I wish people had reminded American protestants that they don’t have to practice circumcision. Could have saved me some trouble!
I wish people had reminded American protestants that they don’t have to practice circumcision. Could have saved me some trouble!
Thanks for posting this before I could. Massive sexual abuse and pedo “scandal” in the SBC. Of course, some baptists find a way to blame it on gay and trans people because the church is too liberal now, even though the SBC explicitly opposes gay and trans rights.
Mocking vegans didn’t originate with South Park, it originated with annoying vegans. And lots of people dislike tofu because it’s hard to prepare correctly or because it’s an odd texture or something. Not being a vegan doesn’t make you a bad person, and it’s reaching to imply making fun of tofu is racist.
Idk it seems like a very uncharitable way to interpret what she said. I get she’s not a real leftist and she’s got wrong ideas, but she’s not actively trying to hurt people. Non-antagonistic contra-dictions
and? A youtuber is never going to move the needle on veganism.
Idk she is kind of right. Older people are going to have disconnects with younger people. In 30 years we will be the problematic elders. Unless someone’s actively malicious it probably isn’t worth it to fight or debate or whatever. And alienating the elders isn’t going to make them change their minds. We have to work with people who have some problematic opinions otherwise we can do nothing.
I just saw people saying the Hunter Schafer episode was really nuanced trans rep, which intrigued me. Doesn’t sound like my thing. Seems like a 13 Reasons Why style show.
This is why I refuse to go no matter how many people say I’m “unstable” and “clearly in need of ‘professional’ help”
That and I’m a MAN (blues riff)
Carter actually deregulated airlines first IIRC
Does it suck? It seems vaguely interesting and has hot people in it
Yeah my username on Twitch is WishIwasagirl1917, it doesn’t mean anything
All the women I know seem to be lumpen
We didn’t break up, reactionary girlfriends were purged from the relationship.
Add to that the fact that the bugs never did anything to instigate the violence. They were invaded by psychotic settlers who glass the planet and then send in jarheads to kill all your babies.
Again, slinging asteroids from that distance is literally impossible, especially for a lifeform that ostensibly isn’t intelligent.
Sure, but pop culture has confounded going viking with Norse culture at large.
From my understanding, viking (as a verb) was when Norse fail-second-sons slaughtered, raped, looted, and enslaved coastal villages in order to establish their own fortune back home. That sucks.
It sucks that viking iconography looks sick
There’s a lot of power and money behind private and charter schools (Bill Gates comes to mind), and weakening public schools is key to that. Privatization heads drool over public schools.
And the reddit posters are probably making accurate observations but formulating poor explanations.
Not surprising given how bad they are at their jobs. Carmen, a top pilot, is unable to dodge an asteroid with plenty of warning time. Two dropships crash into each other in the Klendathu drop.
When Ace gets his hand skewered with the knife, it’s played as a cool badass lesson for rookies. But he actually was asking a great question, and their training is terrible at preparing them for combat against their actual enemy.
Ultimately, the fascist society loves war for its own sake. They love abusing each other and the aesthetics of war and the concept of eternal combat. As such, victory becomes tangential or even undesirable.
There are also a lot of protestants who don’t care that much about gay and trans people. As a kid I never knew anything about queer people, positive or negative. The idea was to shelter us from it entirely. Later the line was always “love the sinner, hate the sin”, but nothing detailed or vicious. Homosexuality would only come up in the context of sexual misconduct generally, so it wasn’t officially worse than premarital sex or watching porn.
When I got older, I never felt animosity towards gay and trans people. Which led to me questioning the religion when I encountered Christians who actively hated gay people.