Group of black teens attacks a guy. Minor injuries. What’s the reddit thread filled with?
“carry a gun” “cops on every corner” “animals”
what gets downvoted? me mentioning generational poverty.
death to the whites.
I gotta be honest, I find these types of posts super cringe. They come off as “I’m one of the good ones!” The responses that more or less say that verbatim don’t help.
You’re not more of a leftist because you hate yourself or your parents or whatever.Yeah death to the concept of whiteness and so on but go talk to someone normal please.
I talk to normal people all the time. I don’t often get to bring up death to the concept of whiteness. That’s why I comment on hexbear
Yeah and that’s fine, that’s not what I say I find cringe. I’m sorry I’ve phrased myself in a confusing way.
I find it cringe to go “I’m one of the good ones” and that’s what I am saying is cringe. Critiquing the concept of whiteness is good, being a pick-me is not.
My bad. I read good.
Me write bad sometime me write good other time me write incomprehensible all time
Agree with this
I don’t know, I think theres quite a gap bewteen actively shitting on white nationalist tropes and concepts and screaming “im one of the good ones!” at every poc who walks by
And reducing that spectrum to “because you hate yourself or your parents or whatever” is ironically enough, also cringe
Hate to point out the obvious, but white supremacy won’t dissappear unless “white people” actaully talk about it and I’ve read enough Thanksgiving posts on this site to know alot of you patsy mfs got some white citizens council-ass family members who need a good talking to
I don’t know, I think theres quite a gap bewteen actively shitting on white nationalist tropes and concepts and screaming “im one of the good ones!” at every poc who walks by
Well this felt like the latter
No I agree, I think it’s good to point that out. I just feel like a lot of the responses here are “I’m white but it’s okay because I hate myself”.
Yeah my reduction is cringe too. I tried to keep the tone joking, so it wouldn’t come off as too serious, but I can see how I messed that up.
Normal people tell me to jump off a bridge for being an annoying shitheel. I’d rather jump off a bridge hecause of my chromosomes snd my skin color
please dont jump off a bridge comrade
You’re worrying me get in here and explain how it is “racism” or “hate speech” to point out how bloodthirsty and twisted the average honky is. Also “breaks commmunity rules”??? ???
Unsurprising that only one of them had enough iron in their spine to try and defend their actions. Oathbreaking, plantation-brained settler mongrels, the lot of them.
We need more posts like this
“lenny has sent us a silly letter, we will be posting it in its entirety for your amusement”
Of course it’s all clueless Lemmitors
Racism - noun - prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group
Calling for a “mayocide” is racism
I LOVE APRIORISM, I LOVE APPLYING CONCEPTUAL DEFINITIONS ONTO THE CONCRETE THINGS THEY WERE DERIVED FROM INSTEAD OF LOOKING AT THE THING ITSELF. Instead of analyzing the relationships at play, I will grab God’s dictionary and take its universal application of non-universal principles as scripture, a standard reality must meet.
Whiteness is not real, but simply a racial justification for Western colonialism/imperialism, a “higher class” certain groups are admitted into upon coming into the fold of dominion.
no it isn’t. white genocide isn’t real, but if it was i’d support it and it still wouldn’t be racist.
Would you say your ethnic identity is more Kraft or Hellmann’s?
Euro mutt
Youre just mad because you were made in a cave, you bleach demon
i s2g liberals treat the dictionary like its been handed down by God
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Are you trying to convince our mods who just openly mocked you that you’re right with this dictionary trash? Do you really think your post is going to change anything other than how much people dunk on your sorry whiny cracker baby ass?
I’m calling for a death to the whites.
To be fair, crackers are very annoying.
This you?
ooh you would have had a point if you used dictionary dot com but since you didn’t, death to honkies, crackers,
s, et cetera
Death to whites
I love all the white people hating white people in this thread. I mean I hate you but I love that you hate yourself.
I dont hate myself, I hate whiteness
The death of whiteness is liberation for everyone
Not having to deal with the baggage of whiteness would cure a large part of alienation
Imagine being an old looking at the first generation of children who don’t know what white means. It would probably feel good seeing them being harmonious comrades upon the playground.
I went to a grocery store in the wrong neighborhood. It took me a while to realize I was uncomfortable because there were too many white people. I just bought some fancy cheese and left.
I once considered arson to remove as many whites as possible from my minecraft village, thankfully i got psychiatric help
Yup, psychiatrists are like crazy good with pyrotechnics
Don’t be a cracker, won’t get called a cracker
Fuck! How did I miss this goldmine of offended crackers!
Fascists can’t see this title without being triggered into posting lmao
They’ve been so developed by all the 2016 anti sjw videos of reacting to leftists hating on white people that they’ve dedicated all the shower arguments for this moment
As a white person, same. The mayocide is just and I’ll understand completely when my time comes
and people will be like “reddit is liberal” which only proves how much like conservatives they are. always willing to meet in the white middle.
Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds
I remember when I thought this phrase was a joke
Scratch an anticommunist and an anticommunist bleeds?
Scratch a communist and he bleeds red
Edit: I take it back. I don’t want this to be my first comment on here
please stop scratching me :( hurty
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That’s never been true with Reddit. Them liking Bernie for a hot minute in 2016 didn’t change the amount of racist shit that would and still regularly gets upvoted, among many other things.
I started using Lemmy today bc I was on Reddit and imperialist bleach demons from all the major news subs were cheering on the US for cutting off the UNRWA funding.
Yet more proof of my theory that liberals are just conservatives who like to think they’re progressive.
Mom says it’s my turn to wear the Offended White Calling Out Reverse Racism hat in this thread.
Somebody tell that other guy. It’s my turn.
to all the brave posters dunking on the libs in this thread.
To everyone reporting this thread for racism:
Lol. Lmao, even.
Aggrieved bleach demons being skullduggerous sundodgers as usual 😒
The hat shaped tan lines are incredible lmao
That bald head on a bald head look is just too much. Its like a hat on a hat…
Global warming has nothing to do with the ozone hole or increased ultraviolet exposure.
I know I’m being pendantic, but this is something right wingers use to try and say global warming isn’t real.
it’s fuckin hilarious they are still rolling in, like do they not realize we don’t a fuck about their cumskin crocodile tears or what?
Totally should gave grabbed popcorn with groceries today
Hogs love rollin in mud
I’m so sad I missed this lmfao
I’m gonna report the thread for not doing enough mayocide
We require at least 3% more mayocide
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this should be the site tagline all the time
post any news article about a crime with a white perpetrator and just wait for 90% of the comments to mention drugs
compare and contrast
I can change my gender, my attitude, my outlook, my health, all kinds of things… Alas, I cannot change being born a saltine. 😔
whiteness is a mindset
the mindset:
Practically black
pobody’s nerfect
ive wotta gork it
this mess is a place
Oh forgot to add this to my previous comment but any fellow mayos have to deal with the most disconcerting and fucked up forms of mask off shit from other white coworkers? Like holy shit it made me hate being included as “white” (white being a created pillar of white supremacy that should be fucking destroyed).
Most evident memory of this was one of my preceptors when I was first starting out in medicine going on a lowkey rant about black patients that had me fucking dumbstruck at the end. Dude was a emigrated gusano from Mexico that went on bootstrap rants in response to COL rises and how they wanted to grift their own operated EMS service into the local hospital networks to become a true “entrepreneur”.
edit: yes I consider gusanos as white people since they fill all the damn boxes I consider vital for Whites (desire to own land/business/entrepeneur, have a disdain for “complainers”, and yet blame everyone else for their own failings, and are likely scared shitless when leaving their gated community or neighborhood).
I feel like the primary characteristic of whiteness is class collaboration, yeah, there’s passable colorism that is considered, but I feel like they don’t consider it as important, so gusanos are definitely white
any fellow mayos have to deal with the most disconcerting and fucked up forms of mask off shift from white coworkers?
Yeah that shit is awful. It feels really gross that they think you’ll be fine with that and include you in it