cleoburymortimer [none/use name]

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 14th, 2023


  • What is “my narrative”? that it sucks when decent organisations with strong links to legitimately revolutionary orgs such as the PKK get co-opted and end up serving the interests of the American empire as a result of having to fight against US-backed ISIS and other western-backed Jihadists? what should the YPG have done differently, in your eyes, that would exonerate them for the crime of having to defend their homes from Jihadist barbarism because the legitimate government of Syria totally withdrew from the region when the war kicked off?

    Are you even aware of that - the fact that the SAA totally pulled out of NE Syria in the early part of the war, leaving the locals to fend for themselves against US-backed Jihadism? What course of action should they have taken that would have preserved their lives and their homes while not also creating opportunity for the US empire to insert itself and then refuse to leave? Should they have been putting out principled statements against both ISIS and the US while they were beseiged in Kobani?

    or call me more ableist slurs

    ??? is “campist” ableist or something???

  • i cannot cope emotionally anymore. i wept for a long time after seeing the interview with Saleh Al-Arouri’s mother. she said that they had not seen him for 20 years… 15 years spent imprisoned, then another 3, then exiled to several different countries, and now killed without warning this evening. his poor mother, this innocent old lady, no tears in her eyes, she probably had already assumed she would never see him again, and now she has had the inevitable confirmation… it hurts my heart so much.

    no matter what i do, no matter how correct my understanding and practice, i as a citizen of an imperial country will never be absolved of these historic sins, the sins of my compatriots and ancestors, and the material benefits that these sins have brought me from birth to the present. i only hope that the oppressed people of the world, upon their victory, will show us forgiveness. perhaps then we can dance on the grave of the blood-drinking monster called “capital” together.

  • Organise to do what?

    Try to form connections with the exploited and oppressed people in your locality via whatever means you can. Listen attentively to them and their problems whenever you get the opportunity, understand them and use the theory you know to analyse what you have heard and seen. Take the results of that analysis and try to apply them; even if it’s just trying to agitate more effectively, keep thinking about how to adapt your line and practice to the circumstances you find yourself in. Always be on the lookout for other communists/anyone else who seems like they would be down to help organise the working class. If you find anyone like that, talk to them and work with them. Some of the folks in your local party branch may feel the same as you about the tactics being ineffective and would welcome some fresh ideas about how to organise.

    Basically, do what a communist does. It takes practice and if you’re new to it, it’s gonna feel a little stilted at first, but this is how communists organise and lead.