I posted a picture of
on reddit with an AK and saying that I’ve landed in Ukraine and ready to fight the ruzzians. I got like 3 DMs from benefactors saying that if I need money for supplies, just hit them up. I should’ve done it but didn’t know how to keep it anonymous lol
lmfao I bet there are a ton of people scamming gullible imbeciles like that
Ask them to buy your dog tag NFTs. Your whole unit is selling them. Poor Vlodomyr the war hero is even making an NFT of his Slava of Bravery award, that one costs triple.
Weren’t a bunch of them Iraq vets who thought this war was going to be another one where they’d sit on a base, eating XBox and playing Burger King while remote bombing people who had no artillery or aircraft
EDIT: I switched “playing” and “eating” but I’m not going to fix it
EDIT 2: Of fucking course lmao
The new Bolivar Battalion, for example, was formed by fighters from Venezuela, Ecuador, Argentina, and Colombia and was is led by a Venezuelan anti-government fighter.
I remember reading an Iraq vet returning from Ukraine and he was shocked that it wasn’t so easy like fighting in Iraq lol
lol yeah, these imbeciles thought they’d get to go on a safari hunting Russians
eating XBox and playing Burger King
I honestly thought you did this on purpose as a joke
I said at the beginning of this war that I was afraid the conflict would be like a Unite the Right but for the whole of europe, an opportunity for fascist elements to rally together, and in this case be armed and trained alongside each other and gain combat experience, and then return to their countries ready to form fascist cells locally
Did it end up that they just mostly died or were maimed or defeated? Guess it depends how many fled
I was also afraid of this, but honestly it probably produced a lot less than you might suspect. A lot of these guys are dead and many of them left after the initial bombing of the Reddit brigade pretty early in the war. The ones that have stuck it out are guys who already had military experience. I’m sure there are guys who really cut their teeth in Ukraine, but it’s probably not as many as one would think imho. Ukraine in a way is probably the death of the over abundance of special operations guys in the west.
It added the one thing that prevented Unite The Right from being good: lots of inbound airstrikes and artillery
The story in my head of the Reddit Legion is a bunch of like 50 dorks got duped after /r/ukraine jumped from 10k to 1mil subscribers and went to volunteer, all got pushed into the same barracks, and then Russia deleted them by tracing phone signals. I have no idea if that has any truth to it at all, but I almost don’t want to be corrected
Russia hitting foreign legion barracks has definitely happened on numerous occasions, and at least a few times even western media reported that it was by tracing cell signals.
The morons even posted pictures of themselves on Reddit.
They posted geotagged videos of them playing orchestra music
I’m pretty sure that exact one got annihilated the next day
Yes, that was it! Thank you. I hope the updoots were worth it for them.
I believe the volunteer forces split into two groups, and they didn’t invite anyone who was a mall ninja to the second group. They didn’t want their lives to be trusted to the kind of people you’re talking about.
Russia denazifying, Ukraine deredditizing
Based ukraine making denazification easier by bringing fascists from all around the world to get whacked.
As always, Phil Ochs called it back in 1968, from “Is There Anybody Here?”
Is there anybody here who thinks that following
The orders takes away the blame
Is there anybody here who wouldn’t
Mind a murder by another name
Thanks for saying this, I was trying to find another one of his great songs a few days ago and couldn’t remember his name
My pleasure, there is not a day goes by that I am not reminded of one of Phil’s songs. It is just so damned bad he is not still around to crank out new ones. But the old ones still work fine too. Kinda sad to see that not much has really changed.
Looking forward to the film where the Bazinga Brigades are made to look super heroic, Mark Wahlberg and Tom Holland are just waiting for their agents to call.
Full Metal Jacket but instead of the drill sergeant getting shot, the whole platoon gets blown up
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that’s cause you’re not a psycho
Remember these people have internalized russophobia to a degree that makes them believe they’re saving western civilization or some grandiose mission like that.
I mean isn’t that how all militaries work, unless they rely on a draft? Even on the Russian side a very large portion of the expeditionary force is contract troops and PMCs (at least before the Wagner kerfuffle), not conscripts .
professional regulars aren’t usually paid very well, its better and more stable than the prospect of un/underemployment, but they have to rely on benefits & patriotic claptrap as well.
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I can imagine other people doing it if you have the skillset, I mean pay can be pretty good but then I’m kind of wondering why go to an actual dangerous War instead of shooting at somali fisherman or just random people in the middle east somewhere
This is why contracting after service is so popular among these kinds of guys. You do the same imperialism like in the military but make way more money.
These are psychos that love war, and are very likely chasing some sort of war high.
After 2 bruising years, many US volunteers are disillusioned or dead.
Like boo fucking hoo, the vast majority of these guys were war criminals who thought this would just be like when they got to gun down Iraqis in the 2000s again, and the rest were wannabe sexpats and war tourists (and the article even says as much). The only ones I feel sympathy for are the dumb redditors who got caught up in all the propaganda about how they were saving democracy or something and volunteered only to get used up as cannon fodder in their first two weeks.
was a big enabler of now dead suckers.
Those stories of the 1st Armored Reddit Brigade fucking posting their locations and then getting ganked are still funny
a roach motel for nazis
awww, did someone think they were an action hero?
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