Edit: I realised that I spelled Pissingers name wrong in the title. Pity.
user was banned for this report
What’s wrong with celebrating death? Kissinger himself was an avid aficionado of such an activity.
Average idiocracy enjoyer
Hey, Idiocracy was a fun documentary!
it’s not a documentary, it’s a dipshit liberal movie that almost explicitly advocates for eugenics and the genocide of poor people for being stupid, as if getting rid of the poors and leaving only the “intelligent” people behind would make the world a better place. completely lacks any form of class analysis
throughout my life, the people who seriously think something like “y’know, the real problem with this country/world is that everybody/everything is just so stupid! people are dumb, panicky animals. they don’t know what’s good for them and they keep doing stupid shit for whatever reason!” are, ironically, the most idiotic people I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting or talking to.
fossil fuel companies aren’t polluting the atmosphere and destroying biodiversity because they’re “dumb”, they’re acting according to their material interests.
people don’t vote for reactionaries because they’re incapable of understanding basic economics, they do it because of co-ordinated media campaigns that exploit mental vulnerabilities that literally every single one of us on this website also possess (none of us are immune to propaganda), are tired of the status quo neoliberal economics but cannot find any other way of expressing their displeasure than in a reactionary way, and/or materially benefit from the imperialism and exploitation that those reactionaries reinforce.
(note that this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t fight reactionaries, we absolutely 100% should, but they weren’t born like that and it’s not “human nature” either.)
leaders like Bush don’t invade foreign countries because they can’t understand that they’re doing something “dumb” and hurtful, they’re doing it to benefit their military industries, exploit the invaded countries’ people and resources, loot and pillage them, and spread chaos to prevent unified oppositions from being able to take on US interests
Wait until he finds out everyone here would have been the first in line to shoot Kissinger if we could lol.
the tankies at hexbear once again show their lack of civility!
[Legendary: Success] — The weight of a world is lifted off of a dozen others. In Vietnam, in Bangladesh, in Timor, in Cambodia, in Chile, in Cyprus; the undercurrent breathes a collective sigh. One more piece is off of the board. The empire is running out of material.
— τελειωτικό χτύπημα.
— What happens now?
— For you, Detective? Or the world?
— For the world.
— Nothing.
[Hard: Success] — An old man who did his damage is dead. His spirit is gone, but the mark will remain. Him being gone solves nothing.
— And for me?
— For you? You celebrate.
I’m very anti-bit in general but I absolutely love your posts.
I love you
Meanwhile on lemmy.world
How DARE you celebrate the death of a war criminal responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent people :civility:
It’s the most uplifting news story in a while.
Unless they mean because he lived too damn long or because hearing his name reminds them of the evil he brought to the world, that’s so lame and you should just fuck off and let people feel uplifted.
Losers too
Alright, shut down the site. Mission accomplished. It’s been a slice
800 upbears lol
What a difference a day makes.
Where were you when Kissinger died?
I was high as a kite watching Buster Keaton movies.
Sitting on the couch with my 3 year old leaning into me, watching Bluey
An IRA bar. Fucking jovial in here.
Wish I could admit to something cooler but I was watching Harry Potter with kiddo (I’ve really tried…he’s into it though through my ex tho).
I can happily say however that we paused the movie and proceeded to dance around the house at the joyous good news. He’s recording it in his diary now!
Called it!!!
The idea of a small child recording a war criminal’s death in their diary is making me laugh 😆
Kissinger’s wikipedia article is a battlefield rn, the end of the first paragraph about an hour ago read “He is currently burning in hell for his war crimes.” :crab-party:
only factual
Fuck him for not doing it sooner. POS to the end.
lock the post at 666 comments
edIt: fuck y’all you saw the number
In Memorandum
The npr sub is filled with libs realizing how shitty npr is as they talk glowingly of Kissinger