Post in the comments the timecode when you busted up laughing
4:28 “We’re supposed to be an anti-capitalist household” so they shouldn’t spend so much money. Communism is when you don’t buy things, the fewer things you buy, the more communist you are.
10:20 I was yelling at the screen. “It’s too hard to walk 12 minutes to public transport to get free food for my entire household” grow the fuck up, unless you’re disabled, that’s bullshit.
“My March and July girlfriend” what the actual fuck, how can they live like that?
“The tracksuits are black for our dog’s funeral”
Okay now they’re just taking the piss
It is infinitely funny to see you react to this video like I did 😭 it just kept getting more insane
I once said that in response to “Sexual Anarchism” we should create “Sexual Marxism-Leninism” which is just when you have a very well organized Polycule.
This seems like a failed attempt at that.
We didn’t break up, reactionary girlfriends were purged from the relationship.
$2000 a month in Portland, you know, privileged.
Didn’t expect to see strange posted here but I suppose that makes sense
I’m shocked no one has screeched about Strange being a lib, instead of just watching the damn video. I feel like that happens every time a semi-popular YouTube channel gets posted here
Most libs wouldn’t advertise a payday loan company. So she’s like… worse.
Only libs watch YouTube without sponsor block /s
8:04, the first doctor bronner’s mention, immediately got me.
Also I kinda assumed that this was going to involve pizza slaves and a visa signature rewards card.
That would be bad vibes
I’m like 1 minute in and its obvious that the story is made up. Also this channel seems just to be tumblrinaction but less overtly bigoted.
I wish I could’ve believed this was fake so fast, I’ve met people like this, they’re real
It’s not that the actions are extreme, it’s what the focus is on in the telling. If the person writing this has experienced any of this, they are C.
Also beyond that a lot of Portland residence pointed out they got a lot of details about the city wrong
The details are all wrong, but the broad strokes are very Portland. Like, I know people who have little facets of everything involved in this story.
But yeah the burgers and insistence on calling it the MAX (instead of just trimet) made it clear it was a bit real quickly.
People who live in the Portland exurbs call it the max, at least on the east side.
But yeah the burgers
My comrades (white polycule) won’t let me order vegan burgers with my fascist credit card (visa signature rewards) because making money as an Uber driver is petite bourgeois