…Is this a meme or a cry for help?
Look, the man also directed First Contact (the movie, not the episode) and Those Old Scientists, which are generally well received. I think we can begrudge him one ghost-fuckin’ episode.
Dunno what you’re on about, that’s Captain Sonya Gomez.
Ensign Gomez was indeed not seen again.
(yes, I know this is still inaccurate)
You might want to see a doctor about that. But have fun!
In fairness, Adira does have a weird moment where they seem reticent about switching pronouns. But I’ll defend Disco’s representation because I think it’s just written with a different lens of how to treat queerness. The themes feel more modern, and more willing to explore what queerness is rather than treating it as something to be tolerated.
I’ll never forget my first watchthrough of Season 3 where Stamets refers to Adira as his child. I was floored because I’d mentally joked that Staments shoulda adopted them by now, but here the narrative was coming out and saying it. The writers dove deeper into themes like found family rather than retreading old ground. It’s heavy-handed at times, but it feels like queerness written for queer people.
T’Lyn’s story in Season 5 involves her and another character in an interesting way, and you see T’lyn embrace science and Starfleet more than I think people anticipate.
Until proven otherwise I’ll remain on the Sokel-is-T’Lyn’s-father boat and will assume this to be about him.
It’s pretty impressive since pure capsaicin tops out at 16 million, guess they started putting crazier spice moulecules in. Also makes Boimler’s pain in that episode less of a gag and more of a “how are you legally allowed to have this on your table?”
Kate Mulgrew-Janeway: I don’t have such weaknesses
deleted by creator
Oh, very clever Worf. Eat any good books lately?
minor bit of pedantry, a minute isn’t that silhouette the Kelvin-verse Enterprise?
As far as I’m aware they never explain the rules of Stratagema. I feel pretty comfortable saying it seems like a terrible esport to spectate. You’ve got
Basically, take a minimalist strategy game like Go and an RTS game and stick them together in a way that uses the strengths of neither. That’s Stratagema. Don’t play this game, it’s dumb.
(Minor edit, after thinking this over a little it’s possible the red pieces are neutral objectives. I don’t think that correlates as well with the finger movements, but whatever. That’d just make Stratagema 3d Liquid War with mario kart powerups tacked on)
Star Trek does this thing where formal rank isn’t actually as important as being in the captain’s in-group. Can you name anything important that provisional Lt. JG Ayala did on the USS Voyager? I sure as hell can’t, but it was less important than Harry “eternal ensign” Kim.
As much as the Lower Decks gang would like to think of themselves as unimportant, they’re very much confidants of the Cerritos’ senior staff so it’s illogical, but consistent for Boimler to be at the top of the list for acting captain when stuff’s going down.
Out of universe it’s obviously a narrative/screen time thing, I’d say you’ve just got to accept it and move on.
“Orange, really?”
Man, the years were far kinder to Tom Paris than Locarno. Guess being a Starfleet burnout is a pretty stressful existence.
Rutherford hanging out with Freeman is presumably setup for the finale, giving us three perspectives without compromising the focus on the main gang. He did feel a little tacked on though.
“Should we put Captain Lorca’s warp phrase on the image?”
“Nah, fuck that mirror universe asshole. Just add another Pike and call it a day.”
Dunno why they didn’t bother promoting this episode, it was great. I was initially skeptical that it was just going to be a “Mariner is angsty” episode without much of a payoff, but they finally revealed everything. And they gave Ma’ah screen time doing it!
The confirmation of how the Dominion War scarred Mariner wasn’t much of a surprise, but the tie back to the Lower Decks of old was. What an absolutely crushing reason to lose the optimism in what Starfleet can be. Props to Tawny Newsome for some good voice acting for an emotionally vulnerable moment.
Minor complaint/discontinuity: in this episode Mariner seemed surprised that T’Lyn was present at the fight against the Pakleds and the Klingon BoP in Wej Duj, although I seem to recall T’Lyn explicitly referencing that incident to her in Empathological Fallacies.
Speculation about next week: I’d hazard a guess that Locarno is a thematic version of what Mariner could become if she isn’t careful. He’s a Starfleet ace gone bad, and also Sito’s former friend, so he’s presumably got a lot to sell her on the troublemaker’s life.
God, I typed a lot and didn’t even get to Freeman’s misdirection this episode. It was good, watch it!
I mean if you look at Burnham and Sarek’s relationship in Discovery he did a pretty dang good job beating the human emotion out of her.
Sure, this kinda fucked her up emotionally in a way the series tragically didn’t look into nearly enough after season 1, but you can’t say that his methods never worked.