Maoist Digital Worldism
Revealing the truth about the evils of Nordic Social Democracy.
Let your haters become your waders in the trout stream of opportunity.
Maoist Digital Worldism
Heritage not hate.
weird, they started working after I logged in again.
They are putting absolutely no effort in their performance to pretend to be an opposition party.
Nearly every Tesla I see around my town has the “I bought this before we knew Elon was crazy” sticker. I think to prevent things like this.
The recent downsizing of the CIA has also undercut the ability of the US to replace this reduction in supply.
We got a soy CIA, they obviously broke the heart attack gun and don’t know how to fix it. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.
It would be good to have the pre-prints on arXiv labelled retracted if they actually are (I don’t know for sure if they do or not), but it is for pre-prints and something anyone can upload to even if it hasn’t been accepted by a journal yet. So it can be used responsibly as long as the person looking at the papers knows that there is no quality control, and people can upload anything. Since, usually only academics really go there much, and its original purpose was a loophole to get around paywalling of journals. And that same loophole can get uncensored versions of these articles out there for people to read.
So, while it does have this opening for abuse, since mostly academics use it I wouldn’t say that it is bad at the moment. So far it hasn’t been a significant channel for much misinformation since most misinformation is through Youtube, Facebook, etc. posts rather than people citing bad pre-prints. And I am even saying this as a physicist which, maybe it is just the filter of my own experience, but I think is the field of science that has the most cranks publishing their own theories to arXiv, such as “the new theory of super-gravity that shows dark matter isn’t real” or “why quantum mechanics proves conscious beings have souls”.
What? I have seen a lot of bald eagles fish, but never seen one take a fish from another bird.
God, I really have a hard time believing that the Democrats actually want to win elections.
fun fact that I probably shared before, but my university had a physics class called estimations of scale, where you did order of magnitude estimations, usually of things really large like galaxies or small like particles, and then put them into a scale that is intuitive and made sense to you to imagine. One person I worked with did the length of his dick for the length scale (though he used something else for homework he had to turn in, probably football fields). The milky way is ~1.7*10^17 dicks across apparently.
single person hot-air balloon transportation prototype.
But where is this actually from?
Chives ar are tasty, good problem to have.
Wow, that is further South than I thought it had reached. That is quite a way from the brush and foliage. Altadena/Pasadena is fucked.
It’s actually a follow up for TNG, but I think there is potential in a movie about Q getting bored and making a star ship to explore space in staffed entirely by weird variations of Picard clones.
The Democrats’ worldview revolves entirely around the position that “the party cannot fail, only be failed”
On behalf of Raytheon, I thank you Jack. We need them kids studying STEM to keep the bombs flowin’. The name’s Gill the Math Guy, right? That’s what I had engraved on the medal.
Are you telling me a shrimp fried this laptop?
It is kvass, a lightly fermented grain drink.
Removed my bod