To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Ron DeSantis. His politics are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of classical fascism most of the nuance will fly over the public’s heads.
Ron put all his points into governing while Don put all his points into campaigning. I guess they min maxed wrong
even if I liked either of these freaks I’d have to say that’s such a fantastic and logical way to run a country
Why is everyone in his orbit such a loser?
How can you become governor and still be so incompetent?
Like, in the recent chapo episode where he half assed shitted on the large bald son for abolishing dresscode at the senate: he could have mocked and attacked relentlessly the large bald son, but he came off as actually worried about the dress code, like as if it had real importance to him. Utterly ridiculous and pathetic
Didn’t his opponent get ratfucked out of the election? or am I thinking of someone else
Florida democrats are just that bad.
My father had a dress code for me, which he wrote down ahead of time each week onto my large planner calendar. I can’t go on, I’m tearing up. I like beer.
Good lord the second gif
He’s not beating the lizard person allegations when he unhinges his jaw like that.
i almost peed a little i laughed so hard at this
we need an emote of that :ron-sociopath-laugh:
:ron-consume: He is creating his very own Mr Beast thumbnail.
that’s jerry seinfeld you can’t convince me otherwise
hate too be to cerebral
DeSantis = GOP Elizabeth Warren confirmed.
Can’t wait to see the desantis campaign tattoos
but it’ll literally be blood and soil
the indigenous caricature really gives this picture that extra something
it’s sugar man
Cerebral, but the cerebrum is a perfect sphere.
brain so smooth it’s in a physics textbook
deleted by creator
An illithid locked in a room with Ron DeSantis would starve to death within hours.
DeSantis is to cerebral as Biden is to youthful
Uh yeah, you might need a little background lore to understand what’s going on in this campaign video. You see this Sonnenrad is based (lol) on ancient symbols with a certain esoteric twist