6 states siding against a supreme court decision to deny access to federal authorities seems big, if thats happened in my lifetime I’ve not heard of it before
This has the potential to be the tankie Biden moment, but he’s only militant about doing violence to foreigners.
No it hasn’t happened in our lifetimes. This should be massive. It is a constitutional crisis, technically. But none of the parties are engaging in this for those reasons. It is 100 percent pandering and grandstanding, and is only about bullshit electoral agendas. So it probably won’t actually be anything, even though it is technically massive lol
Edit: the only important impact could be later on down the line. Like every escalation of cynical Republican pandering to their genuine fascist base. Eventually the hogs won’t be happy until they order tge national guard to open fire on feds. Which will be mostly hilarious when it first happens. Itll be another Jan 6 kind of thing where its technically treason, but no one involved understands what they are actually doing or than it is treason or what comes next. They’re just in it for the spectacle with no actual politics or understanding of the implications of the thing they’re howling for
BalkanizationBaudrillardizationperfect. That’s a good way to express the near future of these kinds of political stunts that really should matter but
It is wild to see two completely different realities playing out in the political rhetoric and what passes for our shared objective experiences these days.
I do wonder when someone who truly has ambitions of being a real warlord or autocrat will appear.
When peoole like that are able to do anything it’ll be the result of a more material Balkanization and it’ll exist in regions where no other law is being enforced.
Politicians today are only in it for their own egos at this point, because none of them have meaningful power to be an autocrat or warlord, because they just don’t have that kind of real power. That’s why libs Teump derangement is so unserious. Even if everything libs claimed were true about what Trump wants - that he wants to be a dictator and end democracy - it wouldn’t matter because even a president doesn’t have that kind of real power. They just get to rubber stamp bullshit and have their ego stroked
I think you’re right overall but we shouldn’t rule out the possibility of one of the sides painting themselves into a corner and then chosing to escalate rather than the alternative. The problem inherent in brinkmanship is that it’s very easy for things to spiral out of control.
It’s republicans grandstanding to impress their racist base.
It’s technically sedition and if democrats wanted to they could arrest or kill them all, but they are cowards.
So instead it will just blow over. It’s nothing. It will lead to nothing. It’s just stupid pandering for racist scum.
It’s nothing.
It’s a demonstration that the US federal government does not exist in any meaningful sense. That’s not nothing and very soon it’ll lead to things that are even more not nothing
If they were to allow Texas to do anything it wanted then sure, you’d be right. Some governors saying they side with Texas against the Supreme Court (when they aren’t technically violating what they’ve said yet) doesn’t mean anything.
The Supreme Court says the federal government can cut through the razorwire to reach where they need to reach. It doesn’t say Texas can’t put razorwire up, so they haven’t violated that. It’s 100% nothing for now. If Texas decides it wants to turn it into something and stop the federal agents from doing their job, then it becomes something.
Its something and nothing at the same time. It is yet another demonstration that the fed government doesn’t want/can’t govern, and it is a constitutional crisis. But the actors involved are only pushing this for pandering/grandstanding for electoral ends. They aren’t pushing this to actually secceed or push any political agenda beyond elections. That’s what makes it nothing.
Its the same way Jan 6 was nothing because even though it was inserectionist the peoppe there had no clue what they were doing beyond the spectacle of it and what they were doing was never going to matter beyond spectacle.
I agree that the implications are down the line. That’s how cynical pandering to the chud base has always worked. Its hard to say when any of this will lead to an actual “something” though. Eventually yeah the chuds aren’t going to be happy until they order the national guard to open fire on the feds, but at that point even the base is still only politically engaged in that spectacle and not its implications. That’s why people at Jan 6th thought they could just fly home like nothing happened, because they are completely detached and unaware of the implications.
it means that mayobrained right-wingers perceive the racist violent federal border agents as “not being racist and violent enough”
They’re stepping in to do the work for free, and the feds look at it and shrug their shoulders and think “eh sure why not”
You want to maintain empire, you better be willing to enforce it’s primacy. A truly “American” president would have meal team 6 merc Abbot within the hour. No trial, no deliberation, straight up kill the challengers of the union.
It’s technically sedition and if democrats wanted to they could arrest or kill them all, but they are cowards.
The echos of the Buchanan administration are palpable.
The echos of JDAMs hitting Texas National Guard positions should be audible. : (
Wouldn’t even be necessary: the best parallel is Alabama using its National Guard to block school integration, then Eisenhower federalizing the Guard and eventually arresting the governor when he physically stood in the way.
Even such an obvious precedent that would involve zero violence is apparently too much for Biden to handle.
Yeah, i agree with this. Its technically a huge thing, a real constitutional crisis if this was a functioning government. But even in something like this, its not even meant to be real politics, just pandering. Like these libs and chuds will literally take their pandering to what should be the brink, but its ultimately empty and meaningless
Every dem voter is going to get an email citing it as more evidence that Democracy Is On The Ballot and demanding more donations.
“The South is rising in revolt and I am doing everything I can to encourage them. Here’s why I need you to open your wallet and pour out the last few pathetic copper fennigs stuck to a piece of gum in the bottom to aid my path to the white house where I will make your life measurably worse”
Better than any Biden pitch I’ve heard so far
We need to let the voters decide whether to enforce sedition laws. Make sure to
Biden to force him to do something.
“Also there is literally nothing Biden could do about the situation so don’t ask”
Yeah. It’s sedition. The feds should have everyone involved, at minimum, gitmo’d, if not hung. It’s a big deal. This is balkanization/civil war stuff. The feds have total, unambiguous authority over the border and the states have zero, zip, nada.
It’s wild they haven’t moved to shooting yet. BLM faced more persecution blocking a road to ask for police reform. These hogs are doing such a fundamentally illegal thing that a whole civil war was fought to decide the very issue of state authority and Biden doesn’t know whether to kiss them on the lips or give them all of their demands. The democrats could have had a huge groundswell of support for any action they take like they did with January 6th, but they’ve spent the last three years trying to prove to republicans that their border policy is just as fascistic. All of the orgs dedicated to that issue are now vote machines for the democrats or are opposed to them.
If the feds do something like Waco or Ruby Ridge they don’t have my support. If they do that level of violence here, that’s the clearest case for its justified use to the broadest number of people. I’d clap like I did on January 6th whenever anyone on either side got what they both deserve.
It goes back at least as far as O’Bummer, too. His border policy was “I am going to do everything the fascists demand because then they will like me and invite me to their tea parties.” Sucks. the democrats never had a solution to the GOP. idk. Bunch of wack ass fucking model UN losers. You can’t fight fascism with a more borng, pedantic, multicultural fascism, it turns out.
BLM faced more persecution blocking a road to ask for police reform.
That’s because it was leftist. The Texan hogs just want to do a particular fascist thing slightly differently than the way the federal government wants it done.
I agree, except i think it will probably blow over without any direct consequences for now (they’ll come down the line). The reason i think this is because while it is sedition - the states/governors are only engaged for the spectacle of it as a grandstand to the hogs. They aren’t politically engaged in pushing for actual secession or balkanize, because that isn’t their goal. And i don’t think the Biden Admin is going to do much but fundraise off this and call it a win/win for politicians in both parties.
America is going to become undebatably fascist pretty soon. The libs didn’t prosecute J6 hard enough, now there’s a precedent that a revolt isn’t a life ruining thing for right wingers.
Prepare for American balkanization
Lmao the libs didn’t prosecute January 6th hard enough? They put everyone who was there in jail for life basically. They prosecuted it in an unprecedented way, clamping down hard and freezing assets. I have no idea what you are talking about, FBI went on a hog hunt afterwards.
The issue with libs isn’t that they didn’t freak out enough over January 6th, that’s basically the exact opposite of reality. They couldn’t have possibly overreacted more than they did
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“Basically” should have clued you in on a hyperbolic statement. Their sentences are all very high for the actual crimes they committed (essentially just trespassing on government property for most of them, no different than sit-in protests). The feds cracked down as hard as they legally could
Look up what those people who didn’t serve any prison time were actually convicted of. It’s just minor misdemeanor shit like trespassing and vandalism because that’s all they could actually prove (because there was no conspiracy, no treason, and libs were overreaching by calling it such)
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Relevant username.
They stormed the capital. Yeah, it’s tresspassing, sure, but this is absolutely a “throw the book at them” sort of instance. There are places that would execute people for this.
But people have been charged with treason and conspiracy, there were pretty well known plans to hinder the election process, many people were charged with gun or other weapons violations, so I don’t know how much of an overreach it is to call it treason or part of an attempted coup? I honestly can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.
Really? I feel like I remember some of the r/Capitol Consequences posts being much less then that, like a few years type of thing. Not life or multiple decades.
For example, the guy with flex cuffs got a little less then 5 years.
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Liberal analysis
The second coming
100-150 years ago it would be a real event but now it’s some bullshit we’re all going to forget about in a month
We’re having these false “existential threats to our democracy” crises with such frequency and regularity now that everyone will be too desensitized to the warnings when the actual threat does arise.
The libs will probably use it as fuel in their woke scolding about voting blue no matter who. Gotta preserve democracy 🙏 Hillary 2024
And we can all say “yea it’s an example of how Biden is literally not going to do a single goddamn thing even if multiple states explicitly say they’re ignoring the federal government to be cruel to vulnerable minorities”
I’m not if libs appreciate how bad this is going to hurt him, not great to be the guy who supports genocide abroad and is doing literally nothing to stop the fascists at home.
Libs screeching daily about democracy under attack since 2015, spends the next two election cycles paving the way for Republicans to materially harm the bare bones scrap of American democracy that remains, say I told you so in 2028
My money is on this being the thing that directly causes the US to balkanize, and only because it seems to be against the hexbear main consensus. This site was wrong about the invasion of Ukraine, I think this is going to be Hexbear tradition.
Wrong about the beginning of events, but correct about their trajectory once they have begun
But often only because we go “No, that won’t happen, that would be stupid and counterproductive for the West” but then they just do the thing anyway and so we just go “…okay, well, they’re gonna lose then”
I think the skepticism toward the invasion of Ukraine was completely correct and valid, we just forgot we live in hell world.
It was a Thatcher bombing situation. The libs crying wolf about Russia only have to get lucky once, we have to get lucky every single time. They like to forget that they were howling about an imminent Russian invasion for months and even US analysts no longer considered it plausible. And then it happened.
i mean the specific miscalculation was basically not accounting for the Putin government having any motivations beyond the national interest of Russia.
Ukraine is like the only thing this site has been wrong about, and that’s only because we forgot the number one rule – the stupidest thing that can happen is the one most likely to happen
Yeah I’m a Marxist-Contrarianist too
So a Marxist
Ever since Ukraine, my partner scoffs whenever I say “nothing major is going to happen.” I can’t say they’re wrong
I had a large discussion with some colleagues about there not “being anything going on in Ukraine” because they had finally, after weeks/months of scaremongering, picked up on the news that “something was going to happen in Ukraine”.
This argument took place on february the 24th. I had not heard the news because I had finally tuned out, because nothing was going to happen lol. I literally said “I’ll call it a war when there’s tanks rolling into Ukraine!” Not knowing that at that moment, tanks were rolling into Ukraine.Happens to the best of us, literally. Lenin said revolution wasn’t going to happen in his lifetime.
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lmao Lenin as a nothing-ever-happens guy is really funny to me
me when weeks take decades
me when decades take weeks
Nothing to Be Done by V. I. Lenin
please can something funny happen, my life is so boring, i’m not asking for much, i want to see abbott taken to a government black site and returned with an obvious flesh tone antenna sticking out of his head, something of that nature
It’s going to be a huge load of nothing. Just like Jan 6th was nothing, just like the Bundy Ranch standoff was nothing, just like the Malheur Wildlife Center occupation was nothing. Biden doesn’t have the cojones to do anything decisive about it, doubly so because it’s an election year.
Right now it’s political theater, but it’s planting the seeds for something in the future to be more than just theater
exactly and unfortunately it does set the table for some nasty shit. not like 1860’s civil war as so many envision it though. the fort sumter in this case is much more likely to be something like a wave of pickup truck pogroms in minority areas and the local/state pigs basically refuse to investigate themselves.
Bleeding Kansas 2.0.
The most recent example of something similar I can think of is Eisenhower ordering the national guard in to force Arkansas to allow Ruby Bridges into a previously all white school. Of course, that that had a much narrower physical scope than the border. I don’t think the number of states whining means that much as several of them aren’t Mexico land border states so as a practical matter they’re just complaining/engaging in political theater.
Actual enforcement of the Supreme Court order is a mixed bag. It’s easy enough to have the feds reclaim specific crossing sites, and as this is more about political theater I think Abbot will buckle before actually telling the Texas National Guard to fire upon federal agents (and for that matter, those guardsmen risking themselves like that in the name of an election year stunt). The larger border with the razor wire is a different story as it’s easy for Abbot to send people back in to replace the wire after the feds remove it, and the federal government might decide it’s not worth the cost to keep removing it.
Eisenhower sent deputy US Marshals, to escort Ruby Bridges to school in New Orleans. He federalized the Arkansas National Guard, to enforce the integration of Little Rock Central High School.
If they actually do secede, then every country in the world needs to immediately invade them on the side of the US and secure the nukes
no nukes for the new south. say no to nuclear proliferation!
A coalition of Mexico, Cuba, Venezuela, and several other south and Central American countries invading a newly independent Texas to resubsume into Mexico would be absolutely hilarious.
Why remove the wire when you can just remove abbot
UwU I’m just a widdle pwesident of amewikkka what do you expect me to doooo
6 states siding against a supreme court decision to deny access to federal authorities seems big,
25 now
no more half measures walter
Over a completely fictitious, made up, bullshit “crisis” that doesn’t exist and, I cannot stress this enough, is fake.
Do you think they factored in rising food prices caused by scaring off all the migrant farm labor as a calculated way to make Muricans poorer and more miserable so they’ll blame it on Joe?
6 million illegal immigrants in 3 years. Thats a crisis in something
Fuck off loser lmfao
Edit: that phrasing was incredibly misleading lmao nvmd
Yeah, I’m not sure how to reword it in the same snarky manner
The fact that you’re on an instance called Reddthat does you no favors either haha
No it’s fucking not.
2 million immigrants a year into a country with large swaths of it that have single didgit population density per square mile is not a crisis to anybody that isn’t a bald faced fascist.
Plus border patrol exiles something incredible like a million people a year.
we need to do something about 6 million unwelcome people you say
No, more like there’s a humanitarian crisis in their original countries. I thought that adding “in something” would make that clear
Two things you could do to make this clearer: use the word “refugees” instead of “illegal immigrants” and make a hexbear account because federated users set off the
Nah, y’all fuckers want to kill all white people. I happen to be white. I’m good not making an account here.
I’m glad the reddit lemmys view us that way
Tell the other yakub honkys what you’ve seen
Nah, y’all fuckers want to kill all white people
Death to
There it is
Die motherfucker Die
we don’t want to kill all white people you fool, we want to destroy the systems that perpetuate and enforce white power and supremacy in all its other related forms
Death to america and unlimited genocide on the west (generally being seen as the beating heart of global capitalist hegemony) are desperate and nonliteracalls for the immediate destruction of the thing that will destroy humanity if we do not defeat it
There is no time to be fucking worrying about civility or if something is ‘extreme’ there is no more time. This does not mean that we think killing all white people is a good solution, its patently absurd. White people don’t even exist white supremacists just insist they do, and then control who’s on the list, its all bullshit all the way down
As an aside, I too am white, don’t act like a victim, like you think the idea of someone trying to kill all white people is anything but fucking absurd
please clarify because it sounded very very bad
The US caused humanitarian crises in Central and South America.
Edit: read below where you clarified. This wasn’t the best wording lol. I went straight for the tactical PPB
Take another peek lol
I think anyone who thinks this is going to cause the US to balkanize needs to step outside for at least 3 hours. Screenshot this comment and feel free to @ me in 2-6 months when the current state of affairs has led nowhere.
The “nothing ever happens” crowd will be proven wrong soon
it’s safer to say “eventually”
Less “nothing ever happens” and more “it is ridiculous to think Texas will balkanize over what is essentially a slap-fight over immigration when the state receives ~40% of its revenue from the federal government and, among other things, has critical infrastructure fail statewide during cold snaps and is reliant on federal aid anytime a moderately strong storm forms in the gulf of Mexico” - but be sure to tag me in case I miss Abbott’s announcement of Texas’ secession from his militarized wheelchair lmao.
I think anyone who thinks this is going to cause Russia to invade Ukraine needs to step outside for at least 3 hours. Screenshot this comment and feel free to @ me in 2-6 months when the current state of affairs has led nowhere.
bro they were massing like 200k soldiers on the border for several months before that, it’s not comparable
I think anyone who thinks this assasination of Franz Ferdinand is going to cause a great war needs to step outside for at least 3 hours. Screenshot this comment and feel free to @ me in 2-6 months when the current state of affairs has led nowhere.
this comparison’s even more ridiculous than the Ukraine one - are you really trying to say that Texas refusing to the let federal agents access the border is equivalent to the leader of a country getting assassinated by a separatist and subsequently drawing its allies & enemies into an 5 year long international war across half a continent…Greg Abbott’s the new Wilhelm II and Florida is obviously the Ottoman Empire. Makes sense to me!!!
Nah, I’m just shitpostin’
thanks to you I’ve been sitting here for the past 30 minutes imagining a Ben Garrison style comic where the US/Mexico border is drawn sitting in a Gräf & Stift 28 with a bloody hole through it while Greg Abbott, drawn like Wilhelm II (labeled Texas) does the
in one corner and in the other there’s this:
I never said anything like that in regard to Ukraine so frankly the comparison is pointless. Theory-crafting balkanization of the US & making cool maps is all well and good but let’s be serious about things.
Yeah I have no idea what’s going on. With the border, I just assume that it’s bullshit because Republicans have been crying about the border for like… my entire life and everything has been seemingly OK thus far apart from the fascist response to migrants at the border.
I don’t think you understand, I’m talking about current events of what may or may not be an incipient constitutional crisis/ secession moment, not border policy generally
God I am so OOL
This is happening right now to be fair, and since I heard about it last night it went from 6 states supporting to 25
Ay yoo what?
and in a shocking twist, heres a totally unrelated map