They’re wedged against the turtle shell.
They’re wedged against the turtle shell.
Next you’ll tell us you’ve been to the moon. Get out of here John Glenn.
This meme in reality: the middle dude twice.
Damn, I forgot. It would be kinda fitting to do cgi though, it would be the most real part of this whole saga.
Gilbert Godfrey
I know this is the DIY sub, but I would get a few estimates to have the floors redone wholesale. Trying to piecemeal it will almost certainly look worse than leaving it alone. You can rent a floor sander and DIY, but they’re tricky to run with no experience so you’re likely to leave the floor wavy. It’s also fairly expensive. Pros will be in and out in three days. If you do decide to DIY, the finish is applied with a lambswool applicator. https://blog.cityfloorsupply.com/how-to-use-a-lambswool-applicator-to-apply-floor-finish/
If the stains are more than superficial, the options are going to be staining the floors darker yet or removal and replacement of the affected boards. Both of those will require refinishing and the latter is for sure a job for someone with experience. I agree with vodulas, that looks like water or pet damage that has already had an attempt at fixing it. Good luck, those are really pretty floors otherwise.
Can someone tell that loon US is not apartheid South Africa?
Man thwarts god’s will, turns crazy Trumper. Coincidence, I think not.
Lying liar lies, news at 11. What a dumpster fire of a person. “Don’t you know who I am?” Trust me Lauren, we know, we all know.
Perhaps not every article off the techcrunch page is newsworthy.
'scuse me while I kiss this guy
They need to take a page out of the NSA playbook and spy with dignity and respect.
“I’m not gay, but I think the guy I’m fucking might be!”
Eric is probably getting left behind “Home Alone” style.
If bail is supposed to be a disincentive to flee, what effect is $200k supposed to have on a “billionaire”? A pauper would get that high a bond in this case, and no pauper has access to a private jet.
“DePerno is facing criminal charges for an alleged attempt to illegally access and tamper with voting machines.”
I think you may have cut too deep here bot.
Anyone surprised to hear another instance of Saudis being bloodthirsty animals?
Clickbait title for affiliate advertising.
Thank you Jeopardy, this went on much too long. Hopefully they’ll boot her from the Alexa version also. Her episodes felt absolutely clunky.