IRL Moria. Just make a big fucking dwarven keep IRL in the cascades or the himilayas or norway or literally anywhere idc. Carve a massive stone complex into the side of a mountain, dammit
All right! On this note.
I’m dismantling all of the world’s urban cities, residential neighborhoods, roads, and other global city infrastructure. The world will undergo a Global Grassification effort for all previous cities, suburban areas, and otherwise abandoned countryside, and so on, to be covered in rolling, green hills.
Everyone will now live in Global State provided Hobbit Holes, receive two (2) barrels of pipe weed per home, and one (1) livestock animal along with ten (10) seeds to start a small garden [conscientious objectors to the livestock animal, such as vegans, shall instead be entitled to receive double their allotment of pipe weed and seeds] in order to live a rural Hobbit lifestyle. Hobbit towns will have and only allowed to build one (1) public square for gathering as well as trading, one (1) designated area for festivals and public celebrations, one (1) school with kindergarten to postgraduate education, one (1) town library, one (1) medical clinic with free care, and two (2) pubs. Let’s all have peace and quiet.
Any disturbers of peace and quiet shall be summarily executed by the Global Hobbit State.
Fascist Hobbits was one of the wildest things MtG ever conjured up.
Oh, please share this with me.
So the kithkin (basically hobbits) in the Lorewynn have a borderline gestalt conciousness. It mostly helped them to watch each other’s backs and stick together comfily in little hamlets. When the events of Shadowmoor happen and everything gets scary and weird, they got super paranoid, resulting in these hamlets turning into military states.
oh hell naw i am not about to shave off my beard longer than i am just to live in a “hole” instead of “glorious stone keep kept for several ages by uncountable ancestors”
Beards and other forms of dress or appearance are welcome and shall not be discriminated against.
Otherwise, do not make me tap the sign.
All disturbers of peace and quiet shall be summarily executed by the Global Hobbit State.
This one, maybe actually a good idea depending on how catastrophic climate change will be.
Easier than going to Mars
Based and tunnel pilled.
Don’t dig too deep…
De-nazification of the USA.
Why do people keep posting good ideas in the bad idea thread
It’d be a bad idea for maintaining my ability to live and breathe.
Cougar Domestication Project.
There are many problems with house cats, they’re too small to cuddle, they can’t take down fully grown deer, they’re dangerous to local birds.
Mountain Lions solve all these problems, we just have to get them to tolerate human habitats and not eat children until we can have a population of semi-feral mountain lions that live with us the way house cats do.
we have this already, its called a cheetah. don’t listen to those killjoy “biologists” i have it on good authority cheetahs have been kept as pets & hunting animals for like 3,000 years so they’re at the very least half-domesticated
Make Siberia more livable by building a shit ton of dams in the mountains, creating a vast amount of lakes. I don’t know if this will actually do anything. But maybe a lake effect will change the Siberian Highs that causes massive cold weather patterns to hold in the area and it’s surroundings? Was an idea to maybe make Vladivostok and the Russian Far East more like Seattle weather wise. More rain, more movement of air generally, lots of fresh water stocked up, maybe routed to central Asia. Idk what would actually happen but it’d be fun to see
Pumping enormous state resources into breaking every record in the Guiness book of world records by such a large margin that they are forever out of reach for any non-state actors. Just draft 100 000 people to break the record for baking the world’s biggest cinnamon bun. Pour all of our medical resources into surgically making some CEO 5 meters tall just so it is obvious that the record will never ever be broken again and they eventually have to stop publishing new editions.
We can not allow a cinnamon bun gap to develop between us and Nigeria. If I’m elected I will provide a tax credit for all bakers who contribute to making a bigger bun than our enemies.
Bring back the Age Of Sail. It’s gonna take immense amounts of government funding, it’ll cripple global shipping if it’s successful, it will definitely cripple national shipping industries and every supply chain coming here all for
no benefit at allcool sea shanties, high employment (need about 200 people to off-load one ship and it’ll take about a week) and cool ships. I wanna see a 6-masted fullrigger, I wanna see what crazy shit we can come up with.Either that or a persecution of all farmers that will make Stalin look like a lamb and rehabilitation of the soil, though that isn’t a bad idea.
Fund the arts too much. A statue in every home.
Build a mountain. We don’t have one, I want one.
Sink Lynetteholmen (an actual megaproject being undertaken right now that is so immensely stupid you would not believe me if I described it). Drown everyone involved in it’s construction.
Dig a deep hole. Deeper than the soviet deep hole.
Bio-engineer a Kraken.
Make zebras a horse.
As in, “change the definition of zebras so they are coaidered horses” or “begin the domestication of zebras so that they become like todays horses”?
No, some third thing. I’ll have our best scientists working on it.
Figured it out. I want to make a horse that zebras can and will ride.
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While also being the place meant to harbour toxic cruise ships AND be a shore break…
When I was a kid I had the bright idea during a daydream that if I were to officially acquire Antarctica as territory, either as part of my current country or as a brand new country, I could make the claim that air pollution from other wealthy nations is causing me to lose territory (glaciers melting from climate change). Then, I can fight back against other countries for their inaction towards climate change.
Other idea, build massive communities under the ice and snow in Antarctica, utilizing primarily wind energy above the surface for electricity.
People are kinda trying this right now in the EU. To be part.of the EU, member states pledge to do certain things. Part of that is to ensure a bright future for the generations of tomorrow. People are trying to take the EU to court for this, since it is not ensuring a bright future.
It’s not gonna work tho
I’d build the world’s first international spaceport. If it was USA, I’d build it up the side of the Hawaii volcano. The goal is to get it as high as possible, as close to equator as possible, to take advantage of earth’s angular velocity. If possible, building in the Andes would be even better.
Startram gen 2 or bust.
Humanity has to cut the cost of space launches by 99% or more if we are ever going to advance to the next phase of history: Mining the asteroid belt for necessary minerals. All progress comes from raw materials in some capacity and the asteroid belt is a near unlimited source.
space elevator! just need a new material that’s as strong as steel at a tiny fraction of the mass
Gen 2 seems extremely silly.
Trains. Everywhere.
I’m talking a dedicated line from your front door to every one of your friends.
And not just high speed trains either. Themed old timey steam engines for local transportation.
sink england
raise doggerland
Hold a referendum between all the countries colonised or imperialised by Britain and refer to it as Brexit 2.0 first, just to rub salt in the wound.
It is not enough to see our enemies destroyed but they must be humiliated as well.
Best answer
A 10,000 year breeding program to create the Kwizatch Haderatch.
A 50 year program to domesticate raccoons
My idea is to create a breed of dog that can climb trees. I have no answer for why or how.
Hyper intelligent octopuses. They’re already very smart, civilizing them is worth a shot.
This is one of the worthy elements of Posadism. He was into communicating with dolphins, but octopus is also good.
Just need to find the gene that makes them die after 3 years or so and change it so they live longer.
A cannon that shoots you to your destination and you land on a bouncy pad to break the fall. Of course, AI would be used to guide your trajectory so there’s no room for human error
Universal conlang
This is mine. I’d have all the kids learn both spoken toki pona and the corresponding sign language. It’d rapidly diverge from the canonical version in real world use, and it’s more entertaining than strictly practical, but I just think it’d be neat. And it really wouldn’t take much time investment to do.
and the corresponding sign language
Yes. In a similar thread a while back I said if I was in charge of a country, I’d make it mandatory for the country’s sign language to be taught alongside (and as part of) the official language. That way society is more inclusive. But also people can just silent sign like characters out of Dune at random moments. Still it would be practical very often. In a crowded place and can’t hear? Sign. See your friend across a room but don’t want to yell out? Sign. Stuff like that.
what’s wrong with english
the british have been (and will continue to be) so humiliated that there’s no reason to even be ashamed of it
Fuck english, its too internally inconsistant
Chauvinism. The world language should be derived from languages across the world, not just Indo-European ones (looking at you Esperanto!)
bioengineer a fungus that can digest plastic and seed the Pacific with it
This is a good one because the most likely outcome of this is that the fungus spreads to all plastics, not just the waste in the ocean, and soon your household items are getting eaten.
may a hundred thousand mcmansions rot
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Your pipes are made of pvc.
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this is cool until you realize humans have a non negligible amount of plastic in their lungs and will get some sort of crazy fungal disease in the lung as a result