Yes. In a similar thread a while back I said if I was in charge of a country, I’d make it mandatory for the country’s sign language to be taught alongside (and as part of) the official language. That way society is more inclusive. But also people can just silent sign like characters out of Dune at random moments. Still it would be practical very often. In a crowded place and can’t hear? Sign. See your friend across a room but don’t want to yell out? Sign. Stuff like that.
Yes. In a similar thread a while back I said if I was in charge of a country, I’d make it mandatory for the country’s sign language to be taught alongside (and as part of) the official language. That way society is more inclusive. But also people can just silent sign like characters out of Dune at random moments. Still it would be practical very often. In a crowded place and can’t hear? Sign. See your friend across a room but don’t want to yell out? Sign. Stuff like that.