I’m hearing also that they may have access to the Cuban Havana syndrome gun, and Anthrax, and yellow cake uranium, and…
I’m hearing also that they may have access to the Cuban Havana syndrome gun, and Anthrax, and yellow cake uranium, and…
tangentially related
Wow, a lot of Americans literally shaking in that thread. The jingoistic pro-war rhetoric reminds me of the Howard Stern broadcast where they start calling for Iraq to be nuked
Are ships okay?
Ugh. When I was back on Reddit comments like those would always be downvoted to hell.
I love how a post that would have got maybe 20 comments pre-federation now gets absolutely inundated with struggle sessions.
In that case, I’m not sure you do understand. They will never get the Donbass or Crimea back (at least not during this conflict); every Ukrainian death that happens now is happening for no reason, and is actively going to make their recovery harder. I’m saying that by packing it in now, they’d be cutting their losses. Do you think losing now would be worse for them than losing further down the line, when their population has been further depleted?
We don’t want them to lose, we want the war to end. At the moment, that would mean ending in Russia’s favour. Ukraine has been propped up by the west since last year. Without American money and weapons, they would already have collapsed. A staggering number of people have fled, and hundreds of thousands of men have come back from the front with life-changing injuries, which means their economy is going to really struggle for the next few decades. The West will have to pull out eventually, and then Ukraine will have to sign some peace agreement which likely won’t be in their favour. However, continuining until the West says “enough is enough” (and after Iraq and Afghanistan, who knows how long that will be) will force more people out of the country and deplete the working population inside the country even further. What does Ukraine have to gain by sticking it out?
I find the original trollface works well. Just the right level of rage-inducing “tee-hee” ironic detatchment that makes a poster a poster.
Oh yeah, it’s hilarious stuff. He even mentions how Stalin successfully eliminated monopolies, and how the lack of a profit motive makes industry more efficient. I’ll see if I can find the link to the article and edit it into my comment.
Reposting on old comment of mine with some more quotes, cos why not
Edit: This is the article I go the quotes from. There are more good ones in there too, where Hitler is essentially forced to admit that Soviet central planning was more efficient than market economies lol
I was reading through this article about German hubris whilst fighting the Soviets and modern day hubris when fighting the Russians the other day, and came across something interesting:
October 17, 1941. Hitler speaking to Reich Minister Dr. Todt and Gauleiter Sauckel:
“We shall have to settle down to the task of rebuilding the Russian track, to restore it to the normal gauge. There’s only one road that, throughout all these last months of campaigning, was of any use to the armies on the central front—and for that I’ll set up a monument to Stalin. Apart from that, he preferred to manufacture chains of mud rather than to build roads!..”
Initially I thought he was talking metaphorically, but is he actually talking about train track gauges? Did the Wermacht move supplies by train?
There’s a load of other funny bits in there too:
Hitler, July 19, 1942:
“Just when the difficulties of the eastern winter campaign in the East had reached their height, some imbecile pointed out that Napoleon, like ourselves, had started his Russian campaign on 22nd June. Thank God, I was able to counter that drive with the authoritative statement of historians of repute that Napoleon’s campaign did not, in fact, begin until 23rd June!”
Nice one Hitler, you really showed that guy
Hitler, August 26, 1942:
“If Stalin had been given another ten or fifteen years, Russia would have become the mightiest State in the world, and two or three centuries would have been required to bring about a change. It is a unique phenomenon! He has raised the standard of living—of that there is no doubt; no one in Russia goes hungry any more. They have built factories where a couple of years ago only unknown villages existed—and factories, mark you, as big as the Hermann Goring Works. They have built railways that are not yet even on our maps. In Germany we start quarrelling about fares before we start building the line !”
It’s as if markets are inefficient or something
Hitler, August 28, 1942:
“As regards the Russians, their powers of resistance are inimitable, as they proved in the Russo-Japanese War. This is no new characteristic which they have suddenly developed.”
So much for that rotten structure then, lmfao
Perhaps, yes. I’m not sure what exactly the US has in South Korea, and I’m too lazy to look it up, but they must have ports and airfields. Having to defend those from the DPRK would force the US to commit resources away from the Taiwan Strait, making it easier for both China and the DPRK to get what they want. On the other hand, this could be a yolo moment for DPRK, as a Chinese loss in any coming war would mean the loss of their main trading partner. Might as well strike whilst you have the chance.
Like, do they think they can do this without the full support of China? Because we have seen nothing thats says China is willing to rock the boat like this
Maybe they’re going to hold off until something starts between the US and China over Taiwan. This is pure conjecture, obviously, but it would mean that the DPRK is expecting things to get hot
Ugh. When I was back on Reddit comments like those would always be downvoted to hell.
Henryk Górecki, Symphony of Sorrowful Songs
Krzysztof Penderecki, Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima
Chopin, various
You are correct to be angry. Most cultures have their own musical canon, but years of European colonialism (and the racist mindset that was born from it) convinced basically the entire world that Western classical music was the only shit that mattered. Vid rel.
This is fucking sick. Dudes do, in fact, rock
MuseScore’s closed source Musehub (after being acquired by Ultimatw Guitar)
Really? Well that sucks.
You guys aren’t going to believe this, but I called it. I felt it in the winds a few weeks ago that Kissinger would die before the year was out, and the winds told me the truth. Not the exact date mind you, and he was bound to die eventually, but still.