add a new one to the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.
add a new one to the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation.
I mean… It’s probably the “involuntary” portion of their reeducation that folk take exception to. Maybe let’s not forget that…
Yeah, mandatory education is the single worst thing in the world, why can’t sissypea just let people be. Next they’ll enforce bedtimes.
Remember that literally everyone considered the ETIM a terrorist organization right up until Zenz fabricated his bunk genocide claims, and then very suddenly the US and a few key allies dropped that label from them.
Redditors are some of the most gullible fucks on the planet
deleted by creator
“Japan embraces Mao Zedong thought” - Reddit probably
I don’t approve of using the word terrorism in any official context, but that’s based.
Japan redemption arc??
No, it’s not. The whole thing from A-Z has been deemed a holocaust-styled genocide since the beginning by westerners. There is no portion of it that has been excepted despite the dubious evidence and organizations involved with ‘exposing’ China
That’s… Not accurate from my perspective.
Then maybe stop consuming right-wing media, hate to break it to you bud, but you’ve been qanon-styled brainwashed by media that is straight up informed by a major well funded cult
I get most of my news from Allsides, bud.
Aw lol you think there’s more than one side with mass media control
Gonna assume that was sarcasm, cause otherwise you’re just media illiterate
Really? What Chinese news sources do you?
Go on
Then your perspective has gigantic holes
You go to prison if you don’t send your kids to school in the West.
Mandatory education is normal as fuck
You also frequently go to prison if you don’t work in the U.S. (assuming you’re poor)
It used to be illegal for black people to be unemployed for too long in much of the south.
Except…I can choose the school my kids go to and participate in deciding what they learn.
You don’t get to choose what public school your kids go to in the US. Now if you’re rich enough you can send them to a private school, or if you have the free time you can home school them but you still have to use and approved curriculum. Your options are still limited and you will be punished for not picking one.
You can move to a different school system. It’s not terribly hard. And if you don’t like the approved curriculum, you join the school board, and you work to change it. Otherwise, yes…we require our kids to go to school.
I am sorry did you just say moving was an option for school choice? Do you know how much that costs?
Don’t be sorry… And yes, I did.
Just sell your house and move bro
Ah yes, moving is always easy in the US especially with how affordable housing is right now!
Also it’s great that public schools are funded by property taxes so poorer areas always have way shittier schools. Poors should just buy a house in the nicer countries.
Very interesting, please tell me more
Surely a better way to handle Wahhabism than drone bombs and depleted uranium bullets
Given that Zenz is a Christian Dominionist, I assumed the correct way to deal with Wahhabism is a Crusade.
you can just say mayo
you don’t have to be politically correct
There’s more than one flavor.
50 shades of milquetoast
They should just fucking kill them all like the US does
Only one ethnic muslim minority in China has this attention drawn to it, the others dont have this problem because they didnt have a serious right wing fundamentalism issue
Who is the US killing now?
Directly through presence or funding: Palestinians, Yemenis, Syrians, Afghanis, Iraqis, Somalis, people in Niger
We never left these places or we are there illegally.
Through our criminal policy most of the world
Venezualans, and Ukrainians. Cubans. I mean these are just the obvious ones that everyone should know.