More assholes that need Adjusting.
More assholes that need Adjusting.
Bank of America on Fire (1970) | Credit: Courtesy KCSB.org
May a million Luigis bloom.
I read it as a “if you are reading this I am already dead” kinda vibe.
I personally don’t give a shit who the messenger is if the truth is delivered.
What rationale do the stenographers of power need other than they are owned and operated by the same parasites who own and operate UHC and the other mass murdering machines including the government?
Well. if Judith Miller’s NYT reported it, it MUST be true.
I saw him at a Timmy;s in Ottawa, talking about an adjustment he just finished in NYC.
Or living FOR a moment, amirite?
Cockroaches sure do hate any light shining on them don’t they?
Anyone who is saddened by a mass murderer getting got is probably a mass murderer themselves.
Have a good support system, make sure someone who is not risking arrest knows where you are and (if kidnapped by the pigs) where you are taken, who can water your plants, feed your critters, etc.
Have your legal team’s contact number written on you with permanent marker somewhere.
Bring a bandana, food, and water.
Stay safe comrade, good luck.
Saddened that it was not the entire “C” suite…
I hope it happens MUCH more frequently than once a year.
'cept he stole people’s lives, not just their money.
Wish they would start referring to the event as “Serial Killer” or “Mass Murderer” executed.
They will just hire more bodyguards. But they better hope they don’t socially murder any of the bodyguards’ loved ones.
I don’t want to shake their hand, I hope they remain an anonymous benefactor of humanity forever.
“I can hire one half of the working class to kill the other half.”
Attributed to Jay Gould, been around since as early as 1893, so not a conspiracy theory in the least.