rumors of them transferring Wagner units from Africa. Those guys have a chance to do the funniest thing ever
rumors of them transferring Wagner units from Africa. Those guys have a chance to do the funniest thing ever
tsargrad tv is a mouthpiece for konstantin malofeev, a fairly prominent oligarch with interests in telecommunications companies (among other things) and monarchist/orthodox christian politics. they even had alex jones on at one point.
this comment cured my russophobia i love my country o7
I have Warhammer brain so i thought of the golden throne but this works too
haven’t actually read what zizek said abt it yet, but i have a hard time seeing how a basic phenomenon such as trans people can be “inherently revolutionary”, any more than any other human characteristic.
I mean isn’t that how all militaries work, unless they rely on a draft? Even on the Russian side a very large portion of the expeditionary force is contract troops and PMCs (at least before the Wagner kerfuffle), not conscripts .
I hear there’s another neat website called google that lets you find the doi of a paper by its title
I hear sci hub is a pretty cool website that lets you find a paper by its doi number
Doesn’t this sort of post go in the dunk tank?
I wouldn’t mind if we had ru or ukr language communities on here either.
what about neocon, does anyone self id as that :|
It’s quite possible they did share, but the Russians thought they had it handled. Afaik there was a mirror situation in 2013 with the Boston bombings, Russian intelligence knew about the terrorists and tipped off the CIA but was largely disregarded.
When writing about Russia they may also be replaced with double Zs
didn’t know this was a thing, will file away next to the obamacrons
my garage
Ryazanov didn’t die for this
Russia had a similar “friendly fire” incident recently too
well Russian politics sucks what can I say. In the late oughts to early teens I think he really had a chance to ~do the funny~ but kinda chickened out. After 2011 he toned the nationalist rhetoric way down, tried to run for local office, failed miserably and the rest is history.
Regardless he was still the most prominent/broadly unifying figure for anti Putin opposition of all stripes. Idk anyone who is more recognizable, maybe nemtsov but he was shot in 2014.
and yeah I’m a mostly former lib, but as I mentioned in another comment, Communism has a really bad reputation inside Russia due to ongoing propaganda efforts from the government (who love blaming every possible internal problem on the Soviet legacy) and the ongoing ineffectiveness and hypocrisy of the CPRF.
I’m a Russian lib and kinda just black pilled at this point. We’re so far past the moral event horizon lmao.
Seeing the comments on here isn’t helping either, the notion that he’s a nazi is a Baptists and bootleggers collaboration between both western and Russian pro-war forces. Both are interested in portraying any given Russian as bloodthirsty and as a non starter alternative to Putin to justify continuing hostility. Navalny is no exception.
The way I see it, he was an opportunist/populist that could see the screws tightening even 20 years ago. And desperately trying to form any kind of coalition that could resist the new siloviki ruling class that were consolidating the power while paying off the population with ‘economic growth’ (actually just post collapse rebuilding fueled by cash from expensive energy exports).
The ru nationalists were the most prominent/active street movement and he aligned with them absent any real opposition in the duma (which may I remind you was intentionally made impotent after black october 1993). You could compare it to how Ukrainian libs allied with Ukrainian nationalists during the maidan.
The problem of course is that this ‘flexibility’ and lack of coherent ideology lowered the ‘ceiling’ of how far his followers would go for him. And we needed (need) to go quite far.
The solution of course is a real leftist movement, but the CPRF was utterly infiltrated/paid off by the capitalists from the very start, the only good things it ever does come from smaller regional branches of it, p much never moscow. You could compare it to the CPUSA back in America in how it harms more than it helps.
How young is young? This sounds like a great idea, but I’m pushing 30yo and have never finished school or had proper steady employment. Wonder if that will be a deal breaker