Welcome back!
Welcome back!
Thank you Mr Lenin, sir
Never played the original THUG but THUG 2 was probably my most played game in middle school.
The Jedi never told us why they don’t have healthcare.
r/punk is possibly the saddest subreddit I’ve browsed when I was still active on the site. I was expecting a lot of new or underappreciated punk artists I could discover, but instead it turned out to be a circlejerk about their favorite handful of big names from the 80s. Disappointing.
Right? People are witnessing the death of community brought on by capitalism and many of their solutions are Marvel-brained “adults should never grow up and go trick or treating in lieu of kids.” Really?
Think like the train rides in Half Life.
That’s their horizons for what’s impressive? Video game tech from over two decades ago? Truly this justifies the decade of development hell and the small country’s worth of GDP burnt.
Surely Tesla has a marketing department? Surely they can come up with a retort better than their oafish overlord’s “no u”?
That is a dope ass bear!
I was always nervous to get things from in the walk-in freezer at my college job. A walk-in oven sounds absolutely nightmarish.
Boy what a great time to have morale issues after you piss off all your neighbors.
I decided to look at the last Jacobin article about Frederic Jameson I could find. I found one from the third of this month. The second sentence:
At ninety, he shows few signs of slowing down.
I guess it was only un-American to get Mexico to pay for it. If the American taxpayers pay for it it’s a-OK apparently.
Oh hey it’s my cake day. Four years, huh?
Maybe it’s me, but I haven’t heard much about MOOCs lately. Seems like the heyday’s past.
I’m not a Third-Worldist, but that’s pretty disappointing.
Surely this will help the military with their recruitment woes.