i still can’t fathom how neoliberal is now like a self-identified label and not a pejorative on the level of calling someone a cockroach
i still can’t fathom how neoliberal is now like a self-identified label and not a pejorative on the level of calling someone a cockroach
We called the forum r/neoliberal. We didn’t name our forum that to make a political statement from the outset, but because we wanted to poke fun at people who had previously called us that word. But quickly, people began joining at a far greater rate than we ever expected. They weren’t joining to discuss econometrics, as we originally intended. People were joining because they desired a place to discuss policymaking online that wasn’t captured by left or right-wing populists. We were radical incrementalists – as we called ourselves – and it was different from anything else out there. We knew we were onto something, and created the Neoliberal Project to launch new initiatives and house them all under one banner.
PPI has been around since 1989 and views itself as Bill Clinton’s “idea mill” aka think tank. Why I call them a fossil fuel think tank is detailed here. They oppose climate action, defend fracking, and receive donations from Exxon Mobil.
it’s safe to say that their upvotes are farmed, and their organic support is mostly bourgeois economics and political science majors and interns who hope to work for PPI or a similar think tank one day. It’s basically a Neera Tanden farm.
The creator of r/neoliberal, Colin Mortimer, is the Director of the Center for New Liberalism at PPI, which seeks to “develop a salient identity around the center-left values that have increasingly come under fire in this age of populism.”
copy the text in this spoiler tag to repost
Reminder that [r/neoliberal was created by and is astroturfed by a fossil fuel think tank called the Progressive Policy Institute, as part of their "Neoliberal Project"](https://archive.is/dNo5d#selection-533.230-533.424)
PPI has been around since 1989 and views itself as Bill Clinton's "idea mill" aka think tank. [Why I call them a fossil fuel think tank is detailed here.](https://archive.is/4Voil#selection-595.0-597.270) They oppose climate action, defend fracking, and receive donations from Exxon Mobil.
it's safe to say that their upvotes are farmed, and their organic support is mostly bourgeois economics and political science majors and interns who hope to work for PPI or a similar think tank one day. It's basically a Neera Tanden farm.
The creator of r/neoliberal, [Colin Mortimer](https://twitter.com/Colinmort), is the [Director of the Center for New Liberalism at PPI](https://archive.is/Jq2sO), which seeks to "develop a salient identity around the center-left values that have increasingly come under fire in this age of populism."
radical incrementalists
Heartache is powerful, but democracy is subtle. Incrementally, you begin to notice a change in the weather. When it snows, the flakes are softer when they stick to your worry-worn forehead. When it rains, the rain is warmer. Democracy is coming to the Administrative Region. The ideals of Dolorian humanism are reinstating themselves. How can they not? These are the ideals of the Coalition and the Moralist International. Those guys are signal blue. And they’re not only good – they’re also powerful. What will it be like, once their nuanced plans have been realized?
The Kingdom of Conscience will be exactly as it is now. Moralists don’t really have beliefs. Sometimes they stumble on one, like on a child’s toy left on the carpet. The toy must be put away immediately. And the child reprimanded. Centrism isn’t change – not even incremental change. It is control. Over yourself and the world. Exercise it. Look up at the sky, at the dark shapes of Coalition airships hanging there. Ask yourself: is there something sinister in moralism? And then answer: no. God is in his heaven. Everything is normal on Earth.
every time these people say “populism” they might as well say “when inferior riff-raff gets to make demands.” Neoliberalism is the same as conservatism in that they view IQ scores as the primary measure of who deserves civil rights.
similar to how we did with Tankie
tankie has gone through three phrases. It first meant people who were in favor of sending tanks into Hungary, then it got adopted primarily by anarchists, and now it’s used by anyone. Its current meaning is something like “when a westerner shows too much sympathy to countries outside of the west.” That’s the point where we adopted it for ourselves, because now it only describes something good
“tankie” is “woke” for foreign policy
One of my oldest friendships is on its last legs. He’s a smug liberal, identical to the people that show up here sometimes. He was talking about tankies and I told him that it was now a meaningless term and anyone who uses it in earnest shouldn’t be taken seriously. I think it almost destroyed his brain.
He also believes the Warren Commission 😂
He also believes the Warren Commission
The rube of rubes
He’s honestly a fucking idiot and I’m so sick of his shit.
what about neocon, does anyone self id as that :|
99% of the work that achieved that is pinkwashing.
The only acceptable sticker on a Macbook is a FreeBSD icon sticker over the apple.
Average Western “leftist”:
Wdym im a communist just like everyone here. I have nothing to do with the CIA.
This is my classmate in one of my Spanish classes in uni. How did you get a hold of his laptop?! Does he browse hexbear as well???
tbf it was only the Ukraine flag and the DSA sticker. I got bad vibes from him so we never talked.
This is someone making a C- in poly sci who has convinced themselves the professor is a Marxist.
This is the most reddit thing I’ve ever seen
looks great, you coming bowling on tuesday?
No I have a meeting with our good friends in the ISIS on Tuesday.
Bowling in the GDR
Ooof the Azov symbol
The tryzub has been a national symbol of Ukraine for much longer than any fascist battallion has existed.
No it wasn’t. It was the symbol of the ruling family which also ruled many other states and entire Russia for centuries. It was only introduced as symbol of Ukraine by already protofascist government in 1918. Before that, even if we ignore discussion since when we can even talk about Ukraine, its most common symbol was Archangel Michael.
It’s a symbol of Ukraine in the exact same sense as this
is the symbol of Belarus - it’s a symbol of counterrevolutionaries, fascists, western puppets and neoliberals. Difference is, on Belarus they lost and on Ukraine they won.
@Dirt_Owl@hexbear.net you were only wrong in that is have the much wider connotation with fascism and reactionism than just Azov.
My bad
needs some Taiwan decals
Jewish star of david even though you’re not Jewish completes the set.
“West Taiwan! Hahaha! But seriously, we need to be ready for the yellow peril to cross the straight of Taiwan at any moment.”
10/10 would install a military dictatorship in a 3rd world country so i can use them for my next proxy war
If this is real. What are you doing with your life? Do you like to ironically look like someone who watches Rick and Morty?
What are you doing with your life?
Monitoring leftist websites everyday along my Coworkers and reporting any form of discrepancies.
Ok the five eyes one is pretty funny
Yesterday I watched Land of Bad. A character says something like “Who are those guys? CIA? DIA?” I have to admit that I had to pause the movie and google because I really hate jargon and it didn’t immediately click in my head that D stood for Defense.
My three sentence movie review.
I loved the first ~70 minutes. Yes - it was effectively an ad for the US military - but it was still great and totally ridiculous action. After that it got incredibly stupid incredibly fast.
Put a NSFW tag on this. It made me unleash buckets in public 😤😤😤😤
Why were your buckets leashed?
Homie if a child walks up to the gate it’s over, the bucket will get them
add a doge sticker and it will be perfect 👌