please read. Be better. Read and think first. Comment later.
Can this possibly be more condescending? Especially coming from someone who clearly has barely read about the thing they’re pontificating about. Jesus.
OP in that thread has some real bangers in their comment history like “not going into debt is Marxist activism”
On the subject of Marxism, if people stopped getting into debt a lot less money would be flowing to the top. Banks would have fewer profits and their power would shrink. Therefore abstaining from debt could even be considered a kind of activism. The best kind of activism really, because it actually makes you wealthier.
Also they just straight up defend being a landlord insisting it’s a ton of work lmao.
the only way I’m arguing with this person is using a crowbar
Have you considered not going into debt?
Also they just straight up defend being a landlord
really buried the lede there
This is why we can’t have nice things. Like this is just an insult to the entirety of Marx’s work.
Back on Reddit I had an esoteric fascist argue to me that capitalism was something invented by Marxists and doesn’t really exist, so I guess it could be worse.
no one ever seems to stop and think, “I don’t actually know that much about socialism, or socialist countries, or socialist history.”
Look, just because the most influential philosopher of the last thousand years spent his life explaining it and libraries of books have been written about his work with still more books written about those books, doesn’t mean that they can be expected to know what it means. They need you to explain it and respond to all their dumbass questions
I remember thinking exactly that shortly after the 2016 election. Now I’m here
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Yet another meme became straight up reality with them, “socialism is when capitalism”.
Bad month for Onion.
If by “socialism” you mean [Not Socialism], then no. If by “socialism” you mean [Also Not Socialism], then yes.
This is why is scared of hexbear. Its users might learn one or two things about socialism.
Aww. The baby brain liberals are struggling again.
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This is my thought too. I don’t speak or read the language of any socialist country - but even if I did I wouldn’t want to abandon my comrades in America. My org could be a lot better but we’ve done a lot of good things and I want to do more of them.
God that fuckin thread. Someone in there really straight-up pulled a “I honestly think the world is split into the greater and the lesser; and the latter exists to serve the former” and had the unmitigated settler gall to take offense when people compared him to a nazi/eugenicist.
me normally:
Is OP stupid or living under a rock? We already have socialism in America. Joe Biden is a card carrying CCP member. Obama is the most influential Marxist after Lenin and Marx himself.
California and New York are the staunchest communist states we have.
The Democratic Party has always been socialist, and the GOP is loyal to Putin.
The US is the only successful socialist country. Period.
Yeah, that’s like not true at all.
I mean my question honestly. Would you profit from tone indicators telling if something is a joke?
Hexbear has a left unity approach meaning that RyanGosling’s comment is a joke built on re-hashing bad takes from propagandized USA citizens.
I’m pretty sure I read it on Wikipedia. What’s your counter source?
bet this guy doesn’t even listen to Joe Rogan
Oh yeah? Name one incorrect statement there. I’ll wait. (Edit: besides the statement implying Marxist-Leninism is more influential than Marxist-Bidenism)
perhaps not an earnest statement
It’s not good, folks.
that’s a great emoji
I don’t think I can take much more of this. Everything is getting so watered down, even though there are fucking definitions and volumes of books written on everything.
Fucking EVERYTHING is up for grabs, words have no meaning, and you can twist literally anything to fit your agenda, and a bunch of braying jackasses will eat it up with a gigantic spoon.
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A sh.itsfullof.nazis poster pulled this exact shit on me lol
being extremely obnoxious about linguistics (wikipedia pages and arguing over descriptive vs prescriptive only) was one of the defining characteristics of early reddit comment sections. That shit still sets off my alarm bells lol
Nietzsche gets a lot of flack for his obnoxious followers but Wittgenstein has his own lot
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This is a natural result of treating scientific terms such as “socialism” and “communism” as regular phrases
I once had to explain to a fucking doctor what’s the difference between colloquial and philosophical meanings of the word “materialism”.
it’s so weird to me how these types of people have absolutely no idea what they’re talking about yet still do it all the fucking time. Why don’t they just go talk about video games or whatever else it is they like to do?
Dunning-kruger effect. The most ignorant like being very vocal, most do really just go and talk about video games.
The synthesis is that there are those who unironically think video games are political theory. I’ve had someone (IRL but talks about reddit all the time) explain to me how Bioshock proves that far left and far right are equally bad. What the fuck is up with libs and fiction? They just take it all at face value and do zero critical analysis.
Bioshock proves that far left and far right are equally bad
The series does claim this, repeatedly. Andrew Ryan is a libertarian dumbfuck and evil. Fontaine is a fascist and evil. The unions are gullible rubes that Fontaine uses to gain power for himself. Bioshock 2’s villain is, IIRC, supposed to be communist. Bioshock Infinite shows an apartheid state to be evil, but then shows that the revolution that overthrows this apartheid is actually worse.
Because they think they’re smart
Smart people discuss politics
And of course, smart people always start political discussions with links to Wikipedia
I fully, 100% expect their takes on video games to be incredibly shit as well.
Those are usually either the obnoxious quartering fans and/or obsessive minmaxer mechanoids which actively ruin games by spamming devs non stop 24/7 with their shit ideas untill devs cave in.