Doesn’t have the lyrical quality to it, but it works if you squint.
They left it open, but I’m certain Captain Seven 's warp phrase is “Comply”.
Im voting for “Borg it!”
If I had to actually write it for the show, I’d probably make hers “Get it done”. It’s Janeway esque with a hint of Picard.
Also a good one. I can hear it.
Thats been sullied by captain jelico though.
You forgot the best one
Captain Freeman: Warp me!
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Hehehe, sorry to offend. I didn’t make the meme, just enjoyed the spirit of it.
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I did not think you were actually offended.
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If I wanted to truly offend you, I’d make a quip about Canada, which is nothing but America’s hat.
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I just watched that exact episode last night!
I decided a while ago that if I was a captain, my warp phrase would be Captain Tenneal’s “Let’s Go!” from MXC.
Just posting this comment to call “dibs!”
Good choice lol
Right you are, Ken.
Data: “Technologic”
“You may fire when ready”
Bop it!
There’s been a couple seasons where it felt like the defiant was the only ship in the Starfleet fleet.
You forgot one.
Captioned her for you as well nice. Hmm, yeah, between Saru’s correction and the panels for Spock and Seven that need to be added, this meme could use an update.
meme it so
“Should we put Captain Lorca’s warp phrase on the image?”
“Nah, fuck that mirror universe asshole. Just add another Pike and call it a day.”
Movie Pike looks like TOS box-pike compared to SNW Pike. Unrelated, I just thought it was funny 🤣
I just want to see a Starfleet captain with a real zeal for ancient seacraft. I can see that spilling over onto the bridge with practical air of fun self-indulgence. Let’s bring back some of those SeaQuest vibes.
- Ensign, make best speed for port.
- Helm, all stop.
- Full reverse! Helm, evasive maneuvers. Bring us 20 degrees below the galactic plane. Weapons, launch countermeasures.
- Engineering, I need silent running, now.
Sisko did build that Bajoran solar sailing ship, which was a nod to seagoing vessels.