Hell no if my ass itches what am I going to do about it with my stupid stubby tort feet
Carnists will do anything but eat a legume
Bulbasaur cyndaquil treecko piplup oshawott chespin popplio cinderace weedcat
God is in the cockpit 🙏 He will take control
The air collisions will continue until I get my billion dollars, Mr. Trump
No England
But it’s yummy
I could go for a cola watered down with melting ice right about now
I am so glad I live in the universe where artificial “intelligence” is bullshit
It’s ok if you look at me but it’s also ok if I look back and turn you to stone
minecraft creeper (he blows up your houssssse)
Damn, That was hot AF. Is that Train single
alright guys, it’s not funny anymore. who shit my pants
The people of SK were free and happy?
Nothing comes to mind. I’m shameless
I don’t ‘refuse’ but it might look that way from the outside. I like cooking but I don’t have the energy to do it most days. If I’m not feeding myself then I’m eating slop because the good food provided is unknown and scary and I don’t want to retch in front of other people’s food.
How I feel about other people like that, it’s none of my business. I can hope they improve their eating for their own sake but that’s it really