Love calling someone a Luddite while he made a video with a phone to post it on social media, very Luddite indeed
The fuck is a luddite
Fleshlights for women.
Ukrainian flag?
Ukrainian flag
Imagine my surprise lol
Universal symbol for “you’re about to hear a shit take.”
There’s a bunch of people like that on Reddit who are convinced AI is taking over every industry and people trying to push back against AI techbros taking advantage are luddites afraid of change. Pretty sure those office workers will be the first to lose their jobs.
They are luddites in the sense that the Luddites were cool as fuck
I kept using the term luddite for so long until I read about the actual luddites; it’s crazy how relatable they are and yet they’ve been smeared so thoroughly.
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That was kinda fun. I know just enough computer science to ask the questions that really annoy “AI”
:hasan-smash: damn it
TL;DR We shouldn’t destroy the machines, we should seize them from the ruling class.
Sure, but our respect for Luddites is for who they are in their context. In the same way that the Jacobins are not how we should be, but they developed much of our theories for us and experimented in ways that gave us a better understanding
Yeah that’s fair.
And in this case the writers didn’t ban AI, they put rules in their contract to prevent their jobs from being replaced by plagiarism machines.
which is smart and good and not ludditism. honestly I’m not even sure ludditism would be possible for them, unless they suddenly started blowing up random AWS server closets until they got the ones that happen to be generating screenplays
But if we can’t seize them then we should destroy them
yes, and I would further add that some amount of destruction of means of production is inevitable in the process of waging class war, but it should not be the primary aim of class war
not against the material instruments of production, but against the mode in which they are used.
That is what the writer’s strike is doing
I was not accusing the writer’s strike of doing otherwise. My comment was in response to the tweet in the screenshot which claimed socialists are luddites. The writer’s strike was not luddite. Socialists are not luddites.
the blue checks are all so mad because they would die to simply be hooked up to an AI powered slop hose that gives them a batman movie every day no matter its quality
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But does it give you the cancelled Catwoman?
Is there anywhere to find that or is it lost forever?
Ludd is infact, the only king I recognise o7
Critical support for Adam’s stupid fucking face, I guess.
That is a literal child. Like, it says 16 in their bio.
Children should not be allowed to use the internet.
Synthesis: Children should be able to use a little bit of internet, as a treat.
*little a
it says their location is “16 | Milan”
I dont think that’s an age? unless people are putting their age next to their location and im just unaware.
Now the bio DOES say “Pink Capitalist” which fucking lol
I dont think that’s an age? unless people are putting their age next to their location and im just unaware.
pretty common - it’s two components of “asl” which most
MSN-using millennials should recognise
(age, sex, location)
yea, i remember that, can’t say i’ve seen “a/s/l” used much since AIM stop being used. Also adding it to the location is pointless since you can show your birthyear on twitter, maybe just pick a different month day to avoid getting doxxed
If you’re old enough to drive a tractor and ride a moped on public roads, you’re old enough to get mildly dunked on by an obscure internet forum you’ll never even hear of.
Sorry, I don’t make the rules.
If you publish a public take on unions, you should be praised or bullied as an adult
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How’s that post go again
If I have to get exposed to the political opinions of a 14 year old again, I'm going to scream?
I remember when we first set up shop here and I realized there were actual teenagers amogus. I threw up in my mouth a little with the idea of talking to someone half my age without realizing it.
Good news is it’s 3 years later and they’ve all likely grown into full people at this point.
Good news is it’s 3 years later and
they’re not mathematically half my age anymore
It’s the math that counts
It’s been really fun going from high school to drinking age on this site
“You shouldn’t be allowed to moderate a website unless you can legally buy your own alcohol and down your sorrows in it”
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I do not remember believing anything particularly strongly when I was 14 o_O
I was an anti-religious dweeb due to conflating all religion with the fucked up evangelical churches my mom would drag me to and I had a copy of The Stranger that I would take every with me and try to be seen reading.
Like if I met an identical 14 year old I wouldn’t think he was doomed to suck forever but I definitely wouldn’t want to hear his thoughts.
the sad thing is that 14 year old was and is doing better than 90% of US voters
I remembered some good sentiments, but with no correct way to enforce being supplied, and some stupid fascist programming I hadn’t seen as such yet. Most of my takes were abysmal at that age, but I was at least highly feminist and had a strong but flawed anti-racism stance.
literally not luddite, the union contract permits writers to use AIs when it benefits themselves
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Luddites were good actually
luddites are reactionary according to marx
but what is happening here with the unions is seizing AI tech for the benefit of workers, not the corporations. the contract explicitly allows writers to use it as they wish, but cannot be pressured by corporations to use it to meet quotas. it is explicitly not luddite, and is in fact what marx suggests to do with emerging technologies. i fully expect writers to use ai to make their jobs easier going forward and to have something to bounce ideas on without having their jobs endangered.
I don’t think this is a fair assessment. from the quote Tachanka posted, Marx is just saying Luddism is bad tactics. Is there other info to say that Luddism is reactionary, or am I misunderstanding what you mean by reactionary?
Being a Luddite is my whole schtick, please tell me I can keep posting pictures of hammers (I have a lot of hammers)
TL;DR We shouldn’t destroy the machines, we should seize them from the ruling class.
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Yeah, but they teach us he was bad without explaining why he did what he did aside from a vague “He hated machines”
I was led to believe the luddites were like the Amish and they had like, a religious opposition to technology.
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No, it was a targetted movement where they believed the technological advances were replacing good jobs with little benefit to the community. I don’t know the details but I believe they accepted new technologies when it was displacing dangerous labour. I imagine it’s not dissimilar to discussions we’re having right now about more or less the same issues!
Yep, and they didn’t destroy machines belonging to owners who weren’t dicks. It was against using new tech to immiserate artisans, not against the new tech itself. It may have been bad tactics, but the motivations were good.
Apparently they just didn’t want their labor replaced with machines so they’d be out of the job, but the propaganda (“tHeY jUsT oPpOsE pRoGrEsS”) is the story that survived within the imperial core.
So there is actually a strong analogue here with actors and writers not wanting to be replaced with LLM chatbot or image-generative AIs. Adam actually is a Luddite, in a sense, and it seems weird to me that some cringelib is clamoring for something that will replace them as well, they just don’t know it yet.
He really does have a stupid fucking face tho.
The piccrew natoids (🌐🇺🇦🇺🇲🏳️🌈🇪🇺🇹🇼) who want to sacrifice humanity on the sacred altar of capital are simply demons and must be destroyed with unrelenting force