I hope not lol
I hope not lol
Left to right: saxophone, violin, transverse flute
I decided to continue playing before I reply to you, and now after roughly 60 hours and progressing Bellara’s story, I agree with you, my criticism was funny. She turns out quite alright and becomes very intriguing after a few more hours.
I honestly have to say tho, they really butchered the beginning of the game, and the more you progress, the more it seems to find it’s footing, or dare I say, a Dragon Age-esque tone.
Actually, that’s a good point.
I’m playing it too rn, and I agree with the stuff you said. Also, yes, the review bombing is all-out based-ness for the most part (~90% from what I’ve seen). But there are other criticisms that I think are valid.
I’m personally not enjoying the game, to put it mildly, for multiple reasons:
I like the combat system, it’s somewhat refreshing to see an action rpg setup in dragon age, so that your mage finally doesn’t die immediately in close combat scenarios. I’m also madly in love with the hair animations. I keep entering the character creator to swoosh around the hair lol.
All in all, I wouldn’t recommend (buying) the game, but it definitely has its moments.
Get well soon comrade, we are here for you I really hope you (and your dog) will be okay!
“It is better for them to die than to be captured and held here.”
I… these atrocities become more and more unfathomable. My brain can’t process this insane disdain for human lives anymore. Reading this man saying that death is preferable to captivity is something I never wanted to read again. Nobody deserves this. Nobody.
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
Obviously not all songs, but Rise Against have some tracks that are “progressive”, but more so on the critical spectrum. I’d recommend The Numbers specifically. The video even starts off with a quote from Fanon!
Edit: Was told just now I misunderstood prog rock, so sorry for the switch in genre!
Just making sure I’m truly not a liberal!
Kissinger’s wikipedia article is a battlefield rn, the end of the first paragraph about an hour ago read “He is currently burning in hell for his war crimes.” :crab-party:
Thank you so much for sharing that piece of info!
Part of my master’s thesis was about panopticism, and I’m not sure I wanna laugh or cry at this.
That’s more like it!