Group of black teens attacks a guy. Minor injuries. What’s the reddit thread filled with?
“carry a gun” “cops on every corner” “animals”
what gets downvoted? me mentioning generational poverty.
death to the whites.
Group of black teens attacks a guy. Minor injuries. What’s the reddit thread filled with?
“carry a gun” “cops on every corner” “animals”
what gets downvoted? me mentioning generational poverty.
death to the whites. get in here and explain how it is “racism” or “hate speech” to point out how bloodthirsty and twisted the average honky is. Also “breaks commmunity rules”??? ???
Unsurprising that only one of them had enough iron in their spine to try and defend their actions. Oathbreaking, plantation-brained settler mongrels, the lot of them.
We need more posts like this
“lenny has sent us a silly letter, we will be posting it in its entirety for your amusement”
Of course it’s all clueless Lemmitors
Racism - noun - prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group
Calling for a “mayocide” is racism
no it isn’t. white genocide isn’t real, but if it was i’d support it and it still wouldn’t be racist.
Would you say your ethnic identity is more Kraft or Hellmann’s?
Euro mutt
I LOVE APRIORISM, I LOVE APPLYING CONCEPTUAL DEFINITIONS ONTO THE CONCRETE THINGS THEY WERE DERIVED FROM INSTEAD OF LOOKING AT THE THING ITSELF. Instead of analyzing the relationships at play, I will grab God’s dictionary and take its universal application of non-universal principles as scripture, a standard reality must meet.
Whiteness is not real, but simply a racial justification for Western colonialism/imperialism, a “higher class” certain groups are admitted into upon coming into the fold of dominion.
i s2g liberals treat the dictionary like its been handed down by God
deleted by creator
Youre just mad because you were made in a cave, you bleach demon
Are you trying to convince our mods who just openly mocked you that you’re right with this dictionary trash? Do you really think your post is going to change anything other than how much people dunk on your sorry whiny cracker baby ass?
I’m calling for a death to the whites.
To be fair, crackers are very annoying.
This you?
ooh you would have had a point if you used dictionary dot com but since you didn’t, death to honkies, crackers,
s, et cetera
Death to whites