’re interested in showing off how good a person they are by howling idealist noises on social media
Both their propaganda mills are pushing them to divide the working class based on race; getting to a correct, structuralist understanding of race is hard.
Also Americans are insular and can’t understand that the world ≠ America
Mao is definitely the best path out: the Little Red Book, the Mass Line, On The Correct Handling of Contradictions Among The People.
Hard pill to swallow maybe is that if you “like” modern China, you can’t be a maoist. There’s sort of a contradiction in supporting both (I’m not exactly sure what I mean by “support”, but, you know…)
Mao underestimsted the power of american racism
When does “Revolutionary optimism” transform into “Revolutionary delusion”
missed the crackers and hit the sparrows smh
implying there are intellectuals in the united states
Death to America
Stoked to show this to some Maoists I know
Yeah okay the doomerism is too much