I’ve noticed a lot of posts asking how we’re going to vote, and people coming in trying to shame people for not voting for Biden, or any candidate in the general election at all.
So I’m curious and, asking in good faith, want to know - what will make you stop voting for Biden?
I will be voting for John Kerry
I’m voting for
I wonder what would happen to the standard lib brain if you told them you weren’t voting for Biden because you intend to write-in Hillary.
“I will not vote for Biden.”
“I’m still with her.”
Even funnier tell them you’re voting for Jill stein and tell them it’s her turn
i’m with her
Draggin my balls on thr ballot call tjat the BALLot
I will be voting for Joe Biden because I’m in Australia and it’s a local city council election and I think it’s pretty funny.
I can excuse genocide, but if he decides to support Medicare for All, that’s where I draw the line
Anyone voting for Biden at this point would vote for Biden no matter what. He could walk into their home, eat their firstborn, and screech BUILD BACK BETTER and they’d fucking clap.
I’m not sure anyone here is voting for Biden, chief
Maybe on lemm.ee or .world you’ll get some answers, but here we do not
blue no matter who
I know. It’s just been feeling like a lot of bad faith people coming in to vote shame and I wanted to know if they had a line for an acceptable president.
I’m voting for pigpoopballs
don’t worry they all came in here to get dunked on anyway
I’m seriously gonna write in @Dirt_Owl@hexbear.net and you should too
If you don’t vote for Hitler then Turbo-Hitler will win.
The existence of a Turbo Hitler means that there is a Turbo Stalin out there
Turbo-stalin’s spoon was too big and he collapsed in to a point singularity with the equivalent of 53,000 solar masses.
Unlike Turbo-Stalin himself, the Spoon did not collapse. Today, the DPRK is investigating if Juche necromancy will allow the Spoon to be used without collapsing the user into a singularity.
The real question I have is, what is the alternative plan? I think I know the answer sadly: there isn’t one.
We like to walk around with our big materialists dicks swinging about but once that theoretical rubber hits the material road its all road rash and no action.
So what’s the plan? Are we all just hyper-individualists or are we collectivists? Could we even unify behind a candidate at all?
Because ill keep it 100 with you: I don’t have a fucking plan, and I think no one else does either and instead of just saying that out loud, we’ll justify whatever we do with some pious notion centered around some moral ideal.
“A vote for Joe is a vote for Genocide”
“A vote for Trump/whoever is a vote for Fascism”
“Given the choice between Hitler and Mussolini, I’ll chose neither”
A bunch of paper mache pillars we build for ourselves to stand on while looking down at everyone else around us.
Call me when theres a plan.
If you want an electoral solution, then withhold your vote on the explicit demand that Biden and the Democrats must bring Israel to heel and end the genocide immediately. If that seems unworkable, then so is this supposed democracy.
What you are correct about, though, is that simply saying “i’m not gonna vote” has always failed to be convincing to anyone but ourselves. That has to be paired with an alternative. The UAW is calling on other unions to negotiate for all their contracts to expire in 2028, in hopes of amassing an actual general strike. There are weapons manufacturers in the US that are not particularly well defended were they to be occupied. We can make the brands of those on the BDS list utterly toxic.
Remember that, for a moment during hte 2020 uprisings, the bourgeoisie blinked. They actually, briefly, were genuinely afraid that they could lose their power, and they had to at least pretend to support the protests. They libs had to grin and bear it as the third prescinct burned with a higher approval raiting than any presidential candidate. There is the capacity to render this entire country ungovernable, and if we focus on preparing for that and making sure the prescincts keep burning and don’t stop, if we can create more unrest than what the cops can manage even with all their ahrdware that can’t actually be everywhere at once. People have to learn to engage in politics outside of the actual existing US government.
Just swinging my big materialist dick around here, but real change isn’t going to happen through electoralism under any circumstances. But if we can pressure the establishment to move on the issue of genocide in whatever way we can, including, but not limited to, withholding our votes and convincing others to do the same, we should. It’s also an excellent moment to highlight the fundamental contradictions of American “democracy” and foreign policy, to agitate and organize.
Being a materialist is about working within the conditions as they actually exist. I’d rather be storming the capital and putting Biden on trial for his crimes, but that’s not happening right now. What is happening is this movement and this conversation.
I would very much like to believe that anyone would take away the right lesson from that, but the “gosh, it seems the young people/Muslims/whomever are just too lazy to vote” articles are already written and cannot go to waste.
Seriously, though, this is the answer to the thread’s question: if there’s more value in a protest vote than a strategic vote in a swing state, that’s what changes my vote. Even if the only value is convincing a generation of political consultants that “supporting genocide is bad optics and a big oof”
Word. All the libs screaming “you have to vote for genocide!” Are doing more harm to the notion of democracy than any fascist coup could. The democrats should be killing their electeds for this, not whining at us to endorse their genocide. The fact that they can’t conceive a course of action other than supporting genocide and bullying everyone else to support genocide too is damning.
I hear you, but almost half of eligable voters do not vote regardless of what is happening. How is our abstinence going to read as signal in that noise?
If we want to make a point I don’t know that pissing into the ocean of non-voters is going to do it.
Respond to surveys, make it clear that it’s your disillusionment with the Democratic Party’s support for genocide that’s making you withhold your vote.
You can spoil your ballot or turn in a blank one. That gets seen as an “undervote” by politicos. Or if there’s an unusual surge for a 3rd party candidate that could help.
Or IDK, stage some protests at Dem Party events. Every county has a local meeting and they’re very easy to crash!
Supporting literally any left third party is superior for the purpose of extracting concessions
I have a plan.
He had my half hearted vote for pulling out of Afghanistan, but the genocide support killed it for me. Then Trump has been recently saying he’s going to purge all communists from the US… If it were coming from anyone else, I’d be alarmed, but he couldn’t command a coherent escape from a wet paper bag. It’s just his new ‘lock her up’. I hope they both die the night before the election.
afghanistan was trump anyway, the doha accord was signed in early 2020 and most of the withdrawal was done between election day and inauguration day
I’ll be writing in Hilary Clinton. She’s the true incumbent and would easily beat trump now that the country knows how terrible he is.
If there was any other option with even the slightest chance of actually happening that was better than Biden
Nothing can stop me from writing in Hunter Biden.