If you don’t post your result you’re a liberal
See I told you I was the one true leftist
authoritarian <-> democratic
so tired of this bullshit
Shit I’m a Left SR, it’s only a matter of time before I betray you to the reactionary peseantry.
Hold us all at gun point and then ask us to vote
I’m left of the bolsheviks
I clearly don’t know enough about the details of the Russian Revolution for this quiz, I don’t know what the political character of the Constituent Assembly or the Dumas were, or what exactly is implied by “a lengthy period of agreement between all democratic forces”
Anyway, that apparently makes me [to the left of] a left SR
Yeah same, I seem to have misunderstood the question about forming a federal state system as well as the constituent assembly question. Landed myself solidly in the anarchist camp. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I think I’ve got some learning to do. Reading recommendations, anyone?
Filling out quizzes is bourgeois. Everyone who did this is a liberal.
Aww shit does this mean I’d end up hanging out with Trotsky after the war I hope not
smh it still doesn’t capture the scale of my leftism
I’m between Bolshevik and Left SR. I don’t know what that means.
Didn’t know we had so many infants on Hexbear.
Someone should crosspost these somewhere where more libs will see this. I can’t imagine how wild your answers would have to be to end up by the guys whose platform consisted into duping people into thinking that communism meant a gradual, lawful reform into capitalism under the tsar.
the guys whose platform consisted into duping people into thinking that communism meant a gradual, lawful reform into capitalism under the tsar.
Whomst? It isn’t the SRs. It isn’t the Mensheviks, or at least not any of the Internationalists, Martov’s group (Who were very close to Bolsheviks in outlook), and even the defencists didn’t think you could achieve socialism by gradual reform under the tsar.
It isn’t the Cadets, they weren’t socialists.
A bunch of nerd shit qs I just selected neutral for