Fellas, is Fidel too baller?
The day El Che gave in to revisionism. This is why constant self-crit is important.
Castro dunking on Che like
Dunk on me, coward, you only dunk on a man
Is the criticism here that he’s playing basketball or that he’s too good at it
The criticism is the move has too much “flash and pomp” so they’re basically saying he’s not acting “presidential.”
but it’s because he wins at basketball, not because he plays basketball, right?
I can read it both ways
It’s how he plays basketball. It’s how he wins.
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It’s probably close to the eurostep, which back then I’m sure toed a very fine line between a travel and not
fidel please stop dunking on me its hurting the communal spirit
More like “I’m really mad he didn’t pass me the ball that one time so I will use the immortal science of Marxist Leninism to demonstrate why being a ball hog is a twelfth type of liberalism”
I think people underestimate how much of a Marxist-Leninist committee-loving guy Che was. Read his diaries, even in the Congo he is always holding committees and not just for utility. The man truly believed in all parts of the ideology, not just direct action. It is really dorky sometimes, and in the best way
A lot of these guys were giant nerds and it’s endearing
Would love to hear his thoughts on outdoor cats.
rock stacking as well
My favorite struggle session thus far is the one I accidentally started about olive oil.
Damn I missed that one. Sounds like a banger
that one happened over multiple platforms, it was a beautiful one to witness
didn’t it start in the 3rd international discord?
lmao yeah
crazy shit
i don’t even know if they were arguing politics, cooking, or both
We were just talking about cooking and in the discord it was a light hearted bit, but when I posted about it here suddenly everyone got very serious about it.
Yah know it is funny, I’m reading a history of the Russian Revolution right now, and for every account of like a cool march or occupation or soldiers defecting from the front, there’s like 10 accounts of “Lenin and Trotsky had a meeting where they planned to have another meeting with some other Russian guy so they could plan their meeting with the Soviet so they could organize a committee…”
Jesus Christ that shit sounds more exhausting than adventurism! Can I please just blow something up I can’t take any more Committees to form Committees on Committees!!!
You’re gonna have to talk to the committee-skipping committee if you wanna skip past the committees like that. They’re pretty busy so we’ve made a committee to schedule their time, so you can swing by us first and we’ll fit you in the queue. Were the queue committee, not to be confused by the Q-commitee or the ewe-commitee
I’d like to volunteer to go down to the country please, this Party post is giving me hypertension. Can I work on a pig farm?
Aha it’s always wonderful to have volunteers. If you wish to volunteer you’ll have to contact the volunteers’ committee, and since you wish to go to a specific area you’re gonna have to contact the countriside-commission in order to get them to give you a certificate of regional guarantee which guarantees you to be assigned to a specific region. If you wish to speed things up you can also drop by the cross-commitee-organizers-council in order to get them to activate the Group of Facilitators
Che was just salty Fidel kept mopping the floor with him during their one-on-ones.
“Che, mijo. Step your game up. You’re already on S and it’s only been 5 minutes! Three more strikes before you get A, N, and O!”
writing in my journal that i’m absolutely NOT MAD that I keep getting styled on
Imagine if they managed to produce Cuban Jokic and sent him to play in the NBA
lol he did the leftist wall of text but in smack talk form
damn bros my basketball skills lead me to believe i’m revolutionary as fuck
I’m imagining Fidel playing like a Harlem Globetrotter, showboating while Che is just trying to play pickup basketball
Amigos, es homosexual para jugar al baloncesto?
Fidel: “Che stop being such a fucking nerd!”
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This post has been fact checked by real ballers as true
Glad to see the “are women bourgeois?”-type discourse predates the modern left.
All the women I know seem to be lumpen
In Frantz Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth (1961), the lumpenproletariat of the colony, as ex-peasants displaced by the introduction of capitalist relations of production in agriculture, carry the kernel of the peasantry’s anti-colonial culture to the cities, where they play a crucial role in the emerging revolutionary nationalist movement. In the United States in the 1960s–1970s, the Black Panther Party postulated that the African American lumpenproletariat could, because of the racial and economic histories of American capitalism, be organized as a revolutionary agent.
“I can fix her”