bonus points if you get banned for sharing it

i’ll start: most “vote blue no matter who” liberals are actually good people (not including terminally online liberals as anyone who is terminally online is a bad person)

  • billy2bills [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    Knowing the name of every soviet tank / plane / radar dish / whatever is way more fucking cringe and nerdy than being an anime fan or whatever. You should not be telling anyone to touch grass.

  • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
    1 year ago

    A lot of the time when anyone on here talks about anything related to Europe, it’s obvious that most people on here are American with not that much understanding of European politics. I get everyone here wants to be eu-cool, but I’d rather see their views based on facts, otherwise you sound like the chuds who think Sweden is becoming a muslim country or whatever.

    Using Russian natural gas is bad, actually. Being dependent on Russia for energy isn’t ”energy independence”, but this site seems to think so, unlike being dependent on the US, which is bad and being a vassal state. The only difference here is that Russian gas is cheaper, but shouldn’t we encourage not doing the destructive capitalist thing and relying on cheap fossil fuels?

    Hexbear is too lenient on Russia in general. I saw someone once say they had no idea Russia had reactionary anti-LGBT laws, which was pretty bad, that’s been pretty general knowledge for years at this point, maybe educate yourselves a little before you go ”Putin based antifascist destroying NATO equipment!”.

    • ilyenkov [she/her, they/them]
      1 year ago

      I think it’s possible to recognize that Russian domestic governance is really bad, but also recognize their progressive role internationally, and fully support their defeating NATO.

    • sysgen [none/use name,they/them]
      1 year ago

      If your goal is independence, two sources are always better than one.

      Reducing fossil fuel use by increasing costs and funneling profits to America is a neoliberal approach to climate change and doesn’t work. All it’s going to do is make people poorer and move production of petrochemical-derived and energy-intensice products elsewhere. This is because the market is not able to make a sustainable change away from fossil fuels, especially not for a temporary wars, as these investments have to be amortized over decades. If you want to actually reduce fossil fuel use for heating and electrcity, you need governmental investment into nuclear and renewable energy and programs to install heat pumps. Becoming dependent on American gas is not actually going to help, and neither will changes in prices because it’s a non-market solution.

      Unless of course you think America is inherently more ethical than Russia and should be preferred - I’ll let you make that argument.

      • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
        1 year ago

        Reducing fossil fuel use by increasing costs and funneling profits to America is a neoliberal approach to climate change and doesn’t work

        Yes, but I don’t know why you’d think I was advocating for that.

        Becoming dependent on American gas is not actually going to help

        It doesn’t, but I wasn’t saying that either. I was saying that both Russian and American gas dependency are bad - Hexbear only seems to think the latter is bad.

        Unless of course you think America is inherently more ethical than Russia and should be preferred

        michael-laughbugs-no Among the many crimes of the US is being a major reason for still relying on fossil fuels in the first place.

  • Grownbravy [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Some time in the late 00’s emo and hardcore music became less about being introspective and wondering one’s place in the world and more about being a whiney college freshman who cant figure out why the cute girl at the party wont talk to them set to twinkly guitars and it fucking sucks, I’m not sorry. It became the pop-punk equivalent to complaining about your home town except it’s about being in an out of state college. And they’re barely close to notice their suburban upbringing actually shaped their alienation they’ve been feeling, but instead never turn the lens on themselves and barely last as a band to make the proper “whoa, I’m really fucked up arent I?” release that signifies they’ve started thinking like an adult.

  • SunriseParabellum [he/him]
    1 year ago

    People are being a bit more ballsy in the comments than I thought so I’ll dare to post a spicier take (cw: sectarianism):


    Anarchism is a majorly flawed ideology that’s really not comparable with Marxism at all. And while anarchists do a lot of good local activism they tend to have really bad analysis of history, geopolitics, and foreign policy. Particularly on foreign policy, I’ve seen anarchists I had a pretty high opinion of suddenly turn into Henry Kissinger whenever foreign affairs came up. And not it’s not just “fake internet anarchists”, the ones very real and active irl do this too.

    It’s not actually surprising that MLs and anarchists don’t get along unless there’s strictly enforced rules requiring they be nice to each other.

  • impartial_fanboy [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I got a couple.

    1. Socialists/Communists would be much better off studying modern sciences/engineering than reading political theory.
    2. No one has a solution for how to deal with nukes (particularly ballistic/hypersonic missiles) in a revolutionary situation. Shouldn’t have to point out why that’s a problem.
    3. Ignoring the military or demonizing those who are/were in it (despite obviously being morally correct) is recipe for suicide.
    4. Any party that is organized around any of the various Bolshevik party forms in the year 2023 is just larping. Especially if they keep the faction ban.
  • ghosts [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Content warnings for foods that may contain animal products is silly, and it was pushed for by the same people who sent me DMs of Dominion with no CW.

    (CW: Food)





    Also, I have never been able to ask a genuine (albeit highly theoretical) question about veganism without having my comment removed. i.e. Is owning a cat non-vegan as they are obligate carnivores? How should we regulate the populations of wild carnivorous animals if eating meat is truely wrong? Are we intending to allow domesticated cows and chickens etc. (which no longer have a natural environment) to go extinct to end the cruelty of their genetic domestication?

    • somename [she/her]
      1 year ago

      The entire period of the VCJ onboarding, as well as the response and direction by the admins was kind of a clusterfuck. Worst time on the site for me.

      Edit: To expand on this for those who weren’t there at the time, the Vegan Circlejerk subreddit was risking a ban from reddit, and got a lifeboat offer to Hexbear. This subreddit wasn’t really a socialist subreddit, and the influx brought a ton of wreckers with it.

      You had people arguing that there were no vegan capitalists, that socialist revolutionaries weren’t real socialists because they weren’t vegan. In the same breath that they’d argue pictures of cheese pizzas gave them panic attacks, they’d argue that if animal liberation wasn’t the sole, primary focus of your movement, you were basically

      CW SA related language

      supporting child rape due to animal breeding, as animal lives and human lives were exactly the same. All kinds of awful arguments like this.

      And it’s not like animal liberation isn’t important, that ending the industrial agriculture system we have developed isn’t critical. You could feel the amount of bad faith radiating from some of these posts though. And like, yeah, wreckers come, wreckers get banned, but this kept going without real response or meaningful bans for like forever. It just kept dragging on and on, and it was awful.

    • Jerbil [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      We just had a tiny discussion about this, but it’s been talked about a lot in vegan circles. There’s a Colorado vegans group that is very large on Facebook and their rule is to not talk about what you feed your cat and don’t ask anyone about it either.

      Wild animal suffering is something people tend not to touch either because it’s very complicated and underexplored. It’s also less of a focus than on what we’re currently doing to them, since that’s such a pressing issue.

  • Cummunism [they/them, he/him]
    1 year ago

    threads where people post their edgiest takes shouldnt be allowed.

    also ITT: confirmation bias out the ass. Everyone just remembering what made them mad most recently.

    so many people in this thread are taking HexBear wayyyyy to seriously. Feels like a bunch of people are complaining about seeing a stupid post once so now it’s applies to every user here. We aren’t vetting users, we don’t know each other, simmer down now.

    Is everyone here aware HexBear isn’t one person? Seems like that part isnt really processing for many.

    edit: bless the mod who removed this stupid as fuck thread made by a 2 day old account.

  • ComradeEchidna [fae/faer]
    1 year ago

    I think guns and who controls them and how is a complicated matter to be determined on material conditions, that supersede a liberal gun-control approach or a more libertarian guns for all. I think that many US leftists come from the later group, and instead of doing any critical analysis simply swap “shall not infringe” for “under no pretext”.

    And I do believe that communists and various oppressed minorities should own guns if they can in the USA. It’s just wild when you will see someone (and this is more a twitter thing than here) say Cuba is authoritarian because they don’t let just anyone have rifles in their homes.

  • Apolonio [he/him]
    1 year ago

    I’m not vegan. The arguments about reduced environmental impact are something I can get behind of, but I’m specist and really dont value animal suffering the same as human suffering.

    • Jerbil [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      Most vegans don’t value animals over humans either. If they had to choose which one to save from the train tracks, it’s barely a question. There’s not a ton of situations where stopping animal suffering leads to greater human suffering is all.

      • Apolonio [he/him]
        1 year ago

        I guess they wouldn’t but from my understanding the point was to not consider human lives as fundamentally more important, was it not? Hence the term specist.

        But yeah, maybe my view is ill imformed.

        • Jerbil [none/use name]
          1 year ago

          There’s always going to be some level of preferring to help your own species over others. It’s more about dismantling the idea that humans are superior and therefore should be able to do whatever they want. “Dominion over the Earth” stuff. It’s more extending moral considerations to animals that you already do to humans. That they deserve food, shelter, happiness, and to not be exploited (specifically by us). If there were aliens or something who treated us like we do animals because they considered themselves supreme intelligent beings, we’d have a greater capacity to understand what’s happening, but it’d still be pretty close to the hellish condition we subject animals to right now and we definitely wouldn’t be okay with it.

  • GucciMane [none/use name]
    1 year ago

    The more involved I am in IRL organizing, the less interested I am in this site and the more I find it downright cringe…the things you guys talk about, even a lot of the topics brought up in this thread, don’t matter at all outside of this site.

    Edit to bring it closer to the top of my post: I’ve been here since the start.

    I used to browse r/FULLCOMMUNISM years ago as a teenager who was new to and interested in communism, until I politically outgrew it. Kinda starting to feel the same way about this place, that like my politics have changed enough to outgrow y’all. Btw I’ve been here since the site was started.

    Also, Maoism (and I’m not talking about gonzaloism, weird cult stuff, or 3rd worldism) would solve 99% of the problems of the western left. That’s probably the bigger unpopular opinion no hexberian would want to hear lmao. The Maoist anti-CCP movements in the Philippines and India make any movement here look complete child’s play. In fact they make western movements in general look like child’s play…the Black Panthers (who I idolize btw lol), the closest we’ve ever had to a “vanguard” (supposedly? even though the BPP was more of a broad unity group, rather than the most advanced sections of the working class that a vanguard is supposed to be…anyway), took 2 decades of fascism and the assassination of Fred Hampton, and were vanquished. Meanwhile, 3rd world movements, which any hexbearian would roll their eyes over, probs because they’ve been going on for so long, have endured decades of CIA-backed forced disappearences, imprisonment, torture, surveillance, and killings of 10s of thousands of their comrades (how many Indian and Filipino “Fred Hamptons” do you think have been killed in the protracted people’s wars so far?) and yet they’ve only continued growing. Without selling out like the Communist Party of China has. This is the kind of politically mature, advanced, anti-revisionist movement, nothing less than the movement to establish a revolutionary dictatorship of the proletariat, that I want to build in this country, which is probably a different vision from some DSA settlers who stan china because it’s done social democratic stuff for its people lmao. Now I’m not mad at americans or the movement here, and I totally understand why it’s so impotent, but kind of going back to my first statement my experiences on the streets are really different from the concerns and topics prioritized here, because I meet a lot of people who agree with me. They’re not interested in caping for Shenzhen sweatshops, they’re interested in building socialism.

    • HamManBad [he/him]
      1 year ago

      I don’t know, I always assumed people here were fully supportive of Filipino and Indian communists, have you found that not to be the case? I think part of the reason they’re not brought up more is because there’s not a lot of information about them in the West, not even anticommunist propaganda. They simply don’t exist, like Laos

    • GucciMane [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      Also I’d like to add, I totally believe revolution is possible in the 1st world, at least in america since that’s what I’m familiar with, and I’m not a 3rd worldist. I just think the revolution here will take multiple stages.

  • Pit bulls/bully breeds and other large dogs with breeding for blood sports are actually dangerous dogs and you can literally choose any other breed to own.

    Shouting “that’s racist” doesn’t track when these dogs continue to have overwhelming reported incidents of dog attacks/severity of attack outside of the US where ownership doesn’t align with ethnicity.

    • Frogmanfromlake [none/use name]
      1 year ago

      wtf people say it’s racist to hate pitbulls? They’re a menace in my country and people despise them. Their owners are stupid as shit and only keep them around to look tough, always letting them walk around without a leash and getting angry when you hit them after they bite.

    • Cummunism [they/them, he/him]
      1 year ago

      the worst part is how many are always up for adoption. few people still actually want a pitbull but there are so fuckin many. Locally an animal shelter had someone foster a pitbull and it murdered a cat.

  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    1 year ago

    I think Dark Souls and the other Soulslike games are very overrated. Not bad games, but not god-like as some people hold them to be. Not to mention the fandom around them is toxic and barely understands what the games were about in the first place and solely enjoy them for the online griefing portion.