Because the government is a terrorist state that sponsors genocide and the branches of that terrorist state sponsor terrorism globally.
“UWU the dems are just so powerless UWU!”
Funny, they seem to be able to do things just fine when it comes to genociding brown people or kneeling for the GOP
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Are you fucking stupid lmao
Oh, you’re one of those might makes right types, hmm?
Neoliberal capitalist victory is a pyrrhic victory at best. You better hope communism wins if you enjoy having an ecosystem that can produce food in the near future.
Are you fucking stupid lmao
They think we like Trump
Material conditions visibly worsening, your government supporting genocide, LBGT and abortion rights getting rolled back, this is all happening under liberalism.
”Umm, well, gommulism bad! Heh, got em.”
Communism is when capitalism does things tankie!
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The difference between theory and praxis is that I didn’t do theory with your mom last night
If evil communist Cuba is so bad they’ll collapse themselves why is it necessary for the US to continue a 60 year embargo?
China exists. Take that, liberal.
And the DPRK!
Hey buddy I think you’re lost the dumbfuck convention is at
Yes. We do.
You are not a clown. You are the entire circus.
Meanwhile China is accelerating past the United States. Cope and seethe, liberal fuck.
super communism going full tilt working as intended and never collapsing governments amirite?
Wdym never collapsing governments? We are big fans of collapsing governments. That is like, half the definition of being a communist.
“One of the delightful things about Americans is that they have absolutely no historical memory.” - Zhau En-lai
The freedom to live a long and materially secure life doesn’t count.
Found the genocide lover. How’s your liberal democracy working out for you? How many Palestinian children has it murdered today, and why are you celebrating it?
I’m going to fuck your dad and make sure you can hear it through the walls
ignorant and smug, what a fun combination
The Democrats had a generational supermajority after Obama was elected and they didn’t do anything. Saying they always have an excuse is objectively correct.
Oh they did something. Obama dismantled his grass roots organization and starved state level democrats resulting in the loss of 1,000 seats across the country then gift wrapped two scouts seats and gave them to Satan.
I should’ve specified “anything good”.
Totally agree. My fav is going to the absolute mat in order to pass a literal GOP healthcare plan which libs will defend to their last gasp.
Didn’t the dems control the house and the senate for like 2 years after Biden was first elected? Which they used to do approximately jack and shit?
“Yeah but but Biden couldn’t do anything because some democratic senators were going against the party!”
It’s not like there’s a party whip whose entire purpose is making sure congress falls in line with the rest of the party, especially if the party currently holds the executive. Biden definitely couldn’t have threatened republican-voting senators with pulling their campaign funding or endorsements or brought their kids up on corruption charges.
Sorry, we just had to save all that political capital for getting Jill Stein off the ballot in Rhode Island.
But but but! You’re forgetting the Senate pastafarian!
Oh I never forget the Senate pescatarian
The senate Pomeranian would like a word
But using the power of the executive to do good things would be wrong!
“Get over yourself and elect a moderate Dem!”
5 minutes later
“We regret to inform you that moderate Dems are obstructing progressive reform”
“You can just Primary consevative dems!”
Attempts to primary
“No! don’t you see you’re damaging our election chances with an untested candidate and anti-democratic rhetoric!”
dems change rules to prevent an effective primary ever again
dems now can’t do anything about someone running while under federal investigations and being against abortion
Ah, but you need 60 seats in the senate to bypass the filibuster. And even though there are procedural workarounds, you need the blessing of the parlimentarian, a sacred and infallible office where it would be braking the sacred norms to use our powers to ignore them or replace them. /s
why yes the GOP uses that method each time but if the dems do it gop will still use it when in power.
Amazing how it never used for good only bad in order to totally prevent it being used by GOP/bad
Yes but you must understand Manchin/Lieberman/whoever throew a little tantrum and there wasn’t anything we could do!
Republicans meanwhile are never powerless, they always get what they want. Weird system huh.
If Trump wins, he will dismantle all of America’s institutions, declare himself God Emperor for life and genocide all minorities.
If Kamala wins, she won’t be able to do anything unless the republicans let her.
Except genocide homeless people, undocumented people, and Palestinians, which she’ll use her political acumen to achieve bipartisan consensus on.
no sweaty, this is not hard to understand!!
So, to get anything done, you’d need the Dems to always win every single election so they have complete control of the state? Sounds authoritarian
They also need to have a super-dooper majority and reach a bipartisan consensus with their good friends in the Republican Party, which America needs to be strong to have a healthy democracy.
And that’s how you get situations like California and New York. Dem supermajority for long periods of time and always finding some convenient excuse not to do anything good
As if this mf had ever heard of ‘the Senate Parlamentarian’ before that became a necessary excuse for the Biden administration
In the comments they admit that the Biden admin could have overruled the Parliamentarian but claims that it would somehow burn up too much “political capital”. And of course they blamed Bernie for the whole debacle.
Nothing like a liberal refusing to use power to do good things.
When Trump is in power, the president is Dictator King and a threat to democracy.
When Biden is in power, the president is a mostly ceremonial role
“tankies complain a lot!” "The system works but the problem is we don’t have the power :smuglord: "
California. Democrats have had a super majority for as long as I can remember and nothing has changed but the date.
They are pushing the homeless into concentration camps though, so that’s something.
no no sweaty, you don’t understand. Public transport has expanded by…couple miles. A gay marriage was signed and immigrants with a pell grant and small business that has existed for 4 years get a tax break for a year as long as they work at a FAANG company and have eligible overtime!
What’s that, rent too high? Our hands are tied! Homeless problem? Our hands are tied! Rising car-prices and gentrification pushing more people out of mobility and affordable neighborhoods with jobs? Our hands are tied!
Don’t vote Jill Stein or La Cruz. But you better vote, don’t you know your neighbors are watching?
Homeless problem? Our hands are tied!
They’re hands are tied to do anything positive for the homeless. They’re very willing and able to hurt them though
Btw California only ever voted to make gay marriage illegal, in 2008. The state legislature never did anything about it.
: “Well shucks, kiddo. What’s the hurry? Maybe we just like taking our time here. Besides, the state is blue. Our work here is already done!”
They’re working hard at unshackling tech companies so they can find new and innovative ways to exploit people!
This isn’t even on the level of the political anymore lol, this is liberals grappling with The Problem of Evil
If the Democrats are loving but incompetent, why rely on them?
If they are competent but uncaring, why support them?
If they’re both loving and competent, then from whence comes evil?
Evil comes from Vote-Satan Drumpfutler
Remember when Obama held every branch of government and did fucking nothing. Communists Remember, we are cursed, on and on, with the horrors of memory.
Cursed with both memory and prophecy, but the inability to change the present meaningfully.
Communists are the cursed children of Cassandra and Mnemosyne.
no he only had it for like a month, and did nothing about it because of liberman and those damn republicans holding up things. They tried so hard to get us
Even when they had majority they don’t do shit. How many people live in blue states where they don’t even push basic shit. Biden did bypass congress on emergency sales to israel though several times
Didn’t he flagrantly and openly violate the separation of powers to do it a few times, too?
Absolutely. Congress didn’t seem to raise a fuss about it as much likely because they cosign it
It’s a winner all around. President Crime Bill isn’t going to be re-elected so he can do whatever the fuck he wants and they don’t have to put their signatures on yet another extermination warrant.
“Listen crack, Its not a Separation of Power issue if we both agree to it!”
I don’t need a supermajority of representatives to say “genocide is bad”. Weird that the Democrats seem to still be unable
Sorry, best they can do is standing ovation for Bibi, in the middle of genocide.
Curated tumblr is undoubtedly one of the most insufferable subreddits on that accursed site. Practically every post on there is just “actually sweaty it’s really privileged to be a radical leftist and not a feckless liberal. Against the status quo? Wow your privilege is showing”
“actually sweaty it’s really privileged to be a radical leftist and not a feckless liberal. Against the status quo? Wow your privilege is showing”
This is what happens when “radical” politics is vibes based, and centered around influencers. Any critique of the captialist system is regarded as being childish and privileged, because, who else but sedentary millionaires have the time to complain about capitalism?
Oh the planet itself and the environment is complaining about it a lot…
That same sub I saw em excuse biden going above and beyond for the genocide passing congress because they didn’t want a multi front war against Hezbollah. Hows that working out?